Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Today the disaster at Fukushima-Daiichi was raised to Level 3

Dear Friends,

Today the disaster at Fukushima-Daiichi was raised to Level 3, same as Chernobyl. Unlike Chernobyl, which was a one-time event, this is an unfolding, worsening disaster. Today the MSM- NBC, NYT and Reuters are all carrying stories about this. Time to start praying- we need a miracle!
Some of us are preparing an AVAAZ petition to the UN General Assembly, which meets in September. The petition calls for setting up an international independent body to bring all the world's best minds to work on the problems, and all the world's resources to be available. The group would take over the cleanup, working closely with the Japanese. This petition will be published in a couple of weeks. We are gathering endorsements from interested groups such as environmentalists, ocean protectors, etc. If you belong to such a group which would endorse this, please email me at
Also, please call your senators and ask them to set up an investigation, to support internationalization. And keep sending out this petition-

If we all work together, we may yet avert the ultimate disaster.

Peace, Carol Wolman

Gundersen: We are going to see top of the food chain animals like tuna and salmon and things like that that bioaccumulate [...] I am concerned that the FDA is not monitoring fish entering the United States [...] I am thinking by 2013 we might see contamination of the water and of the top of the food chain fishes on the West Coast.

Gundersen: Federal and state agencies are not measuring this… I’ve been working on the West Coast and I’ve been trying to get the people of Oregon to demand of their state, the people of Alaska to demand of their state: Check the salmon, it is not difficult.

Title: Fukushima, Fuel Rods, and the Crisis of Divided and Distracted Governance :: JapanFocus
Source: Asia Pacific Journal

Author: Andrew DeWit, Professor in the School of Policy Studies at Rikkyo University
Date: Aug 19, 2013

[...] Expert commentary, including from the METI Nuclear Accident Response Director, has warned that the constant flow of water may lead to further structural instability of the buildings. Keep in mind that the risky fuel-rod removal is likely to take a good deal longer than the year projected by Tepco. [...] 1000 tonnes of water per day runs down from the surrounding hills, further softening the ground under the facilities (which sits over an aquifer) [...]

[...] the crisis is potentially more a threat to national security than anything the North Koreans are up to.

So, here we have a potential catastrophe unfolding in plain sight, in that the flow of water, its contamination, the constraints on storage capacity, and other factors are generally understood by the overseers. They know – or certainly should know – that they are drifting into ever more risky circumstances, as the volumes of water increasingly render the ground underneath the reactors unstable. All parties also know that Tepco is prepared to start removing fuel rods from November, in an operation made highly dangerous by the high levels of ambient contamination, the subsidence of the ground, poor coordination of human resources on the site (including multiple chains of command which prevent or at least greatly impair implementation of decisions), among other factors. [...]
Given the implications of a mishap in fuel-rod removal, as well as the myriad other problem areas at the plant, the word “shameful” seems hardly strong enough. To help bolster the Abe administration’s incentives, perhaps the IAEA, the global nuclear village, and others keen to promote nuclear power in the face of Fukushima, might take a long, hard look at the facts and provide leadership to resolve what is unraveling on site. Each crisis at Fukushima costs them too, and a catastrophe would render all their efforts for naught. [...]

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