Tuesday, February 10, 2009

FSM Security Update: 2-10-09 *Exclusive: ‘Guilty’ – Ann Coulter ‘Confesses’ to FSM*

February 10th
BEWARE of the Stimulus Spoils System! Obama - no hope, only fear and loathing? Hanson: BHO's "apocalyptic style." Phillips: "America, What Have You DONE?" Hope & change of arrogance & thuggery? Look more closely at Obama's first acts as POTUS.


Exclusive: ‘Guilty' - Ann Coulter ‘Confesses' to FSM

The Editors

Ann Coulter's latest book exposes the growing group of liberal- and media-appointed victims - a dangerous trend that threatens American security because it weakens the will to stand up and fight back against enemies abroad and at home.

Exclusive: The World at Risk Report - Will It Make a Difference? Part One of Three

Dr. Robin McFee

Clearly the task before us as preparedness professionals is to keep the public aware of the threat - not to foment fear, but to foster continued support and efforts to enhancing threat reduction and capacity to handle a likely future terrorist attack.

‘Moderate' Muslim Brotherhood Cleric is Anything But

Steve Emerson

American Muslim groups and mainstream American media outlets often paint Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi as a "moderate" who represents mainstream Islam, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Exclusive: An Economic Proposition

J.D. Longstreet

Here's a unique idea to "stimulate" our economy in a way that would not pick the pocket of the American taxpayer.

Obama and Lincoln: Consequential Election

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

We cherish the memory of Abraham Lincoln because he proved to be a strong and effective Commander-in-Chief in an era when the survival of our country required one. Will Obama follow in those footsteps?

Today's Blog Topics

(Video) Helen Thomas to Obama: Do you know of any country in the Middle East with nukes?
FBI Raided Lobbying Firm Connected to Murtha
(Audio) Specter to Ingraham: 'Get off it Laura'
Victory in Iraq: Letter from Marine General John Kelly
How the global elite will control your food supply & endanger your family's safety
Chicago talk show caller explains Obama's hidden agenda in this "Stimulus" deal.
Senate Stimulus: 300,000 Jobs for Illegals - 1 in 7 New Construction Jobs Could Go to Illegal Immigrants.

Exclusive: CIA Warns Obama that British Terrorists are the Biggest Threat to the U.S.

Michael Cutler

If the whole point is to seek out and then devise strategies to protect our nation, then our nation's leaders must incorporate the issues of border security and the enforcement and administration of the immigration laws into their national security strategies.

The Stimulus Should Go Back to the Drawing Board

Rick Moran

What are the consequences of all these dark nostrums being purveyed by a candidate who usually spoke in optimistic and hopeful language on the campaign trail?

When it Comes to Iran, Obama Must Heed History

Slater Bakhtavar

Is President Barack Obama treading the same path on Iran that former President Jimmy Carter was on that led to the disastrous circumstances that are still being felt in today's political sphere?

Uranium Enrichment Facility Employee Pleads Guilty to Espionage

Jim Kouri, CPP

Selling out our nation for cash.

Today's Hot Topics: 2-10

We choose, you peruse.

•1. Biden's missile Catch-22

•2. Ahmadinejad Says Iran Ready for Talks With U.S.

•3. Stimulus bill narrowly survives Senate test vote

•4. Republicans Get Only A Day and A Half to Consider the Huge Stimulus Bill

•5. House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending

•6. Obama needs GOP cover because this bill stinks.

•7. Terror Injustice - Cole Killer Could Go Free

•8. Netanyahu Warns Obama on Talks as He Challenges Livni

•9. Reid Blocks Amendment Requiring Citizenship Verification for Stimulus Recipients

•10. An $800 billion mistake

•11. Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan

•12. Islam group urges forest fire jihad

•13. Arlen Specter: Republican enemy number one.

•14. No Consensus on 'Stimulus' Bill

•15. Why I Vote "No" On the Stimulus by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

•16. Obama's Honeymoon

•17. Israel Votes in General Election

•18. Obama's Charm Isn't Working Wonders Abroad

•19. Obama Says Republicans Can't Criticize Stimulus

•20. Pelosi's Indefensible Bill

•21. There's No Stimulus Free Lunch

•22. The Missing Obama Tax Cut

Caption Contest February 5-10

Will your caption come in at number one?

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