Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Gathering Storm Report

Gathering Storm Weekly Storm Report

The Gathering Storm Newsletter
February 14, 2009

Here's a synopsis of the most important weekly news revealing the intimidation, infiltration and disinformationtactics used to soften-up the non-Muslim world for domination and the appeasers and apologists that support them because the Islamists are correct in believing the following:


occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their
so-called 'religious rights.'

As long as
the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be
regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone.

At 2% and
3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected
groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

From 5% on
they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the
population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal and work
to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the
Islamic Law.

Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means
of complaint about their conditions. Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam
will result in uprisings and threats.

reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic
killings and church and synagogue burning.

At 40% you
will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia

From 60%
you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions,
sporadic ethnic cleansing, use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax
placed on infidels.

After 80%
expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide.

100% will
usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam'
- the Islamic House of Peace - there's
supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim.

Get a
FREE TRIAL COPY of the The Gathering Storm eBook which includes the Forward by Walid Shoebat, Introduction, and first 50 pages of The Gathering Storm eBook.

See details below

And remember to listen to the nearly famous Gathering Storm Radio Show. Listen to us live every Friday at 12 Noon PST on BlogTalk Radio. Call in at1-646-915-9870 to comment, reply or just air your spleen!


February 20:Cinnamon
, Yid With Lid, and Blue Heeler(aka Gravelrash)

February 27:Chaim and Elisabeth of Austria

March 6:
Mohammed Abdul and Sabir debate the Koran

March 13:
Elmer's Brother

March 20:Dr. Paul L. Williams

As that great leader and Statesman Winston Churchill said,
"It's not the government that makes war in a democracy, but the people - and the people are asleep in the free democracies today, lulled into inaction by a 'softening up' process of our enemy."

In This Issue
Free Trial Copy of The Gathering Storm eBook
This Week's Political Cartoon
Weekly Think Piece
Intimidation Tactics
Infiltration Tactics
Disinformation Tactics
Appeasement & Apologists
The Winston Churchill Golden Balls Award

Free Trial Copy of The Gathering Storm eBook

The Gathering Storm eBook, with an Introduction by ex-terrorist
Walid Shoebat, contains
300 pages of hyperlinked information,
pictures, cartoons and videos that will detail the intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics and the multiple types
of jihads that Islamists are using to advance their goal of the Islamic rule of
the world under Shariah law.

Get a FREE
of the The Gathering Storm eBook which includes the Forward by
Walid Shoebat, Introduction, and first 50 pages of The Gathering Storm eBook.

Or Buy The Gathering Storm eBook for Only
$2.95 as a Newsletter Reader

This Week's Political Cartoon

Weekly Think Piece


A Tale of Two Jihads

India is struggling with its own Islamist factions in the country. Recently,
Vice-President Bhairon Singh Shekhawat has
concern over growing militancy
in the country and called for an action plan
to deal with the problem.

The problem?

He said the problems of militancy and naxalism would not be solved until the
political system improves or a coalition government continues to pull in
different directions on issues of national importance. Shekhawat made these
observations on Monday evening while releasing a book, 'Global Jihad: Current
Patterns and Future Trends', written by Rajeev Sharma, a senior journalist with
The Tribune, who has been covering strategic affairs or long.

"If people in Pakistan read the book, they will at least realise that Jihad is not a religion," said Shekhawat. "They (some people in Pakistan) have been holding the delusion that if somebody attacks a temple in India or the Indian Parliament, it is jihad," he added. This book will help you understand terrorism and see the cover it has got in the guise of religion.''

OK. So far so good. His solution?

He said the chunk of the population is jobless and this is very humiliating and frustrating for the youth. He said it is this joblessness that fires the youth to join Ranbir Sena in Bihar
or some mafia. ``If you call Jihad a clash of civilisation, it will not sort out the problem.''

The same old liberal line. It's the poor downtrodden youth with no future who
are responsible for the terrorism.

Or is it?

Between 2001 and 2003, a French academic named Farhad Khosrokhavar interviewed terror detainees in French prisons, including 10 suspected members of al Qaeda and 4
other Islamic radicals. His interviews and commentary have now been published
in a French book,
Quand Al-Qaida Parle, "When al Qaeda Speaks." Khosrokhavar's research suggests that al Qaeda has something very different to say from what most of us would expect to hear.

1) The terror suspects in French custody are not poor and not unsophisticated. One
of them warns Khosrokhavar against the risks of using invalid sampling
techniques in his research! The most radical are also the most privileged.

2) These French radicals tend almost never to come from religious families. Their
religion is self-taught, and largely self-invented.

3) The pre-eminent target of their hatred is not the United States or Israel,
but France. In fact, they know almost nothing about the United States or Israel
- and what they do know, comes not from al Jazeera, but from the French media:
Almost none of them speak Arabic.

Pretty interesting, huh? Here's more.

Europeans across the political spectrum share a belief that their comfortable lives have been jeopardized by an American-imposed "war on terror" that has radicalized their Muslim populations.

Khosrokhavar's research suggests exactly the opposite conclusion: It is the
failure of European societies to assimilate their Muslim migrants that creates
a security threat for America.

Shekhawat & Khosrokhavar seem to be living on two different planets.

Intimidation Tactics

Muslims Against Sharia Blog

By Muslims Against Sharia

I am talking about the Islamic fanatics' attack on a Statue of Baul Folksingers
at Dhaka airport, because statues are haraam in Islam. Appeasing the
fanatics, the military-led government quickly removed the statue.

lockandload: British Parliament Surrenders (To Islam)

By songdongnigh

Islamic intimidation achieved a new high last week when it forced the

British Parliament, one of Western civilization's most venerable institutions, to quietly surrender its most basic of freedoms. ...

Shruthi: I was told not to talk even to a Hindu boy

Hindu - Chennai,India

MANGALORE: Shruthi, the girl who was abducted in Mangalore on Friday, said the
men who dragged her out of the bus in which she was travelling with a Muslim ...

Infiltration Tactics

Spain: No.1 in the ranking of recruitement places for Al-Qaeda in ...

Palestinians organizations (including Hamas, but not only) have also menaced Europe with the Muslim minority living here, specially after Israeli Operation Cast Lead. Anyway, Jihadi menace has been growing for Spain since March 11th, a good proof that appeasement (and important quantities of State money given away to Islamic organizations in the name of State's religious neutrality) does not produce any results in counter-terrorism and something President ...

Serbianna NewsPost » Blog Archive » Bosnia chief Imam supports ...

By Wires Bosnian

Muslim chief Imam Mustafa Ceric has expressed his support for the growing Wahhabi brand of Islam in Bosnia and condemned those who are worried over the spread of this extremist islamic doctrine for "spreading islamophobia". "Those that are accusing us that their ... News by Category. Select Category, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Economy, FYROM, Greece, Islam, Kosovo, Medicine, Montenegro, NATO, Roundup, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, USA, Video, Yugoslavia ...

Tundra Tabloids.......: Dr.Daniel Pipes Links to a Tundra Tabloids ...

By KGS The report breaks no demographic ground (it notes predictions cited in this weblog entry about a majority of military recruits being Muslim in 2015, 20 percent of the population being Muslim in 2020, and the possibility of majority of ...

Disinformation Tactics

India's unpredictable & egotistical behaviour

Pakistan Observer - Islamabad,ISB,Pakistan...

to have excelled in the art of disinformation campaign, espionage and sabotage. ... Emergence of so many Muslim outfits must be cause of great alarm and ... :: Because anything else would just be wrong

Under the cover of political correctness, multiculturalism and Americans' naïve belief in the universal goodwill of mankind, Muslim apologists have induced all of our major textbook publishers to whitewash Islam's history. ... This disinformation, cleverly disguised as education, deceives rather than informs our school children. The result is a revision of Islamic history that paints an attractive picture of this intolerant and often violent 7th century ideology. ...

No change in policies of George W. Bush

Asian Tribune - Bangkok,Thailand...

Europe, Israel and India have ganged up to decimate Islam. ... campaign to mould the perceptions of the world through disinformation and falsehoods and ...

Appeasement & Apologist Tactics

OPINION: Obama's Mistake in Embracing Islamic Society of North America

Opposing Views - Los Angeles,CA,USA

It's the same motivation that has led Great Britain to appease and accommodate demand after demand issued by militant Muslims. Has Great Britain's strategy ...

Pakistan Releases Abdul Qadeer Khan

American Thinker - Bellevue,WA,USA

In Obama's rush to appease the Muslim world, he is finding himself in the good company of the Pakistani government. Is it just me or is he starting to look ...

Suicidal Appeasement

FrontPage - Los Angeles,CA,USA

The latest act of suicidal appeasement is unfolding in the Netherlands. To the vicious murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh by a Muslim immigrant, ...

The Winston Churchill Golden Balls Award ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Golden Balls Award goes each week to the most flagrant Appeaser or Apologist or those that outright lie that has done most to undermine our defense against Islamists. This weeks Golden Balls Award goes to:

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter Thinks 'Hamas can be trusted!'

Dhimmi Carter, has gone off the deep end. But what else is new.
Hamas can be trusted, former US President Jimmy Carter said Monday, in an interview on NBC's 'Today' show. Carter spoke with NBC's Meredith Vieira about his perspective on the Middle East conflict, and his new book, "We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land."

According to the former president, Hamas never deviated from their commitments as per the ceasefire agreement. He said that, during his meetings with Hamas leaders in Damascus and Gaza, he was promised that Hamas would honor agreements between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israel, as long as they were supported by public referendum.

Hamas is considered a terrorist group "by some"? Carter apparently does not count himself among those "some," but on what conceivable theory is Hamas not a terrorist organization?

That, in any event, is evidently a small concern for Carter. In his view, Hamas is entirely reliable, and when anything goes wrong it is Israel's fault.

Our worst President in history !!

Congratulations to Jimmy Carter! You can check in and claim your award at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay.

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