I love Pamela Geller. I have known and loved her for years. She is a great American! If only everyone who has the honor of calling himself American could grow courage like hers we would be un-terrorizable as a nation. Pamela gets that we are at war and stands as an example for those of us who have lost our way.The lines are being drawn — and the dividing line is free speech. This is where the battle will be fought and won.
The vicious attacks on my work and me in defense of freedom is now standard fare in the mainstream media. With the exception of a handful of clear and rational American thinkers (ie Eugene Volokh, Dennis Prager, et al) the elites continue to viciously enforce the blasphemy laws under the sharia. Do no insult Islam. Do not mock Muhammad even going so far as to call him the “Prophet Muhammad” in every news story even though they are not Muslim. I have yet to hear them call Jesus Christ, “Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. Referring to Jesus in this way amounts to the same thing as calling Muhammad “the Prophet Muhammad”. But they don’t. Only Mo gets their deference and submission.
Why I love ‘hate speech’ By Mallory Millett, American Thinker, May 24, 2015
I love Pamela Geller. I have known and loved her for years. She is a great American! If only everyone who has the honor of calling himself American could grow courage like hers we would be un-terrorizable as a nation. Pamela gets that we are at war and stands as an example for those of us who have lost our way.
Many of you under fifty have been educated by the whackerino indoctrinators crowding reality out of our High Schools and Universities. These liars and fantasists are so busy obliterating, truncating or revising history (when they’re not entirely ignoring it), that our true history has drifted out the window like so much smoke wafting in the wind. As a consequence there are few Americans left to say, “Hey, whoa, that’s not the way it goes…that’s not the way it is”; especially when it comes to our Constitution.
The First Amendment is in the Constitution because not one scintilla of it could be taken for granted; it’s an anomaly which needed to be boldly, emphatically, unequivocally stated due to it’s being nonexistent in all of the places from which we ran to reach sanctuary on this continent. There seems to be some grand misunderstanding that human rights or free speech has ever existed anywhere else.
But, the thing is…it didn’t!
Forget about Greece. I’m talking post-ancient.
The first time such rights came to be was the English Magna Carta, which mildly inspired such thinking. (Remember, many in 16th Century England lost their heads over “thought crimes.”) It was America which took rights from that document and others and greatly elaborated on them. For this reason, the First Amendment needed to be drawn out most carefully so as not to be misconstrued.
The entire point is that we have freedom of thought which flowers into freedom of speech. Otherwise, if my speech can be curbed then so may my thought be curbed and then, of necessity, we will have “thought police.” America is where one comes to escape “thought police” who, to this day, predominate in the world.
Millions have died over this exact amendment. And here’s the kicker: the whole point is to cover detestable speech, the most hateful speech. There would be no reason for its formation, were it just to cover acceptable speech. It had to be put in there first and laid out meticulously as all the other freedoms are dependent upon it.
Jonah Goldberg says, “She (Pamela) is contending that in America people are allowed to say offensive things (i..e. hate speech) without risking execution. I am at a loss as to why anyone would disagree with that”.
I wholeheartedly stand behind that along with Judith Miller and Alan Dershowitz. As Jeanine Piro says, “The First Amendment is “an ABSOLUTE”. This is contrary to Leftists, who would re conform our culture of liberty to please the tastes of savage, knife-wielding hordes. According to a report, one-half of Democrats and one-third of Republicans want to ban “hate-speech”. Whaaaa? Let’s just get rid of our sacred free thought amendment?
Has everyone forgotten Nazis are allowed to march in Skokie? The KKK has the right of assembly and, by the way, Broadway just hauled in millions and many awards ridiculing, mocking and mercilessly pillorying The Book of Mormon. If we harbored constraints against such stuff Don Rickles would have been separated from his head before we knew of him (wouldn’t you love to hear his riff on this?)
What is this new idea being put out by that wrecking-ball throng of teachers that anything is all right except hate speech! Hate speech is the most protected speech. We’re at liberty to spew hate-speech at anyone or anything.
Except the Muslims? …because they are threatening to murder us because we object to their murdering us? You are kidding me! We are free to object to whatever we wish and to hate whomever we wish. Because some primitives are holding a knife to our throats we should just throw it in and say, “Aw, shucks, guys, we never really meant free-free?
The smartest thing to get rid of these clowns and their love of menace would be regularly to hold a “Mohammad cartoon contest” in every town in the USA with every newspaper and outlet publishing them. They will either go away and show themselves so we can dispatch them; or develop an ability to laugh at themselves and their shibboleths like every other person living in this motley nation. We’ve had the foul-mouthed “Book of Mormon”, the infamous piss-Christ, the Polish jokes, the Irishmen jokes, the Jewish and Catholic jokes. It’s an all-inclusive culture. Everyone and everything is fair game in America.
We should become a nation of Pamela Gellers. “Je sius Pamela Geller” needs to be our battle cry just as “Je suis Charlie Hebdo” came out of Paris in the same fashion as the Danes in WWII, who, to the one, put on The Star of David to stymie the Nazis. Oops! I forgot history’s been erased from our mind-screens. Look it up. Denmark, WWII, Star of David. Google it, millennials.
Pamela sussed these beasts out of the woodwork. They were here and planning horrific violence. Let us drag the “lone wolves” and “terror-cells” who have come to invade and butcher us out into the open so we can weed them from our garden.
They came to kill and got killed. Perfect!
Pamela saved each life of those they would have massacred in whichever mall, theatre, school, hospital, church or gathering they had in their sights. These men were planning a big hit like the ones in Australia or Paris; the bazaars, mosques and schools where they’ve wreaked havoc on their fellow Muslims. Never forget: they are murdering Muslims by the hundreds of thousands. But Pamela brilliantly provoked them and voila! they showed themselves. She deserves a medal.
That’s well-executed warfare.
Where are the men? Where are the Christians? Where are the Jews? Where are the sane non-homicidal Muslims about whom we hear? The war is upon us now and we have no choice but to win. Who, in this nation, is ready to face losing to these cutthroats? They are already secreted among us. Daily, hourly, we are being infiltrated…Ann Arbor, Florida, Minnesota, Idaho, the more innocent the place the better for entrenchment.
To win we must become inventive and clever like Pamela.
We need to stand shoulder to shoulder with her just as the Obamaless heads of state marched shoulder to shoulder through Paris. And anyway, this has nothing to do with speech. These radicals are here for the express purpose of murdering every one of us at random regardless of who we are, what we have done or what we say!What has happened to Americans? You listened to the liberals for forty years and now you have Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and the radical jihadists. Oh, yeah, you liberals, you “free thinkers” who never saw provocative art you didn’t worship…you now have the gall to denounce Pamela? Yeah, we want you governing us as we face marauders…we want to stand shoulder to shoulder through the Revolutionary, Civil, and WWs I & II with such as you?
An Imam, in defending the fatwa on Pamela, had the gall to say, “You have to know that when you say such things there will be consequences!” Pamela exploded, “Not in America, sir! There are no punishing consequences for speech here.” She was forced to talk over his incessant shrieking to be heard. “I am an American, sir, and, in America, you don’t threaten my life over something I say.” The Imam was covering her words because the very idea of such freedom makes him hysterical. He can’t stop chattering as it’s unbearably threatening to him. Terrorists are terrified people.
There is only one thing we tolerant Americans absolutely will not tolerate and that is the startling intolerance of these religious radicals. We are in the throes of a great war, perhaps one of the last great wars on Earth and we must win it at all costs…but never at the cost of our consciences, standards or souls.
We, every man and woman, must be ready to rise to the occasion, well-armed, to defend our dear land. We got relaxed; brain-washed by fools in our Universities and Media which opened up voluminous vacuums and, of course, the rapacious invaders have arrived. It’s a simple law of physics: “Nature abhors a vacuum.” Nothing new! Millennia old! Are we really so ignorant as to insist on turning a blind eye to this monstrous assault? We owe it to everyone who’s given life or limb in preserving this exact same liberty to close ranks against our predators.
The other day a Japanese statesman was quoted as saying that the thing the Japanese most feared about America throughout WWII was that so many individuals were armed. They said they believed they could never conquer a country where every citizen was armed and ready. Nuff said!
Mallory Millett resides in New York City with her husband of over twenty years. She has lived, studied and traveled extensively throughout the Third World. CFO for several corporations, she is a long-standing member of The David Horowitz Freedom Center and sits on the Board of Regents for the Center for Security Policy.
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