Lieing Muslim, HAG in a BAG, Carnita Matthews Sentenced to six months in Jail, for Lies and Deception,by Sydney, Campbelltown Magistrate.
Tim Vollmer and Nathan Klein
The Daily Telegraph
November 19, 2010
A BURQA-CLAD mother of seven who claimed she was the victim of mistaken identity has been jailed for six months for making a false complaint against a police officer.
Magistrate Robert Rabbidge dismissed Carnita Matthews' allegations that a highway patrol officer was racist after he pulled her over for a Random Breath Test and claims he forcibly tried to remove her face veil as false.
In sentencing her, he described her actions as "both deliberate and malicious" saying he had no option but to sentence her to jail given the seriousness of her allegations, and to send a clear message to the community.
A second woman, also wearing a burqa today who was supporting Matthews in court broke down in tears as she was removed by Corrective Service officers.
Matthews was charged in June after allegedly falsely claiming that a highway patrol officer handled her in an attempt to see her burqa-hidden face during a random breath test.
She pleaded not guilty.
After arriving at Campbelltown Local Court yesterday with an identically dressed friend, Matthews watched the in-car police video of her being pulled over and asked to lift the burqa so the officer could verify her licence photo.
Her claim that she had not signed the Statutory Declaration outlining her complaint were rejected with Magistrate Rabbidge saying the signature on it was almost identical to that on her driver's licence.
The court was told that after being issued an infringement notice for not properly displaying her P-plates, the 46-year-old branded the officer "a racist" and claimed he only booked her because of what she was wearing.
"I've got my P-plates on my car ... there was nothing wrong with how they were displayed," Matthews said on the video.
"You look at me and see me wearing this and you couldn't handle it. All cops are racist."
The court heard that Matthews then drove to Campbelltown police station to complain that she was unfairly treated by the officer.
Giving evidence yesterday, the station officer who took the complaint said he had told Matthews the officer had been right to ask for identification.
In a statement read to the court, Sergeant Paul Kearney said he told her: "I'm looking at you and all I can see is two eyes."
However, the court was told that an officer who three days later accepted a statutory declaration from a burqa-clad woman he assumed to be Matthews failed to check her identification.
Matthews' lawyer Stephen Hopper said there was no way for police to prove that his client was the one who signed the statutory declaration at Campbelltown police station on June 10.
Mr. Hopper said that meant Matthews should not have been charged with the offence of making a false complaint to police.
Back Story.
The creators of Australia’s Multicultural Industry will no doubt fix the appeal for this lieing Muslim, the Magistrate will no doubt be counseled and re educated in the ways of the Labor Party, Leftist,Independent,”New Age Social Justice” Islamic Supremacist Legal system and will, if he has no other career options, confess his sins and proclaim his enlightenment and tow the Labor Party Multicultural line, he will always be watched and monitored and will no doubt retire from the Magistrates bench due to “illness” or “family reasons” in the not too distant future.
Carnita Matthews will possibly become a Feminist Matyre for the Labor Party’s “Broad and inclusive Church” the “Church” that Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07, aka. former PM Kevin Rudd boasted about at every opportunity during his election campaign during 2007.
Christian “Social Justice “ advocates and Uniting Church UN Groupies,will physically fight each other for Radio and TV time, to profess their and only their “special understanding” (because of their UN inspired Social Justice insight) of the plight of the oppressed aka.. lieing Muslims like Carnita Mathews.
Australians have what they voted for in 2010, the Australian Labor Party’s Whitlam Labor Government manifesto aka. “It’s Time”, Multiculturalism aka. a land of Minority Tribes, eg.Pacific Islanders, New Zealanders,Middle Eastern Muslims, who hate Australia, OUR culture,OUR history and OUR hero’s and what Australia is.
These New specimens of “cultural enrichment and diversity” have been imported into Australia by the Australian Labor Party and their financiers, The Australian Council of Trade Unions,(ACTU) various “Christian” “Social Justice” groups and “Refugee Action” groups eg.Project Safecom, loyal to whoever they think will give their “chosen people” the largest Social Security Cheque upon their illegal entry into Australia, and for the rest of their lives for them and their children and relatives aka. “Family Reunion”
Where will these Islamic,Multicultural “rats” who deserted the sinking ship of the manifestations of Islam and the UN’s’ created third world societies of,at best, Serfdom, where will these “citizens of the world” RUN to when they have done to MY Country what they stood idly by, hands and mouths bound and silenced by some seventh century belief in the syphilitic ramblings of a Paedophile Pirate and Slave Trader they call Mohammed the prophet of their allah?
When they have FUCKED Australia and Australians,in the same way the evil vile putrid manifestations of their “Religious” beliefs, their Social practices, their seventh century “legal system”, when the proven manifestations of the Koran, Multiculturalism and Voodoo Science is all that is left, where will these Multicultural RATS run to then? where will these Muslim,Multicultural, UN useful idiots collect their Social Security Cheque, free Education, Medical, Dental, Housing,Legal Aid,Transport,Child Care, Pharmaceutical to name but a few of the manifestations of the Judeo Christian Democratic Nation of AUSTRALIA they demand daily be destroyed?
The Muslim invaders are here because Australia is NOT like the Islamic governed cesspool they ran away from, after all if the manifestations of Islam were so good, so perfect, all that they say is all that man needs, why are Muslims invading Australia at every opportunity given to them by the Australian Council of Trade Unions financed Australian Labor Party, Madame Gillard, Federal Labor Government?
So what are the “Insurgents”/”Freedom fighters” “Multiculturalists” saying about this Islamic outrage? see HERE
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