Tuesday, January 8, 2013

01-08-13: Only ‘Hobbit-Sized Humans’ Capable of Surviving Global Warming

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

child debt

·  Santelli updates the national debt readings, explains how politicians inadvertently created a new program called "All Kids Left Behind," and explains why they should not be proud of it


·  Ronald Reagan makes some excellent points about how unpatriotic it is to buy votes with other people's money.


·  A gross violation of your privacy by the press - Newspaper puts citizens in danger!


·  1776 Will Commence Again If You Try to Take Our Firearms!


·  Senator Ted Cruz: Government Shutdown Is on the Table


·  Krauthammer Slams Hagel Nomination


·  New film investigates threat from Muslim Brotherhood

chuck hagel_obama_LARGE

·  Hagel: 'The Jewish Lobby Intimidates a Lot of People up Here'


·  Tough confirmation battle ahead for John Brennan? Will Obama's pick for CIA head be approved?

must-see-movie-clapboard_ watch

·  The Video of the Best Pickpocketer in the World That You'll Likely Want to See


In Case You Missed It

Scott-mcgrath _ hurricane sandy _ 500x281

·  Hurricane Sandy victim Scott McGrath unloaded on President Obama and Washington elites in an interview with Neil Cavuto

l _ liberal

·  Why did George Will say, "People will look back on fiscal cliff deal as point when liberalism started its decline?"


·  Prayer back in public schools?

breaking news light

·  Marine Who Penned Blistering Letter to Sen. Feinstein Over Gun Control Speaks Out


·  Mark Levin: 2nd Amendment Not For Hunters, It Is For Overthrowing A Tyrannical Government

bill whittle

·  Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Rule of Lawlessness

Obama Golf

·  Redistribution of wealth to Washington? As Washington continues spending spree and Obama golfs in Hawaii, average Americans take hit in their paychecks


·  Krauthammer: Boehner Was Right to Cancel Vote on Sandy Relief Bill, Which Was "A Rape of the Treasury"


·  Labor Sec Solis: All of these unemployment benefits have saved millions of jobs, you know

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

Read FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here



FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

  'Thank You, Young American Taxpayers Who Voted For Obama!'

Every older person above the age of 50 should be part of the Grateful Nation now, right?

Climate News: Only ‘Hobbit-Sized Humans' Capable of Surviving Global Warming

Hobbit-sized humans, able to exist on less nourishing food, will have the best chance of survival in a warmer world, scientists say...

The New Iranian Hostage Crisis

The Obama administration started talking to the Iranian regime even before the 2008 elections, and those talks have continued apace. They have recently hit a snag over a familiar subject: hostages.

Al Gore Profits from the Stealth Jihad

Let's call it Al Goreera. That seems a fitting title for the new network that former Vice President Al Gore is launching with the jihadists' favorite television outlet: Al Jazeera.

Will Egypt Become a Totalitarian State?

The Muslim Brotherhood has made another giant step forward in consolidating its rule in Egypt through the successful passage of the newly drafted constitution by some 64 percent of those who voted.

Sotomayor's Blow to Religious Liberty

Chief Justice Roberts's decision to uphold the constitutionality of ObamaCare ended the discussion about the president's signature health care legislation as far as most of the media was concerned.

Government Of, By and For Activists

A university think tank's lawsuit raises serious questions about the old and new EPA.

The Urban-Rural Conflict is Central to Today's Global Dysfunction

Successful cities attract talent; unsuccessful ones attract crime and anarchy. Both kinds have existed throughout human history, and are with us today.

Iranian Terror, Espionage Highlighted in New DoD Report

A new report by the Pentagon's Irregular Warfare Support Program details the role played by Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security in defending the Islamic Republic.


Geert Wilders' Courageous Journey

Wilders has paid a price for his condemnation of Islam. Since 2004 Wilders has lived under constant police protection "like a prisoner" due to similar death threats.

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