Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Canada: Muslim leader “bracing for the hate” she thinks will come because “Islamophobic hate crime” exposed as hoax

 now the full time pity fest starts,,,, they want to shut us up so it's easier to take over and enslave us to islam,,

Canada: Muslim leader “bracing for the hate” she thinks will come because “Islamophobic hate crime” exposed as hoax

You gotta hand it to Amira Elghawaby of the Hamas-linked National Council of Canadian Muslims. Up until yesterday, she had a nicely-packaged “Islamophobic hate crime” she could use to portray Canada as a threatening place full of “Islamophobes,” such that Muslims in Canada needed the special protection of “anti-Islamophobia” Motion M-103 that would, if its advocates get their way, criminalize criticism of Islam. And today, with her “Islamophobic hate crime” exposed as a hoax, she isn’t in the slightest degree contrite or self-reflective, and has nothing to say about the manipulative victimhood scam she and her allies have been perpetrating in order to gain a special status and special accommodation for Muslims in Canada. Instead, she is doubling down, shedding crocodile tears now about the “hate” that is supposedly going to rain down on Muslims in Canada because of this “hate crime” hoax.

Amira Elghawaby has clearly mastered the art of having one’s cake and eating it, too, but her self-serving dishonesty ought to be obvious to anyone who is sane, if there are any such people left in the Canadian government and media.

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