Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ideology Before People, Not Okay

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riyoutube Issue 30


November is a loaded month. Kristallnacht Memorial Day, Holocaust Education Week, Veterans Day and corrupted PLO leader Yassir Arafat’s death all weigh down the calendar. Eerily, each relates to the grave questions: Does human life stand respected and come before ideology? Or does ideology, political or religious, trample the human being and allow for hate and blood-lust, racism and genocide?

These are not outdated questions. Crazily, they still need urgent answering. Radical Islam is all about putting ideology before human beings. Take the case of Christians being persecuted this very moment in Muslim countries just for being non-Muslims. And take the way radical Islam treats women, see our take action. The repression of basic rights, torture, and deaths tell the dirty story. How are we going to deal with it? There are five schools of thoughts but one ultimate road, read more below.

This newsletter is dedicated to the memory of the fallen soldiers who fought in the spirit of Freedom, Humanity, and Goodness. Disgraceful radical Muslims may be burning poppies (see clip below), but the soldiers’ blessed honor lives on. Happy Thanksgiving!

Why Do Christians Remain Silent About the Persecution of Christians in Muslim-Majority Societies?

By Barry Rubin


Christians in Iraq have been, and not for the first time, deliberately targeted in a major terrorist attack. Indeed, from Indonesia to Pakistan to Iraq, from the Gaza Strip to Egypt to Sudan to Nigeria, Christians are being assaulted, intimidated, and murdered by militant Muslims.

Yet virtually never do Christians in any of these countries-perhaps with some occasional exceptions in India--attack Muslims. In the West, there have been no armed terrorist attacks on Muslims or the deliberate killing of Muslims. There does not exist a single group advocating such behavior.

Have you seen any of this in the Western mass media? Have any Christian church groups-some of which find ample time to criticize Israel-even mentioned this systematic assault? Indeed, on the rare occasions that the emigration of Christians is mentioned, somehow it is blamed on Israel, as one American network news show did recently. more

Approaches to Addressing Radical Islam - What Will Work and What Will Not

By Tawfik Hamid

The problems of radical Islam have been escalating during the last few decades and have affected the world in diverse ways… An analysis of the current responses to radical Islam reveals at least 5 different approaches or schools of thought.

The first approach, which is used by many Muslims as a defensive mechanism for their faith, is to simply deny the existence of any ideological or religious role in the problem. This group typically promotes that Islam is a peaceful religion. This approach cannot work in solving the problem, as it always confronts the reality that almost all approved interpretations of Islamic core text and Islamic jurisprudence books that exist today promote values such as declaring wars to spread the religion, justify killing Muslim apostates, and allow beating women, polygamy, and stoning for adultery…

It is insane to show tolerance to cancer cells and normal cells at the same time as the former will kill the latter... The Apologists need to stop the self-flagellation attitude that ignores the ideological component of the problem, as ignoring the role of the ideology impedes efforts for reforming Islam. Muslims will NOT feel the need to reform if others are telling them that the problem is all about the US foreign policy and that it has nothing to do with the religious ideology. more

Take Action!

1. One of our readers was motivated to create a Facebook page called "Women Don't Need Guardians." Join the page now and show opposition to the way Saudi women are treated! In Saudi Arabia all adult women are required to have permission from a male guardian to do many things that we take for granted, like travel, study, work or even go to court to make a complaint about domestic violence. To life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for all men and women!

2. Visit our Iranium website and sign up for a free online pass for a movie that'll be coming soon to screens. Don't forget to tell a friend!

We are inspired by our readers who find ways to make a difference and bring more light and freedom into this world. Kudos to the creator of "Women Don't Need Guardians." Tell us what you are doing to fight radical Islam, because every person's actions make a difference.

Clip - Burn in Hell: Muslim Protesters Disrupt British Veterans Day

Iran180 - Rally to Restore Sanity to Iran! Using every opportunity to make the point.

In This Issue

New This Weekarrow
Christians Remain Silent arrow
Addressing Radical Islamarrow
Take Action!arrow
Must See Video Cliparrow

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On RadicalIslam.org




The Third Jihad

Radical Islam's Vision for America

is a documentary that alerts Americans to the danger radical Islam poses to the United States and to Western civilization as a whole.
Watch The Third Jihad Trailer

About RadicalIslam.org

RadicalIslam.org, the flagship education tool of the Clarion Fund, was developed to spread awareness about the threat of Radical Islam in the United States and to provide practical response tools. The portal acts as a social networking tool, uniting individuals across America to take a stand against Radical Islam. Users are encouraged to express themselves through comments on website blogs. RadicalIslam.org also has a live-blogging presence on Twitter: No2RadicalIslam.

Clarion Fund 255 W36th St New York NY 10018 USA

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