Friday, February 6, 2009

FSM Security Update: 2-06-09 *Exclusive: Obama Blinks on Trade Challenge*

February 6th
So much for the greatest transition EVAH! "My re-election depends on stimulus." The Limbaugh-Hannity Administration! McDonald: "I'm not jumping on Obama's bandwagon!" BHO says he's closing Gitmo, but has reality already set in?


Today's Blog Topics

50 De-Stimulating Facts (NRO Special)
Video: Obama's Press Secretary Avoids Reporter's Questions On Transparency
Video: Lindsey Graham On Porkulus Bill: "Scaring people is not leadership"
So Much For Hope Over Fear - By Charles Krauthammer
USS Cole suspect charges dropped: Believed to be mastermind of attack on Navy ship
Chuck Schumer: Americans are "Overwhelmingly" for Stimulus Package
Resistance to Socialism is Building
Climate Bill Could Be Introduced In Weeks
Video: Glenn Beck on Obama's 'Change': Socialism

The Senate could vote TODAY

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Exclusive: Obama Blinks on Trade Challenge

William R. Hawkins

Participants at a trade conference in Turkey were swapping ideas on how to best exploit trade with the U.S. to bolster their own domestic economies. Why is it "wrong" for the U.S. to do the same?

Who is Jane Garvey and Why On Earth Is She on Obama's Radar Screen?

Joan Swirsky

"But all of the international intrigue, not to mention partisan sniping over what president or government agency was at fault, has deflected attention from the one culprit that gets a universal thrashing in the 9/11 report..."

Radical Rep Hails ‘Revolutionary' Obama

Cliff Kincaid

In her book, Renegade for Peace & Justice, Lee declares her support for "a world vision of peace" and a Cabinet-level Department of Peace. She favors big cuts in the Pentagon budget and reliance on the United Nations in foreign affairs.

Exclusive: Obama Picks Porn Industry Lawyer for No. 2 Spot at Justice Department

Jim Kouri, CPP

A hired gun for Playboy is now the number two guy at the Justice Department? Now that's change you can...believe in. Or not.

Time to Admit the Realities of Pakistan

Frank Salvato

The new Obama administration would be wise to follow George W. Bush's policy in handling the dangerous tinderbox that Pakistan represents.

Exclusive: The Iranian Slaughter of our Troops

Dave Gaubatz

Has it become a common practice for our politicians to ignore warnings pertaining to our national security?

Ashley Judd: Clown in Wolf Guardian's Clothing

Michelle Malkin

When uninformed celebrities attack dedicated, effective public servants like Sarah Palin, isn't it high time to call their bluff?

When Eagles Flock - Questions on Reclaiming the Republic

Geoff Metcalf

A long time pet peeve has been officials who swear to "preserve and protect" the Constitution of the United States of America and then usurp and abrogate the very principles to which they have sworn an oath.

Afghan Answers - "W" policies "O" should rethink.

Amir Taheri

US military presence in Afghanistan should be focused on building the new Afghan military - a task that proved to be key to success in Iraq.

Today's Hot Topics: 2-6

We choose, you peruse.

•1. Obama to Meet With Families of Terror Victims
•2. Graham Says Obama Is 'AWOL' on Stimulus Debate
•3. Republicans Doubt Obama Job Estimates on Stimulus Bill
•4. Sen. Stabenow wants hearings on radio 'accountability'; talks fairness doctrine
•5. Obama losing stimulus message war
•6. Panetta Open to Tougher Methods in Some C.I.A. Interrogation
•7. Senate Budget Chairman, A Democrat, Says 20 Percent of Stimulus Should be Cut
•8. Bracing Ourselves: America prepares for the worst, and Republicans suddenly seem serious.
•9. Targeting Religious Broadcasters
•10. Obama Lets Media Get Under His Thin Skin
•11. Time For Plan B
•12. Stimulate Defense - by Oliver North
•13. Liberalism on Full Display
•14. Biden predicted Obama would be tested by our adversaries. He was right.
•15. Britain's Surrender - Islamists in, Geert Wilders out
•16. A Republican Fannie Mae
•17. Afghanistan Will Be a Quagmire for al Qaeda

Caption Contest February 5-10

Will your caption come in at number one?

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