Saturday, February 14, 2009

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Islam's Compulsive Aggression and Profanity

Posted: 13 Feb 2009 11:56 AM PST

(The destruction of the Bamiyan Buddha statues in 2001
by the Taliban, courtesy CNN.)

The following article is written by Dharmaveer on the blog, Thoughts of a Nationalist Indian. India has been dealing with Islamic supremacism a lot longer than the United States. Dharmaveer gives us a history lesson here:

ISLAM IS A predatory religion. It seeks to demean and destroy other cultures and replace them with Islamic-Arabian culture. To this end, it finds the things most sacred, most symbolically sublime in cultures it encounters, and then proceeds to systematically profane them.

When Islam invaded India in 712 AD, they found the Hindus to be very different from themselves. Alberuni, an Islamic historian who accompanied the brutal Islamic invasions of Mahmud Ghazni in 1000 AD, states that the Hindus were, in every way, the opposite of Muslims. It is interesting and educational to read his accounts. For instance, he mocks the Hindus for "consulting their women in every matter of importance" — referring to the high position of women in pre-Islamic India and the pathetic animal-like existence of women within Islam. In Islam, a woman is a mere possession of a man meant almost entirely for sexual pleasure — so a Muslim would indeed find a Hindu consulting a woman on an important matter most incredible! Remember folks, women are Islam's first victims, and there is something very just about fighting an ideology that reduces women to the status that they "enjoy" in Islam
(read more about their status here).

Another aspect of Hindu civilization that the Muslims found singular was the Hindu veneration for the animal kingdom in general, and the Cow in particular. As I have explained elsewhere, Hindu Dharma lays great stress on harmony between humans and the animal and plant kingdoms. Our earliest scripture — the Rig Veda — prays for the well-being of all three simultaneously. Hindu Dharma stresses that mankind does not own this planet, and must strive to live harmoniously with all other life. To remind Hindus of this, one representative is chosen from each of the two kingdoms, and venerated in daily religious life.

The Cow is chosen as the representative from the animal kingdom because it is peaceful, easily domesticated, provides us with milk, and is a gentle, kind animal. Similarly, the Tulsi plant is chosen as the representative of the plant kingdom because of its many medicinal properties. A pious Hindu will feed a Cow, and water a Tulsi plant as part of his daily ritual to remind himself that he must live at peace and harmony with animals and plants. This is also why religious Hindus do not eat meat — they feel the animal has as much right to live as they do.

Yes, Islam is very different! In Islam, a non-Muslim has little to no right to life. A Hindu must be killed if he does not convert, a Muslim must be killed if he does, continuous jihad must be waged upon all infidels, and so on. Islam is the very opposite of peaceful harmonious co-existence. Islam is predatory. Islam is murderous.

Back to Islamic invaders of India. When they saw that the gentle cow was held in special veneration by the Hindus, they made it a point to slaughter cows en masse. To rub it in, they always slaughtered a cow at the very spot where a Hindu idol stood, before erecting a mosque in its place. Most of the time, the idol was smashed, mixed with cow meat, and placed at the steps of some mosque for the "faithful" to tread upon as they came for prayer.

We thus read in
Alberuni's India:
"..When Muhammad bin Al Qasim conquered Multan (in today's Pakistan), he inquired how the town had become so prosperous and flourishing, and how so many treasures had accumulated there. The Hindus told him the idol was the cause, for there came pilgrims from all sides to visit it (Multan had been a pilgrimage for Hindus). Therefore he thought it best to have the idol where it was, and hung a piece of cow's flesh on its neck by way of mockery. On the same place, a mosque was built.

When the Karmatians occupied Multan, Jalam Ibn Shaiban smashed the idol into pieces and killed the Hindu priests."
Tragically, there are literally hundreds of such gloating accounts of Islamic invaders on the atrocities and murder they heaped on the Hindus. I will try to reproduce some of them on my blog. It is very important to understand that this behavior of unbridled aggression towards non-Muslims is prescribed by the Qur'an.
Oh ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you. (Sura Al Tauba: 123)

Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute. (Sura Al Tauba: 29 )
Historians have estimated that during the course of the 1400 year encounter with Islamic Jihad, the Hindu population lost 50-80 million people by way of slaughter, deprivation, and transport during enslavement in terrible conditions. The mountain range of the Hindu Kush (which means literally "Hindu slaughter" in Pashto and Farsi) is possibly so-named because of the millions of Hindu slaves who died there in the cold while being transported from India to Arabia by Islamic conquerors.

Here is the account of enslavement of Hindus from
the first jihad by Mohammed Bin Qasim in 712 AD, taken from the
Chachnama by Qazi Ismail — the first Qazi of Alor after its conquest by Islam:
During the Arab invasion of Sindh (712 C.E.), Muhammad bin Qasim first attacked Debal, a word derived from Deval meaning Hindu temple. It was situated on the sea-coast [not far from modern Karachi]. It was garrisoned by 4000 Kshatriya soldiers and served by 3000 Brahmans. All males of the age of seventeen and upwards were put to the sword and their women and children were enslaved. 700 beautiful females, who were under the protection of Budh (that is, had taken shelter in the temple), were all captured with their valuable ornaments, and clothes adorned with jewels. Muhammad dispatched one-fifth of the legal spoil to Hajjaj which included seventy-five damsels, the rest four-fifths were distributed among the soldiers.

Thereafter whichever places he attacked like Rawar, Sehwan, Dhalila, Brahmanabad and Multan, Hindu soldiers and men with arms were slain, the common people fled, or, if flight was not possible, accepted Islam, or paid the poll tax, or died with their religion. Many women of the higher class immolated themselves in Jauhar, most others became prize of the victors. These women and children were enslaved and converted, and batches of them were dispatched to the Caliph in regular installments.

For example, after Rawar was taken, Muhammad Qasim halted there for three days during which he massacred 6000 (men). Their followers and dependents, as well as their women and children were taken prisoner. Later the slaves were counted, and their number came to 60,000 (of both sexes?). Out of these, 30 were young ladies of the royal blood. Muhammad Qasim sent all these to Hajjaj who forwarded them to Walid the Khalifa. He sold some of these female slaves of royal birth, and some he presented to others.

In Sindh female slaves captured after every campaign of the marching army, were converted and married to Arab soldiers who settled down in colonies established in places like Mansura, Kuzdar, Mahfuza and Multan. The standing instructions of Hajjaj to Muhammad bin Qasim were to give no quarter to infidels, but to cut their throats, and take the women and children as captives.

In the final stages of the conquest of Sindh, when the plunder and the prisoners of war were brought before Qasim, one-fifth of all the prisoners were chosen and set aside; they were counted as amounting to twenty thousand in number (they belonged to high families) and veils were put on their faces, and the rest were given to the soldiers.
My friends, my readers, all of this is very depressing reading, particularly so for a Hindu. I am sharing this pain with you because I do not want there to be such slaughter ever again elsewhere. Whereever you are — in Europe or America — make sure Islam does not do to your civilization what it did to mine. You owe it to your civilization. And you owe it to those poor Hindus who died in the bitter cold while being transported like animals in cages through the Hindu Kush.

I end with a famous quote by the great historian Will Durant, from his
History of Civilization:

"The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without and multiplying from within."

The original article is here: Islam's Compulsive Aggression and Profanity.

1 comment:

  1. Dharmaveer,,

    If you happen to see this,, could you please contact me,, my email is at the top of my page here.

    I have a HUGE VIBE, that KARMA, want's me to contact you.

    My Crown Chakra, is flaming even just writing this,, GRIN!!!

    Perhaps in a past life, we knew each other, and we are supposed to cross paths again, for this final 3rd jihad in this tiny blue dot.

    So,, if you see this,, please write to me,, I feel we will have much to share!!!



