Tuesday, November 30, 2010

11-30-10: The Need to Take a Stand Against Iran, North Korea (Plus: President GWB Video)


  1. Video: President George W Bush's face time at Facebook: Calling leaks 'damaging,' Bush says WikiLeaks will hurt U.S. relations
  2. Libertarian Plan Balances the Federal Budget by 2020 Without Raising Taxes
  3. 'Never before in history has a superpower lost control of such vast amounts of such sensitive information'
  4. Video: New Atheist Billboard Calls Christmas a Myth
  5. Video: Video: Nation Facing Tax Hikes, Terror Threats, Unemployment and Senate Majority Leader Opens Lame Duck with 5 Minute Football Story
  6. "Taxpayer Funded" Smithsonian museum displaying ant-covered Jesus, ‘homoerotic' art
  7. Does U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Find Soccer More Important than Prosecuting WikiLeaks?...Today he heads to Switzerland to lobby for soccer...

The Need to Take a Stand Against Iran, North Korea

Peter Huessy

Leaked documents vividly illustrate that we really do need a European and American defense from long-range Iranian rockets. Terrorist states must not be tolerated...

Merry Christmas - BOOM!!

The Christmas Tree Bomber

Nancy Kobrin, PhD, Joan Lachkar, PhD

To make the claim that Mohamud worked on his own is ridiculous because in Somali culture no one works alone. And is he "homegrown" or a product of a closed community outlook?

The Winds of War

Peter Probst

The reality is that even if we were to sit on the sidelines and do nothing against Iran, we would still be seen as somehow complicit and reap the consequences.

The Korean Nightmare Yet Again

Herbert London

North Korea can increase its supply of nuclear weapons and use them as negotiating instruments. This is an extortion ploy...

With Challenges Arising on Every Side...

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

America has an endless array of potential targets, each with their own vulnerabilities. Protecting every potential target or trying to child proof America is unsustainable.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Wikileaks papers could be used by Al Qaeda, analysts warn (THE STAR)

  2. WikiLeaks founder could be charged under Espionage Act (WAPO)

  3. Administration Orders Review of Government Secrets After WikiLeaks Dump (AP)

  4. Russian Missiles Fuel U.S. Worries (WSJ)

  5. Wikileaks reveals plans for North Korean collapse (YAHOO)

  6. Egyptian security uses live ammo on unarmed Christian protesters, killing four (JIHAD WATCH)

  7. NYT Drops ClimateGate-era Ethics Qualms, Publishes Scores of WikiLeaks Docs (NEWS BUSTERS)

  8. Not Guilty Plea In (Christmas Tree) Terrorism Plot (FREEP)

  9. China Stood Aside on Iran (WSJ)

  10. AP-CNBC Poll: Cut services to balance the budget (YAHOO)

Muslim Public Affairs Council: Fit to Advise Law Enforcement?

Marilyn Stern

An extensive report on the Muslim Public Council (MPAC) should cause law enforcement officials to seriously question whether MPAC is the right body to advise on terrorism issues.

Interview with Journalist Ken Timmerman

on Iran, Gitmo and Tensions in the Middle East

Roger Aronoff

The administration wasted time trying to negotiate with Iran, rather than imposing tough sanctions straight away, says journalist Ken Timmerman....

WikiLeaks Leaker an Angry and Confused Soldier

Jim Kouri, CPP

The suspect behind the WikiLeaks information dump is a confused soldier, resentful of an army that did not support his decision to be openly homosexual.

Quote of the Day - November 30, 2010

FSM: Quote of the Day

China's opinions on Korean reunification and on Japan...

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