Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Catherine Martin forges ahead - ACT for America

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Dear Solsticewitch13 ,

Last week we told you about the excellent report entitled
“Islam in the Classroom.” This report was a project of the
ACT! for America Mission Viejo (CA) chapter and the United
American Committee.

If you missed that email and the link to the report, we
encourage you to click here to read it.

Today we’re delighted to forward you an article written about
our very own Catherine Martin, who heads up the northern
Virginia ACT! for America chapter.

When Brigitte Gabriel founded American Congress for Truth
years ago, it was this kind of grassroots activism that she

Brigitte understood that, as evidenced in the article below, far too
many elected representatives and government officials have sold out
to a politically correct response to the very real threat of radical Islam,
a response that just doesn’t “get it.”

And because so many in government, academia, and the media
“get it,” or don’t want to “get it,” Brigitte knew that it would
be necessary to create a powerful citizen action network to
ensure that our voices were heard and our safety, security
and democratic values were protected.

Today that citizen action network is a reality, and
ACT! for America, with 53,000 members and 250 chapters,
is the largest grassroots organization in America dedicated
to combating the threat of radical Islam. Yes, we have a ways
to go to reach our goal of 1,000,000 members and 1,500
chapters nationwide. But as Catherine Martin and the Mission
Viejo ACT! for America chapter are proving, as we march toward
tomorrow’s goal we are making a difference TODAY.

And with your help and support we will continue to grow and achieve
successes and victories that will ultimately ensure that our families,
our communities and our nation are safe from the many threats posed
to us by radical Islam.

How can you help? Forward this email to others.
Sign up to start or
help out a local chapter. Make an online contribution.
Any and every action you take helps us continue to press forward.

Guy Rodgers, Executive Director


Catherine Martin Forges Ahead

Posted by huntingnasrallah on February 8, 2009

Febuary 4th, 2009

Catherine Martin Forges Ahead

by Gary H. Johnson, Jr.

Hillary Clinton has officially been sworn in to replace Condoleeza Rice as Secretary
State. And, now, Sharon Bulova has won Virginia’s Fairfax County Chair,
left vacant by
Gerry Connolly. The stage is set, and it will not be long before a public
battle on behalf of America’s communities is waged by Virginia’s 10th District
Representative Frank Wolf and ACT! For America’s Northern Virginia DC Metro
Chapter Head Catherine Martin. Brigitte Gabriel’s ACT! For America may be the
strongest new political grassroots movement to hit the American national scene in the
wake of 9/11. With a 50,000 strong membership and a steady influx of new recruits and
volunteers, ACT! for America’s chapters span across the United States and beyond.
I recently had a chance to sit down and discuss the street level activities of ACT! for
America with the NoVa/DCMetro chapter head Catherine Martin, who has made it her
mission to “educate United States citizens as to the threat of radical Islam”.
With a volunteer
staff of 70 committed Virginia and DC activists, Catherine Martin understands
full well that her chapter is in the vortex of a brewing storm.

“The question of the legality of the Islamic Saudi Academy’s curriculum in Fairfax County is
not going away,” Catherine says matter of factly. “As a mother and as an American, I
find it outrageous that the school teaches children to hate Americans, Christians
and Jews.
Brigitte Gabriel’s ACT! for America is supporting us all the way on this mission as
continue our fight against ISA’s jihadi indoctrination right in our very own backyards -
as we bring the issue directly to the people of Virginia and across America.
Representative Frank Wolf has been an ally and strong advocate for us at ACT! for America.
When a coalition of groups here in Virginia demanded that the Islamic Saudi Academy be
investigated for having anti-American and anti-Israel teachings in their textbooks,
Congressman Wolf sent four letters to the State Department requesting an investigation
of the school and its curriculum. Since our grievance has not yet been fully
and the election cycle has ran its course, we will immediately engage the new
on behalf of our communities. A fifth letter from Congressman Wolf is waiting
at the
State Department for the incoming Secretary of State.”

When asked what this fifth letter was designed to accomplish, Martin notes that, “Hillary
is replacing Condoleeza Rice in the State Department, so we now have a fresh
opportunity to
have our concerns heard at the State Department level. What most Virginia
and DC residents are unaware of is the fact that when the original letters were issued by
Congressman Wolf’s o
ffice, the State Department decided to bounce the request to the
Fairfax County Supervisor, Gerry Connolly. Connolly refused to launch an investigation of the
school and actually referred to ACT! for America and Representative Wolf as bigots for
requesting the
investigation of the Islamic Saudi Academy. Empty, racially charged, accusations
from the likes of Connolly do not change the facts or the texts in question. So, we are
now taking our reasoned concerns about ISA’s curriculum of hate to Hillary Clinton
and are prepared, if necessary, to confront the Fairfax County Supervisor Chair,
Bulova, should the new Secretary of State refuse to see the writing on the wall
attempt to evade the truth by passing the hot potato down the line. With allies
John Cosgrove over at United Action Committee, Jim and Andrea Lafferty
the Traditional Values Coalition, and Christine Brim at the Center for
Policy rallying to defend American communities, the Islamic Saudi Academy
be forced to close its doors or submit to being subject to a transparent

ACT! For America’s battle with the ISA over its curriculum is only beginning.”
Last June 25th, Chuck Hagee noted in the Mount Vernon Gazette that “debate
about the school’s curriculum was ignited in October 2007 when the U.S.
Commission on International Religious Freedom issued a report calling for the
school’s closure ‘until such time as the official Saudi textbooks used at the
are made available for comprehensive public examination in the United
In addition to the USCIRF report, Hagee notes in a September 24th
piece that “To buttress his request, Wolf included a recent report by the
Foundation that stated ‘ISA is subject to the terms of the Foreign
Missions Act’
and that it is within the State Department’s powers to declare ISA ‘a foreign
of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.’” The article closes with Gerald Connolly
remarking on the absence of Commission or State Department objection to the
lease renewal to ISA or the textbook controversy in a public hearing on the
matters before the Board.

When discussing the Hagee articles with Catherine Martin, I asked why nothing was
mentioned of the Valedictorian of the ISA program, that was captured for attempting
to assassinate President Bush. “The Islamic Saudi Academy is a private school
the umbrella of the Royal Saudi Academy and is but one of twenty Saudi
schools in the United States.” Catherine continues, “With the mountains of
in the USCIRF findings and the August 2008 New English Review article Behind
Veil at the Saudi Academy by Jerry Gordon and Isabella Cruz, which relates
shocking accounts of former ISA faculty members, the implications of the
plot on our President would not bode well for the continued operation of all
of the U.S. Madrassas. But the fact of the matter is that if the Islamic Saudi
is revealed as a breeding ground for future terrorists against the United
States and
Israel then every state with a Royal Saudi Academy would voice their
What will it take to expose the school? What will it take to have the county
refuse to
renew their lease and shut them down here in Virginia? It certainly doesn’t
to the school’s supporters (ala Gerry Connolly), that a past valedictorian
part of the nationally known paint-ball terror cell whose mission was to
the President of the United States. Others who have attended the school
also supported jihad against the United States. These facts beg the question:
since when is it okay for us to have a school for terrorists in the United States?
The State Department has a duty to make a ruling on the ISA curriculum here
Fairfax, so that other state and county seats can properly meet the threat
radical Islam across America.”

Moving on from the ISA topic, in closing, I asked Catherine Martin what
other projects were ramping up for the ACT! for America NoVa/DCMetro
chapter for February. Without skipping a beat, Martin forges ahead, “For
month, the ACT! For America Northern Virginia/DC Chapter is working
the United American Committee on a major problem that is happening in our
local college, George Mason University (GMU). We have discovered that
GMU has taken money from the Islamic Supremacist organization IIIT to
establish an Islamic Studies Chair for the school. This is the continuation of Islamist
domination at GMU preceded by: the student meditation room being converted
to a mosque; the installation of footbaths at the tax payer’s expense; a school
using her GMU webpage to solicit donations for local madrassas; the
establishment of a Halal menu; and lastly, the forcing out of critical members
of the taff. Our goal will be to reverse the process of Islamist influence at GMU.

ACT! For America and the United American Committee will put significant pressure
on GMU and elected officials this month. GMU’s acceptance of
$1.5 million from IIIT
will not be answered with silent assent. The ACT! or America NoVa/DC Chapter has
also been invited to attend the screening of the Christian Action Network’s documentary,
Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around U.S. on February 11th at 7:30pm at the
Landmark Theater in
Washington DC (between 11th and E Street). The movie is about
radical Islamic
compounds that are currently operating around the United States
under the direction
of an international terrorist. We are supporting this movie and encourage
in the DC area to attend. Documentaries like this prove that Radical Islam is on
move in communities all over the United States.”

For more information on ACT! For America head over to

Catherine Martin and her staff also post regular updates for the
anti-jihad communities at


ACT for

P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated
to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots
citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to
informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies
that promote America’s national security and the defense of American
democratic values against the assault of radical Islam.
We are only as strong
as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential
to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more

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