Wednesday, July 24, 2013

07-24-13: Sequester Cuts Will Devastate U.S. Military (Plus: Atheist Chaplains?)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

military chaplain_god religion_LARGE

·  Controversy over push for "atheist chaplains" in the U.S. Navy

·  Brazilians Throng Streets to Greet Pope Francis

·  Mark Levin: I am starting to think...Boehner Cut some Deal with Obama on Benghazi

·  Anthony Weiner Admits: Some of the X-Rated Chats Occurred after His Resignation from Congress

·  Al-Qaeda Prison Break Reflects Growing Sectarian Conflict in Iraq - Disturbing development in War on Terror

·  Is this a safe idea? TSA expands Express security program: Will charge $85 fee for pre-check "trusted traveler"


·  Rush Limbaugh's Theory About the ‘Insane' Left

In Case You Missed It


·  MUST WATCH: O'Reilly Smacks Down Obama's Race Speech: 'African American Leadership Needs to Stop This Nonsense'

·  Senator Says Coalition to Block and Defund Obamacare Is Growing, Names Names

·  Boehner Smacks Down Schieffer's Claim Congress Created Sequester

·  George Zimmerman emerges from hiding - to rescue victim of car accident

·  Limbaugh Predicts How the ‘Insane' Left Will React to Zimmerman Rescuing Family After Car Accident

·  Krauthammer Takes on liberal pundit: Detroit Is Not a GOP Failure, ‘It's Been Run by the Democrats for 60 Years'

·  How ObamaCare's unraveling unraveled my business

·  CNN Anchor Tells Guest He Has Racial Blind Spot Because of White 'Privilege'

·  EU Blacklists Hezbollah

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What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

President Obama and Trayvon Martin

This pot-smoking kid from Hawaii accorded every advantage the American society can confer is saying in effect he faced "racial discrimination."

Experts: Sequester Cuts Will Devastate U.S. Military

Furloughs hitting employees hard, while U.S. verging on inability to fight two-front war

Blocking Walmart from Washington, D.C., Would Hurt Poor

Politicians would rather have no new jobs at $12.50 per hour than 900 new jobs at $10 per hour.

Putting TSA's SPOT Program on the Spot

A billion dollars spent to date to train 5 percent of TSA's workforce has yet to "ensure that passengers are screened objectively or show that SPOT is cost effective or worthy of expansion."

Statism is Turning America into Detroit - Ayn Rand's Starnesville Come to Life

Illiteracy runs at around 47%; half the adults in some areas are unemployed. In many neighbourhoods, the only sign of activity is a slow trudge to the liquor store.

Stop Being Afraid and Intimidated By Liberals & Islamic Terrorist Supporters

Regardless of what the main stream media (MSM) may say, there is an internal war going on in America. Liberals and Conservatives are in an invisible fight against one another.

How Obama Truly Was Like Trayvon Martin

The Huffington Post has perfected the smear technique of expressing shock and anger at things that conservatives say which make complete sense and are factually based.

Living in a Communist Economy

In the former Soviet Union, the joke was "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work."

Al Jazeera coming to America: Controversial network ready to hit U.S. TV markets

Al Jazeera, the Arab news network that has provided a venue for Osama bin Laden videos, the Muslim Brotherhood and a birthday bash for a convicted murderer, is coming to America.


Paul Ryan's Immigration Smoke and Mirrors

Misleading the public, whether intentional or not, on matters of national security and the economic well-being of American workers, is quite a different and far more serious matter. Ryan is doing exactly that in promoting comprehensive immigration reform.

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