Saturday, September 11, 2010

FSM 9-11 Anniversary Tribute (Part Two)

Special : 9-11 Videos

**Remember 9-11: Our President Speaks for All Americans
**"I Was There" Tribute to September 11, 2001
**Remember: The Heroes of Flight 93
**World Trade Center Attacks
**Remember: GWB Throws Out First Pitch at Yankee Stadium 2001
**George W. Bush: 9/11 NYC
**September 11th - A Memorial
**Our Veteran Brothers
**God Bless the USA- Lee Greenwood remembers 9-11
**9/11 - Never Forget
**Blood of Heroes - We Must NEVER Forget
**9-11 A Hero's Creed - In honor of First Responders our 9-11 heroes
**We Must Not Forget.....because they WILL strike us again

FSM Special 9-11 Tribute

Scroll all the way down

Then click here and post YOUR memories of 9-11, if you feel people have forgotten and what you think our future holds in regard to fighting terrorists.

9/11: Family Security Matters Remembers

The Editors

FSM Contributing Editors reflect on the traumatic events of 9/11, and what has changed over the intervening years.

The Alarm Has Been Ringing: It's Past 9:11 and Time to Wake Up!

Gadi Adelman

1993 should have been a wakeup call, when terrorism hit us here at home, but we hit the snooze button. Nine years ago on 9/11 the alarm sounded louder. Why are we still asleep?

9/11: The Rhetoric and the Reality, and the Failure of Policy

Ruth King

Policy makers, military leaders and pundits are more worried about offending Moslem sensibilities and being accused of Islamophobia than actually confronting the facts about jihad.

Three Realizations from 9/11

Robert Weissberg

Nine years afterward we are still confused, squabbling over the most elementary facts and it seems endless. Thanks to our PC infected brains, we want to fight "a war" without offending the enemy.

Remembering the Unforgettable

Amil Imani

Life reminds us all how vulnerable we really are. On that day, the world we live in appeared an obscure and dull place, filled with pockets of disasters where men are easily the victims.


Colonel David F. Bedey (US Army, ret.)

You see, the protests mounted by those who lost friends and loved ones are all about hurt feelings; they couldn't possibly be based upon rational concerns about an ideology that is bent on our destruction.

Nine Eleven, Two-Thousand-and-Ten: America Awakens

Dr. Candace de Russey

But something new and extraordinary commingles with commemoration on this ninth anniversary of the attacks. One senses a heightened public understanding of Islam, and in particular its dark side.

Five Facts

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

We are a nation at war, and the enemy is doing everything possible to destroy us and our way of life.

The Only Thing Worth Dying For

Renee Taylor

In the nine years that have followed, we have sent our loved ones to war in a far off land - a war with an enemy without a uniform, without any obvious structure.

Lest We Forget!

Nicole Sadighi

It is vital not to forget the past sacrifices made by so many who have brought us to this day...

Victory over Evil

Daniel Greenfield

9/11 interrupted the culture of passivity with a warning and a challenge. Either we would defy and defeat evil anew, or it would consume us whole, as it had done to so many cultures around the world.

Ground Zero or Ground Hero? The Choice is Up To Us

Gabriel Garnica, Esq.

What seems all too easy to forget, at least for some, is the bravery and unselfish dedication to service that took place on the hallowed ground where these towers stood.

Fifteen Minutes After 9/11

Vincent Gioia

It was amazing to see how Americans joined together in outrage and a show of loyalty to our country. American flags abounded and flew proudly instead of being trampled in a display of "free speech."

Burying One's Head in the Hole at Ground Zero

Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D., Joan Jutta Lachkar, Ph.D.

As the 9th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, wouldn't one think he would have more empathy, sympathy and concern for the tragic day and destiny of the lost loved ones?

9/11 With My Son

Bruce Kesler

Since 9/11 there is a locked gate and a guard at the Jewish preschool my sons attended, and guards around our synagogue. The fear is spreading in the US...

Remember Them

Ben-Peter Terpstra

For me, 9/11 is more than just mourning for victims (although that's important). It's also about confronting today's enablers and co-conspirators before we wake up to 9/11 II.

After Pearl Harbor, Viewing 9/11

Lee Ellis

Yet, when we were struck on 9/11 in New York with close to 3,000 innocent citizens being killed or maimed, Congress refused to declare an act of war.

9 Years On - H*ll No, I Don't Feel Safe

Tim Wilson

During these latter phases we have been attacked at home and our soldiers have been attacked abroad every day. Radical Islam grows ever bolder in the belief we are spineless and irresolute.

Religious Toleration Has Never Been Absolute

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

There are peaceful Muslims in the world, but Islam itself has always been a militant religion that noted historian Samuel Huntington described as having bloody borders with every neighbor.

Why No Memorial, Why No Rebuilding?

Alan Caruba

Beyond the issue of the huge loss of life and the destruction of the structures, the question remains why, nine years later, no new structures have been built at the site, including of course a memorial.

Islamophobia or Masochism?

G. Murphy Donovan

The myth of the Islamic victim is one of the most jarring and dangerous false narratives of the early 21st Century. The whining began in 1978...

Quote of the Day - September 11, 2010

FSM: Quote of the Day

Opinions on 9/11, from al-Qaeda and from George W. Bush...

Please light a candle and put it on your porch or steps Saturday 9/11 to show the world we will never forget our fallen friends family and hero's!

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