Monday, February 16, 2009

FSM Security Update: 2-16-09 *Hizballah Gets Away with Murder, Again*

February 16th
‘Obamateur Hour.' His new "patriotism?" BHO and the "Peter Principle." Already ‘screwing up' - but be very afraid. During his Al-Arabyia interview, Obama mentioned many "extraordinary Muslims." Where are they?


Today's Blog Topics

Video: Remember This: Barack Obama "Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk"
The Obamateur Hour - How long will it last? By Mark Steyn
MSNBC is in Big Trouble Without Bush to Bash
Disgraceful Obama Lovefest on Meet the Press -- 'But Wow!'
Video: Olbermann Challenged: 'Do You Have the Backbone to Debate Me?'
Illinois GOP leader calls on Sen. Burris to resign
Specter Vote For Stimulus Hurts Him Back Home
Video: Hamas finds cuddly new children's character to replace Jew-hating rabbit
What's The Rush? 'Urgent' $Timulus On Hold For Bam's Weekend Off
Obama calls it an "ambitious road." Wha-a-a-t? We're BROKE!

The Problem With Israel

Ben Shapiro

Why doesn't Israel ever seem to change course, despite the fact that its current heading leads to the spilled blood of its citizens?

Whoever ‘Owns' the Economy ‘Owns' You

Edward Cline

Does Obama "own" the economy in the same way the Castro brothers, Hugo Chávez and Vladimir Putin "own" their respective economies? And is Sen. Schumer right when he says Americans "don't care?"

States' Rights and the Growing Rebellion - A Status Report

Paul Hollrah

After decades of uninterrupted drift toward a socialist state and a bloated federal bureaucracy, the legislatures of a number of states are beginning to take matters into their own hands.

Hampshire College Officials Struggle to Explain Israeli Divestment Moves

Steve Emerson

What's the real meaning behind Hampshire College's decision to divest from companies that do business in Israel? Is this the beginning of a disturbing trend amongst our nation's universities?

Hizballah Gets Away with Murder, Again

Maj. W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Lebanese man reportedly stabbed to death by Hizballah supporters.

France's New Regional Message

Amir Taheri

How should we view the recent surprise visit paid to Iraq by France's President Nicolas Sarkozy?

Marijuana Minions: Obama Supporters Want the DEA to Go Away

Gregory D. Lee

Is President Obama poised to reverse drug enforcement efforts?

Jihad against Love: Valentine's Day Enflames the Middle East

Dr. Walid Phares

On Valentine's Day, it's important to note the emergence of an eternally verified reality: Love is the strongest human force fighting against terrorism and jihad.

The House of Lords Speech: What Wilders Would Have Said If the UK Allowed Free Speech

Geert Wilders

In 1982 President Reagan came to the House of Commons, where he did a speech very few people liked. Reagan called upon the West to reject communism and defend freedom. He introduced a phrase: ‘evil empire'.

Exclusive: Should Americans Stand By and See America as We Know It Disappear?

Dave Gaubatz

Many Americans are confused and scared about our nation's future and they are asking: what can we do about it?

Exclusive: Obama's Misguided Iran Policies

Christopher Holton

Do expressions like "constructive dialogue," "engage" and "mutual respect and progress" have a place in a conversation about Iran?

Exclusive: An Important Message from The Secretary Of State

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

I know my place, and despite what Bill claims, it is not "in the kitchen."

Why We Decided a Ronald Reagan Movie is Vital Today

Newt Gingrich, Calista Gingrich

Ronald Reagan's brand of conservatism is as valuable in today's troubled times as it was when the "great communicator" spread his message heralding "morning in America."

Today's Hot Topics: 2-16

We choose, you peruse.

•1. North Korea Claims Right to Launch Missiles

•2. Stimulus package flunked test

•3. Burris denies lying to impeachment panel

•4. Nuke Subs Crash: Brit And French Boats Collide Underwater...

•5. Obama's Rhetoric Is the Real 'Catastrophe'

•6. Roberts: Resistance to 'Stimulus' Bill 'Irresponsible,' Stephanopoulos Pushes Bank Nationalization

•7. Barney Frank: $50 Billion to Help People Pay Their Mortgages Not Enough

•8. The Surge Afghanistan Needs

•9. NYPD Learns New Lessons from Mumbai Attacks

•10. Iraqis open arms to romance as violence fades

•11. More on the New Horizon by Victor Davis Hanson

•12. I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails

•13. It's All About The "O": The Arrogance of Barack Obama

•14. Root of nation's economic crisis is moral crisis

•15. Watch out for Al Qeada: It wants to target America's economy, and it wants to prove it can defeat us.

•16. Preserving ‘Harmony' for Islamic Radicals

•17. Prepare to Be Tested

•18. Geithner Lays an Egg - And that's only one of the problems with the Obama economic strategy.

•19. Stimulus Sets Stage for Huge New Federal Health Bureaucracy

Caption Contest February 12-17

Will your caption come in at number one?

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