Monday, February 2, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals
The Stories Behind the News

Link to Sultan Knish

Do We Want a Nation that Aspires to the Best or the Worst?

Posted: 01 Feb 2009 06:48 PM

There are two kinds of democracy. One in which the people are
encouraged to aspire to choose the best, the other in which
populism drags down the standard to the lowest common

The very term "popular culture" once an indictment, now a
definition of American culture,
highlights the problem. Do we really want
a popular culture based on the lowest common denominator tastes, or a
culture that gives us something to reach for. So too our political culture
asks, do we want great leaders who can truly move us forward, or
average leaders who talk down to us and come off as friendly and

Do we want to be a nation defined by the lowest common
denominator, or by a striving toward greatness?

When you consider the choice, it's really no surprise that Obama is the
afterbirth of popular culture, or that his backers relied heavily on
shaping, exploiting and manipulating popular culture in order to
elect him. The manifestation of a serious candidacy by someone
like Obama could only have occurred after American culture and
values had been drastically dumbed down, generation after
generation. After most people could no longer recognize what was
wrong with the idea of an unqualified racist candidate running for
the highest office in the land backed by little more than posters
and glib slogans.

Obama has exploited the political system of an unserious political
culture. In times past, large numbers of Americans would gather to
listen to serious issue oriented political debates that would go on for
hours. The modern equivalent of the Lincoln-Douglas debates however
are televised appearances in which both candidates focus on
short position statements loaded with hefty doses of buzzwords
and cliches ideal for the short attention span of a television
viewing audience.

Obama could not have weathered a serious debate in the
Lincoln-Douglas style without becoming a laughingstock.
He did however manage to stumble through a few debates
with a Republican opponent who was determined to be as
inoffensive as possible. He didn't win them, but neither did he
manage to lose them obviously enough to show case his inability
to speak intelligently on any serious topic.

Of course this dumbed down political culture could not exist,
but for the fact that serious issue oriented politics in which
voters came drawn by the larger issues of the day, gave way
to Gimmee Politics, in which people participate in politics in the
hopes of gaining personal benefits. As government consumes more
taxes and spends even more than it can tax, the giant feed barrel of
government attracts people who lack the knowledge and information,
or even the desire to obtain it, to participate in the political process.
With any talk of poll or literacy test banned, there is no bar to
the lowest common denominator determining who will run the country.
A state of affairs that unsurprisingly rewards lowest common
denominator politics.

And so we come from Lincoln to Obama, self-made man to self-confessed
fraud. And in doing so we travel a long road that reveals just how low
our political culture has fallen.

As popular culture has come to define political culture, the Saturday
Night Live skit now replaces a reasoned debate. Campaigning on the
covers of celebrity magazines counts more than an actual
evaluation of the candidate's platforms. Fame trumps all other values.

Obama's omnipresence in popular culture is simply testimony to his
inability to maintain a serious conversation. His base of support is
rooted in exactly those sorts of people for whom a clip of Obama girl
or an iconized Obama poster is far more compelling than talking about
the future of Social Security. Vote for him because he's cool, because
he exemplifies "Hope" and "Change", because he's sort of black, because
he seems young, because he has a great presence on the internet, and
because your friends are doing it. That is the kind of corrupt political
culture, popular culture has given us by dumbing down American culture
to its lowest common denominator.

To understand just how little
seriousness we attach to voting,
in the United States the
age is set at 21, and the voting age
at 18. Which means that we trust
people to decide the future of
America, whom we don't trust to
drink a beer. Can you say Obama
Allowing American culture to
become degraded, to channel
the worst elements, appeal
to the lowest tastes, to
set no standards and hold no
values but those of tolerating
everything-- is what led us
directly to not only Obama's rise to power, but to a
political class that cannot
make the hard decisions and is
unable to do what it takes to defend America when it
is under attack.

And the problem is only getting worse. With each generation,
American culture becomes more degraded. A purely profit
oriented marketplace relies on shocking increasingly jaded
consumers with new lows, while pandering ever further to their
laziness. As the internet
decentralizes the marketplace, there
is no longer even any mechanism in place to stop the cultural
elevator from dropping further and further. And the
generations that are produced by such a culture don't want to
stop it, until they have the chance to see what their children are
up to. By which point it's already too late.

The question we have failed to take seriously for too long,
the one that so many politicians

use as a cliche in their speeches, is do we want to be a nation
that aspires to the best, or
is willing to continue dropping down
further to a new low and a new lowest common denominator
each and every generation. Are we willing to fight to make
America better, to work toward a culture that is elevated
rather than degraded?
The best way reverse the dumbing down of America is to work
toward that, in the home and the public sphere, on the internet
and off it. We can be a better nation, if we choose to be.

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