Thursday, May 31, 2012

Your Exclusive Ethical Oil Monthly Report Monthly Newsletter - May Edition
Thank you for your continued support of May was a busy month for us. We launched a campaign to raise awareness of the tremendous potential to end Canada's reliance on conflict oil and use ethical oil by reversing the Line 9 pipeline. Ethical Oil's Executive Director Jamie Ellerton appeared before the House of Commons Finance Committee to discuss Budget 2012. And we responded quickly to let Canadians know when Thomas Mulcair outrageously said Canada's ethical oil industry is modelled after Nigeria.
As always, visit our blog to keep up to date on the latest Ethical Oil news as it happens.
Please consider making a donation to support our continued work and share the message with your family and friends.

The NDP's Thomas Mulcair recently made disparaging remarks about Canada's Ethical Oil, claiming our industry was modelled after Nigeria. He has shamelessly smeared the character and morality of the hundreds of thousands of construction workers, engineers, accountants, geologists, welders, truck drivers and the hundreds of other jobs Canadians do every day to help make this country's energy work, and our country prosper.
In response, reacted quickly and released an ad so Canadians could see for themselves how Canada compares to Nigeria. Click here to watch it and be sure to share it with your family and friends.

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance invited Ethical Oil to appear before the committee as a witness to address Bill C-38, the 2012 Federal Budget Bill formally known as the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act.
The NDP's Peggy Nash recognized that Ethical Oil has "grown very quickly in the public eye" and asked what is behind Ethical Oil's success. Be sure to watch the video to hear Jamie's response.

If Canada has the third largest deposit of oil reserves in the world, why are we importing it from Nigeria, Venezuela and other OPEC tyrants? Believe it or not, the bulk of oil and gasoline Canadians buy in Ontario and Quebec is imported, which means central Canadians have to buy a lot of their oil from dictators, human rights abusers, and countries with horrendous environmental practices.
The obvious benefits of sticking with homegrown, ethical oil here in Canada is why Enbridge has applied to the National Energy Board to have Line 9 reversed. Click here to read more and declare your support for reversing the Line 9 pipeline. | P.O. Box 1047, 31 Adelaide Street East | Toronto | Ontario | M5C 2K4 | Canada

Rep. Allen West blasts administration

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May 31, 2012

Rep. Allen West blasts administration

West a keynote speaker at our upcoming national conference June 27 – 29.

View Rep. West’s interview above

Rep. Allen West recently blasted the Obama administration for its failure to protect a Pakistani doctor who helped us find Osama bin Laden—a doctor who has now been sentenced to 33 years in prison. This is an outrage!

Rep. West, a keynote speaker at our upcoming National Conference and Legislative Briefing, continues to exhibit the kind of leadership, courage and candor so frequently missing in Washington, DC.


The Omni Shoreham Hotel has extended the deadline for our discounted hotel room rate. But time is running out!

To ensure you get your hotel room at our special discounted rate, please call the Omni at 800.843.6664, or make your reservation online here.

To find out everything you need to know about the National Conference, from the agenda to how to register for the conference, please VISIT HERE.

Our stellar lineup of speakers includes:
  • A best-selling author and anti-terrorism expert who has actually studied Islam with an Islamic scholar (Kenneth Timmerman);
  • A former CIA operations officer and professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (Clare Lopez);
  • A former jihadist member of an Egyptian terrorist organization (Dr. Tawfik Hamid);
  • A former National Security Advisor to President Reagan (Robert McFarlane)
  • A national leader in the fight against “legal jihad” (attorney Richard Thompson).
What’s more, already a dozen Members of Congress have committed to attend our legislative briefing.

Throw in our “Capitol Hill Awards Luncheon,” the Thursday night “2012 Election Campaigns Review,” and our signature gala banquet, and it all adds up to the premier event in our nation’s capital for those concerned about radical Islam.


ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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5-31-12: Former prominent Obama backer, leaves Democratic party

FSM video  picks + 2012 site


·  Amazing! Attendees of Eric Holder event think Operation Fast and Furious is a movie

·  College Student Doesn't Know who America Fought for Indpendence

·  Is college a waste of money?

·  Limbaugh blasts Holder's plea to black leaders against voter IDs

·  SWATting: The left's new tactic to silence and terrorize conservatives

·  What is the United Nations, what is its purpose for being and why did it even come into existence at all?

·  House to vote today on sex-selection abortion ban

·  Jimmy Carter Agrees With The Muslim Brotherhood On Israel

·  Group raises more than $70G for Texas honor student jailed for truancy



Read Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here


FSM Must Reads + 2012 site
MAY 31, 2012
Huerta is also the honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America, a group that touts itself as "the largest socialist organization in the United States, and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International."

If all of the discretionary programs are being nibbled to death as each mandatory one - Social Security, Medicare and Medicare - devour us all, you'd think the left would be a bit concerned about such reckless spending.

An analysis by USA Today squares very well with what other financial analysts have been saying for years. The truth is that our federal budget deficits have actually been far worse than we have been told. Whose fault is this?

The mainstream media has always loved controversy and wars, military and cultural alike. Now we have an "Argument Industry" that thrives on keeping problems insoluble. What gives?

Nearly 20,000 people have applied so far for the 877 new jobs at Hyundai's plant in Montgomery, Ala., where it is adding a new production shift. And the applications are still coming.

Artur Davis, one of President Obama's earliest supporters and a former co-chairman for his presidential campaign, announced Tuesday that he was leaving the Democratic party for good.

With Iran threatening violence should it be attacked by Israel or the United States, sleepers must be taken seriously. Is it time for government authorities to accept what our enemies are saying?

In dealing with the Iranian mullahs, what you see is not what you get, and what you hear is not what they mean. So who else but a detective like Sherlock Holmes can tell us what the mullahs really want?

New York City plans to enact a far-reaching ban on the sale of large sodas and other sugary drinks at restaurants, movie theaters and street carts, in the most ambitious effort yet by the Bloomberg administration to combat rising obesity.

Police in Amsterdam have arrested the spokesperson of the Islamist group Sharia4Holland on charges of making death threats against the Dutch Freedom Party leader, Geert Wilders.

Members of the Polish-American community are upset over what White House officials say was an accidental choice in words by President Barack Obama.

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