Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

Woman Arrested in Arizona On Terrorism Charges

Posted: 14 Feb 2009 03:23 PM PST

A New Mexico woman has been arrested on terrorism charges after

police say she rammed her truck into a fuel tanker and tried to
ignite it.

A woman was arrested on terrorism charges in Williams Thursday
after police say she rammed her truck into a fuel tanker and tried to
blow up the fuel storage tanks.

According to information from the Williams Police Department,
officers responded to a Circle K gas station on the 200 block of West
Route 66 on a call that a woman had rammed her truck into the tanker. The
driver of the tanker had been unloading fuel at the time. Officers and
the fuel truck driver wrestled the woman to the ground before she could ignite
the fuel storage tanks through the open hatch with a cigarette and a

Before the incident, the woman had threatened customers and clerks to

blow up the business and threatened to kill President Barack

Staff at the Circle K declined to comment on the incident. The
driver of the tanker also declined to comment.

Sheri A. Zulpo, 30, Edgewood, N.M., was booked into the Coconino County

jail on charges of terrorism, attempted first-degree murder and

Possible federal charges may also be filed.


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Terror Alert.

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