Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Why Would a Young Girl Make up an Anti-Muslim Attack?

Why Would a Young Girl Make up an Anti-Muslim Attack?Clarion explores the reasons behind this hoaxRead More
What Does the Leader of 'Muslims of the Americas' Think?His Islamist cult has two-dozen camps in the U.S.Find Out Here
Yazidis Find Welcome Refuge in NebraskaThose who fled years ago are helping new immigrants integrateWatch
Ryan Mauro and Zuhdi Jasser Kick BackThey take on extremism, reform, Iran, Saudi and moreListen
News Analysis
Al Jazeera Accidentally Slams ItselfAn article criticizing post-colonial states for being dictatorships was 'slightly' hypocritical Read
Readers Write
“As much as I despise Iran, sanctions accomplish nothing but more hate. We can only hope that he is doing it for the people suffering and is banking on radical Islamic leaders to lose power.”
“When you have one guilty kid and 29 'innocent' kids that watched him do it, sat there laughing and refused to tell on the guilty kid, much less get up and stop him from doing it, then the teacher was RIGHT to punish them ALL collectively. This is coming from the kid who lit a firecracker on his history teacher's desk when the teacher fell asleep. Getting kicked out of a classroom I hated didn't bother me in the slightest. Having all the other kids mad at me, ostracizing me and telling on me FORCED ME to stop acting up rather quickly. Therefore the SAME peer pressure that extremists use to recruit more extremists can also be used to drive extremism out. When the other kids stopped saying, 'I dare you to ...' and started saying, 'Don't do it, or we'll all get in trouble,' that was incentive to stop.”
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