Tuesday, February 3, 2009

FSM Security Update: 2-03-09 *Special Report: Tax Cheat Daschle Favors ‘Federal Reserve for Health'*

February 3rd
Rush rattles Obama's cage! GOP needs to "rebrand" original conservative principles. Do we have a "new dictator" in the Oval Office? Jack Kelly: How well is Obama keeping his campaign promises? Tony Blankley on BHO's "collective nationalism."


Exclusive: H1B Visa Holder Attempted Fannie Mae Sabotage - Where's the Outrage?

Michael Cutler

An individual who is intent on attacking our nation would find that the United States offers so many tempting targets, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Global Muslim Brotherhood Leaders Extol Jihad in Gaza

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

"We praise the stance of our people, the heroes in Gaza, and those of the Palestinian mujahidin..."

Special Report: Tax Cheat Daschle Favors ‘Federal Reserve for Health'

Cliff Kincaid

It's not whether he is a tax cheat that is important. It's whether the media accurately portray him as a tax cheat and question the propriety of having someone of questionable character planning a federal takeover of the health care system.

Wilders Prosecution is a Welcome Opportunity to Expose Islam

Dr. Sami Alrabaa

"I know many Muslims who approve of Wilders' critique of Islam. They do not feel offended. Only fascist Muslims feel so."

Aid and Radical Islam

Herbert London

Would an improvement in the financial situation in impoverished Islamic nations, via aid from Western nations, cause Islamists to abandon their dreams of conquest and establishing a global Caliphate?

Today's Blog Topics

Nun serves God and Army
John Ziegler "How Obama Got Elected" VIDEO
CNN Introduces Christie Hefner as One of Its 'Economic Analysts'
GEERT WILDERS - The Islamization of Europe
The UK's Islamic Warning to the World
33 Minutes: All Our Enemies Need to Change America as We Know It

Understanding the Islamist Agenda and Negotiations

Douglas Farah

Dialogue is an important tool when both sides are interested in reaching compromise. How useful is dialogue when dealing with Islamists?

Mosques in Europe - Where's the Reciprocity?

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

As mosques continue to be built in Europe, nations like Algeria are shutting down Christian churches because they might try to convert Algerians.

Exclusive: DHS Secretary Napolitano's Immigration, Border Security Plan

Jim Kouri, CPP

DHS Secretary Napolitano's immigration and border security plan appears intended to elicit support from opponents - but will it net results?

United States Medal of Honor Citations 2nd Lt. David R. Kingsley, U.S. Army Air Corps - WWII

The President of the United States has awarded more than 3,400 Medals of Honor to our nation's bravest. FSM.org is proud to share their stories with our readers.

Today's Hot Topics: 2-2

We choose, you peruse.

•1. GOP leaders doubt stimulus bill will pass Senate

•2. Obama has begun discreet talks with Iran, Syria

•3. Gunmen Kidnap American U.N. Official in Pakistan

•4. IDF kills Palestinian gunman in W. Bank

•5. Obama's new rules have loopholes

•6. Stimulus conundrums - by Mark Steyn

•7. Senate Armed Service Chairman Says He Supports Repealing Law that Bans Homosexuals from Military

•8. Obama Owes America an Apology for His Lies About the US Economy

•9. Beware Of CAIR

•10. Obama's Moralizing Tone May Not Wear Well

•11. Ice Storms Strike the Heartland: Where's Obama?

•12. One group of Guantánamo detainees will prove especially difficult for the Obama administration.

•13. Iraqi Democracy in Action

•14. Israel Readies Iran Takeout

•15. Iran to Obama: Your willingness to talk proves your weakness

Caption Contest January 29-February 3

Will your caption come in at number one?

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