Friday, April 22, 2016

Qatari Educational Software on Islamic Conquests in Europe

Qatari Educational Software on Islamic Conquests in Europe

Qatari Educational Software on Islamic Conquests in Europe

Definition: Islamic racial doctrine
Written By: Offer Binshtok
Islamic race, the women and all the rest – mankind, according to Islam
Islam’s racial doctrine is classifies the human race on faith-based and gender. This approach is very easy to understand, according to the racial doctrine Islamic, exist in the world two kinds of people, two races: Muslims who believe in Allah and in Mohammed the Prophet, as a messenger of Allah, “Superior race” in one side, and all others the unbelievers “the subhuman” on the other side.
The Muslim believers are commanded to fight against those who do not believe by preaching, or sword and annihilation, until there will not survive one that does not believe worldwide, just then the war will come to an end.
The “Supreme race” – The Muslims who believe in Allah and the Prophet Mohammed as his messenger.
Only they are entitled to live.
1.1 Gender as Sub-raceMuslim women are an inferior race, that are entitled to live, as long as they accept the authority of men, and serve the wishes of Muslim men, only for this they were intended.
Muslim woman is man’s property, as far as of other property, and at most, she is worth to a quarter from a Muslim man, who has permission to marry four women, and he has permission to possess a large number of sex slaves.
The inferior race “the subhuman” – all non-believers in Allah and the Prophet Mohammed as his messenger.
2.1 Inferior racial group, divided into two:
2.1.1 People of the Book: those who believe in one God – Christians and Jews – They can choose between a convert to Islam, pay Jizya (Ransom) or execution.
2.1.2 Pagans and all other unbelievers – They must die.
This is the way in which the Islamic racism sees the world.

1,400 years’ War
Written By: Offer Binshtok
“the 1,400 years’ War”, the First World War – Islamic extermination war against non-Muslims, in order to Islamize the all world.
The real First World War, 1,400-year-old – continues.
Throughout history of about 1,400 years Islamic culture has conducted a global cultural war which continues unabated since the year 610 or so to this day.
A war which was declared and started by the founder of Islam, war against the world of non-Muslims, jihad, holy war against the infidels, which is Performed by jihadists, according to the Islamic ideology. This war will come to its end, and peace will prevail in the world, only when, Islam will dominate worldwide through Sharia law, until then Muslim warriors will be conducted a global war and it will not end before.
All the wars that we experience includes the conquests of the Islam in the Middle East (forced Islamization through Sharia law and the sword, the Islamization of the Middle East the Christian, Jewish and the all other non-Muslims), in Africa and Europe, and in India where Islam made the worst massacre in world history in Hindus, about 80 million Hindus murdered by Islam in 500 years, and the counter reaction of the Christians, who only asks to defend the holy places, by Crusades, including all the wars which took place between the Western world to the Islamic world, including the war of the ISIS which performs the ‘final solution’ of the Ethnic cleansing of all non-Muslims from the Middle East region, including all the wars of the Jewish state of Israel. All of these wars and more wars those that were not mentioned, all those wars these are a big battles and the a small battles in a big war who belong to “the 1,400 years’ War”, the first world war – Islamic extermination war against non-Muslims, Which are carried out under the shadow of the during World War, war which was declared by the founder of Islam, a war between those who believe in him against those who do not believe in him. According to the Islam, the world divided into two parts, those who believe in Islam and those who unbelievers. According to the Islamic ideology this global war will come to end, and peace will reach into the world just after that Islam will dominate all over the world. Until that time the Muslims are commanded to fight against the nonbelievers by all means (the means include, among other things: deception, terrorism, war of armies, a political war, a culture war by applying laws by means of which are taking over the non-Muslim population groups, Sharia law, war on women and more) without any limit, in one way or another.
Islamic wars against Israel are actually small battles, in historical terms, in “the 1,400 years’ War”, the First World War, the Islamic war against non-Muslims, which was imposed by the founder Islam on his own believers, to do it continuously until the victory is achieved. Until that Islam will dominate in the world and just then will be peace in the world. Anyone who does not supports in Israel and those who supports its enemies ( in a militarily, politically and moral support), each one of these is essentially a soldier in the armies of Islam which is in a world war, “the 1,400 years’ War”, the First World War – Islamic extermination war against non-Muslims, in order to Islamize the all world.

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