Sunday, February 15, 2009

Support Geert Wilders, and OUR FREEDOM!!!

keep the SUPPORT for Geert Wilders on each current page on your blog. So here is mine,,,


Tom Trento's Interview with GEERT WILDERS!!

HI Geert,, (if Tom showed you my site), you are MY HERO!!!


solsticewitch update - I just donated 30 euros to the cause,

paypal is smooth and easy,, now I know what a euro is, I will

kick in more, next week. I urge everyone to kick in, a little from

many, serious cash for all our FREEDOM!

Support Geert Wilders!
From the Freedom Party:

The Freedom Party (PVV) and Geert Wilders are faced with an all-out assault.

Exploding legal expenses might cripple the continuation of the battle for our liberties. The survival of the Freedom Party and Geert Wilders’s struggle for the defense of the West are now in jeopardy.

Therefore, we need your financial support urgently.

There are three ways you can donate money.

1. Via Paypal. More information on

2. Support our Foundation. Stichting Vrienden van de PVV,

bank account :

Internationals donators add: IBAN: NL98 INGB 0670 4723 44


3. Send a cheque to: Stichting Vrienden van de PVV, PO Box 20018, zip code: 2500 EA The Hague, The Netherlands.

Why does Geert Wilders need support, and why should you support him? See here.

Geert Wilders has created a new blog,,

This is a blog and a gathering place for all who are opposed to Geert Wilders' prosecution under Dutch law, for the apparent crime of criticising Islam.

The last time I checked, religion was not able to dictate the terms of an entire country's speech - there is something incredibly dangerous in the precedent that this sets.
Regardless of whether or not you agree with Geert's criticisms of Islam, the issue is much larger than that. Blasphemy laws, and religious chills upon freedom of speech need to be put to an end.


Here is the link,,

Pat Condel, has something to say too!!

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