Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Little Lies of the Mosque

Little Lies of the Mosque


Posted by Syed Kamran Mirza on Aug 24th, 2010 and filed under FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

It would be a mortal mistake for America to allow the Ground Zero mosque to be built. Like it or not, this mosque will serve as an iconic symbol of Islamic victory. It will be seen by Islamic jihadists around the world as a humiliating defeat dealt to American infidels by Islam.

Islam, in a serious sense, is a religion of great deception. Imam Feisal and his Islamic gang, the American Society of Muslim Advancement (ASMA), are no exceptions. Many Westerners appear to have a monumental confusion about the real purpose of this mosque. Because of a lack of knowledge in Islamic history, they are unable to understand exactly why Muslims are planning to erect it just a few yards from the 9/11 site.

Mayor Bloomberg, the downtown community, and the American Left have no idea why Islamists are so insistent upon erecting this Islamic flag over the ruins of the WTC and over the graves of 3,000 innocent dead Americans. They hardly understand the significance of the name “Cordoba House,” which Imam Feisal initially selected for the mosque. Ancient Muslims once invaded and occupied the Spanish city of Cordoba. They built a mosque over the rubble of a Catholic church as a symbol of their triumph over Spanish infidels. A mosque over the ruins of the WTC would likewise be a clear victory over American infidels.

This has been the practice and tradition recorded in ancient Islamic history. The Islamic Prophet and his disciples all did the same whenever they invaded and defeated any non-Muslim nation. The first thing they did was erect a mosque. Islamic Caliph Omar invaded and occupied Jerusalem and immediately erected the al-Aqsa Mosque (Dome of Rock) over the rubble of the Jewish Temple Mount of Solomon. Imam Feisal and his ASMA want to do much the same thing.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, head of the ASMA, is utterly deceiving New Yorkers by his Islamic tactics of lies and deception. He is lying only to achieve Islamic dominance. Allah duly permits Muslims to “lie and deceive” all infidels in order to spreading Islam, the only religion accepted by Allah for all mankind (Qur’an-3:85).

It is most important to focus on one very pertinent aspect of this controversy. This conniving Imam has declared that the Ground Zero mosque construction will be completed by 2011—meaning this Islamic victory flag would be raised much before the completion of the rest of the planned Ground Zero monument complex. If that ever becomes a reality, the entire Muslim world will be rejoicing as the ultimate winner. The Cordoba mosque, symbolizing the victorious Islamic flag, will have been hoisted over the ruins of the iconic WTC, which was destroyed by the Islamic soldiers of Allah.

Imam Feisal’s 2004 book was titled, in Arabic, “The Call From the WTC Rubble: Islamic Da’wah From the Heart of America Post-9/11.” The title suggests Rauf is humiliating or denigrating the loss of American life by referring to the scene as “rubble.” By using the Islamic word Da’wah (call) he is intending to use the 9/11 mosque as a springboard for proselytizing Islam to America. However, the English title of the same book is “What’s Right with America is What’s Right with Islam.” This is exactly the kind of technique of Islamic deception used by all so-called moderate Muslims used only to fool Westerners

Here are some of the most important implications of this mosque:

1. A mosque near the WTC destruction will give electrifying propaganda and triumphant victory to all Muslims of the world, and it will surely embolden the very jihadi-spirit and fanaticism of al-Qaeda in all other Islamic terrorist centers around the world.

2. Recruits for jihadi terrorists in the Muslim and non-Muslim world will rampantly increase. Also, this mosque will become a Islamic proselytizing center, and a breeding ground which will spread “stealth jihad” in America.

3. This mosque will act as a “Grand Mosque” at the heart of infidel America. It will be a 21st century Trojan horse from which Sharia law (Islamic draconian law) will spread with a speed of epidemic proportions — in America, as well as elsewhere in the Western world.

4. The American “war on terror,” which has lasted ten long years, cost trillions of dollars, and sacrificed tens of thousands of lives, will be a total loss. Victory of al-Qaeda jihadists will be declared throughout the entirety of the Muslim world.

Imam Feisal is perpetrating Islamic deception with the bogus claim of promoting “interfaith tolerance.” Islam is one of the most intolerant religions in the world. It does not recognize any other religion on earth. Hence, interfaith relations between Islam and other religions are a pure farce. That Islam “is a religion of peace” is the boldest lie one can hear repeated. Gullible Muslims can be peaceful, but Islam is a viciously violent religion. Radical Islamists (pure Muslims) are some of the most intolerant people on earth. The Qur’an is replete with Allah’s clarion call to kill all non-Muslims. Readers can find the truth about Qur’an right here.

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