Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Canada Can Call Islamic Terrorism, Terrorism, But We Can’t

Canada Can Call Islamic Terrorism, Terrorism, But We Can’t


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

No “Workplace Violence“. No “Let’s not jump to any conclusions here.” No airborne PTSD, financial problems, lone loser excuses.
The attack that killed one of the two Canadian Forces members struck by a Quebec motorist was “clearly linked to terrorist ideology,” Canadian Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney said Tuesday.
A radicalized Muslim convert ran down two soldiers in his car in an apparent terror attack Monday, before being shot dead by police.
He told a 911 operator he was acting in the name of Allah, a police source tells QMI Agency.
A neighbor told QMI that Couture-Rouleau had grown out his beard and started wearing a turban after converting to Islam a year ago. A Facebook page under the name Ahmad Rouleau, created in May 2013, included a number of verses from the Qu’ran.
“Terrorist ideology” is still basically denial, but it’s a vast improvement over Obamaville where it can’t even be called terrorism, but gets written off as workplace violence.
Official Opposition Leader Thomas Mulcair said the government erred in raising the suspected terror link in the Commons.
“I think it’s a mistake to start drawing conclusions on such limited information, especially as to motive. … Let the police do their job and then we’ll know whether we’re dealing with the type of situation they’ve described.”
Now that’s more like what we’re used to. Deny, deny and then deny some more. Then call it workplace violence.

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