Friday, October 10, 2014

Remembering the Battle of Tours

Remembering the Battle of Tours

Mark Tapson, a Hollywood-based writer and screenwriter, is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He focuses on the politics of popular culture.


The month of October marks the anniversary of an epic event that unfortunately is no longer widely known but which nonetheless shaped the future of the Western world, and which may still hold inspiration for the West today.

After the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad in 632, Islam spread like a bloody tide throughout the Arabian peninsula, north to the Caspian Sea and east through Persia and beyond, westward through Egypt and across North Africa all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. From there it crossed the Straits of Gibraltar and consumed all of the Iberian peninsula, or al-Andalus as the Saracens called it. In a mere one hundred years, Muhammad’s aggressive legacy was an empire larger than Rome’s had ever been.

By 732 that fallen Roman empire had devolved into a patchwork of warring barbarian tribes. When Abd-ar-Rahman, the governor of al-Andalus, crossed the Pyrenees with the world’s most successful fighting force and began sweeping through the south of what would become France toward Paris, there was no nation, no central power, no professional army capable of stopping them.

No army except one – led by the Frankish duke Charles, the eventual grandfather of Charlemagne. His infantrymen, as Victor Davis Hanson puts it in a fascinating chapter of Carnage and Culture, were “hardened veterans of nearly twenty years of constant combat against a variety of Frankish, German, and Islamic enemies.” Hanson writes that the Roman legions had crumbled “because of the dearth of free citizens who were willing to fight for their own freedom and the values of their civilization.” But Charles had spirited, free warriors under his command who were willing.

Sometime in October (the exact date is disputed), on the road between Poitiers and Tours (and so it is sometimes called the Battle of Poitiers) less than 175 miles from Paris, Abd-ar-Rahman arrayed his cavalry against Charles’ solid block of Frankish footsoldiers, which at 30,000 was by some estimates half the size of the Arab and Berber army (Hanson speculates that the armies were more evenly matched).

The opposing forces sized each other up for a full week. And then on Saturday morning Abd-ar-Rahman ordered the charge. But his cavalry, which counted on speed, mobility, and terror to defeat dying empires and undisciplined tribes, could not splinter the better-trained and better-armed Frankish phalanx. At the end of the day’s carnage, both sides regrouped for the next day’s assault.
But at dawn, Charles and his men discovered that the Muslim army had vanished, leaving the booty stolen from ransacked churches behind, as well as 10,000 of their dead – including Abd-ar-Rahman himself. It was not the last Muslim incursion into Europe, but it was the beginning of the end.

Some contemporary historians downplay the magnitude of the Muslim threat, claiming that Abd-ar-Rahman’s force was only a raiding party. They minimize the significance of the battle’s outcome, too; at least one historian even claims that Europe would have been better off if Islam had conquered it. But Hanson notes that “most of the renowned historians of the 18th and 19th centuries… saw Poitiers as a landmark battle that signaled the high-water mark of Islamic advance into Europe.” Edward Creasey included it among his The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. Many believe that if Charles – whom the Pope afterward dubbed Martel, or “the Hammer” – had not stopped Abd-ar-Rahman at Tours, there would have been nothing to prevent Europe from ultimately becoming Islamic. Edward Gibbon called Charles “the savior of Christendom” and wrote in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in 1776 that if not for Charles’ victory, “perhaps the interpretation of the Koran would now be taught in the schools of Oxford.”

If only Gibbon could see Oxford now. Not only is the interpretation of the Koran taught there, but Islam thrives in Oxford, thanks partly to the patronage of dhimmi Prince Charles. In his essay “Islam in Oxford,” faux moderate Muslim scholar Muqtadar Khan writes smugly that “Gibbon would have been surprised to learn the lesson that military defeats do not stop the advance of civilizations and the globalization of Islam is unimpeded by the material and military weaknesses of the Muslim world.”
Apart from his dubious suggestion that Islam has anything to do with the advance of civilization, Khan is right. Today the Islamic invasion of Europe and the rest of the West is of the demographic, not military, sort. The continent faces an immigration crisis from at least one generation of young Muslims, many of whom not only are willfully unassimilated, but who are waging cultural and physical aggression against their hosts, establishing parallel communities ruled by sharia and “no-go” zones of violence toward infidels. “Nothing can stop the spread of Islam,” insists Islamic apologist Reza Aslan. “There are those who would try, but it simply will not happen. Absolutely nothing can stop the spread of Islam.”

But Charles Martel begged to differ in 732. The tide was turned back then, and if necessary it can be turned back again, by new Martels. The conflict is different now – it’s far from being as straightforward and elemental as two armies facing off – and so those new Martels won’t necessarily be soldiers. They will also be culture warriors and activists and ordinary citizens willing to put themselves on the front lines against this new incursion. We need “free citizens willing to fight for their own freedom and the values of their civilization” – as Charles Martel and his warriors once were.

Don’t miss Shillman Journalism Fellow Mark Tapson on this week’s Glazov Gang discussing Fighting the Culture War:

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  • ML NJ
    In 732 at the Battle of Tours,
    Charles Martel defeated the Moors.
  • bob e
    oo rah for the charles the ‘hammer’ .. may we see him again soon ..
    • bob smith
      You missed the point made in the summary. Charles is in all of us who cherish our value system and culture.
      It is we who must be seen and seen now. I constantly challenge any and all politicians at every level of government on the issue of immigration and the threat Islam poses to our way of life. I speak straightforward to anyone on the need to stop immigration from all MUSLIM lands. What do you do? Wait to see people like me do something?
      • bob e
        i am of the same mind .. believe me
        • bob smith
          i believe you, no doubt. I just feel strongly that we must be vigilant to put ourselves forward at every instance to let all political stripes know that these muslims are not welcome and neither is their cultish islam
  • Hard Little Machine
    And they’re still mad about that.
  • objectivefactsmatter
    This is the plague we have yet to defeat.
    • Race_Dissident
      And infinitely more contagious than Ebola.
  • DowntotheBone
    “By 732 that fallen Roman empire had devolved into a patchwork of warring barbarian tribes.”
    Mr. Tapson, I’m sure you’d agree that it would be reasonable to insert “Western” between “fallen” and “Roman” in the sentence above; since the Eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empire endured for another 700 years (admittedly as a rump state for its last century or so) after the Battle of Tours.
    The Byzantine Empire, although it lost a great part of its territory and population to the barbarians in the decades after 632; still did more than a little to slow down the advance towards Europe of the barbarians from Arabia/the Middle East.
    That aside, I completely agree that the Battle of Tours (Poitiers) was one of the defining/decisive battles in history, and was essential for the up-to-now survival of Civilization against barbarity.
  • herb benty
    You see EU men turned into mush by PC socialism, EU men sitting on their hands while EU women and girls are raped by muslim “immigrants”, en masse. Is that America, Canada? I don’t think so, I for one will go on a rampage if our women begin to be raped by friggin muslims. Death to Islam!
    • Race_Dissident
      EU “men”? Please.
    • loseyateefa
      This is what happens in the decades AFTER gun bans. This behavior can thrive when no one has easy access to firearms. Most of Europe has done away with individual gun ownership. That observation ALONE should be enough to argue for our 2nd Amendment Rights. I guess they forgot how to use spears, knives and machetes….. or don’t want to see the blood.
      • herb benty
        Well dear, That is a fact! With the Muslim threat, black gangs and vicious illegals, I can see why the commie Democrats wanted White, Christian, Conservative, Patriotic Americans stripped of protection! I don’t believe commies stop their nefarious activities, so, it may come to blood.
  • liz
    If Charles had lost the battle of Tours, there would BE no Oxford, period.
    Or civilization. The entire world would already be sunk in the stinking cesspool of Islam.
    Now the neo-parasites of the left are encouraging the paleo-parasites of Islam to join them in finishing off the “host” of civilization .
  • Kafir911
    This video with Tom Trento and Clare Lopez will help put the Battle of Tours into perspective. PLEASE take an hour of your time to watch it.
  • Lee Scott
    “The conflict is different now…”
    It is much the same as battling a cancer. The best time to cure it is to cut out the tumor before it has metastasized and spread throughout the body, but that time has long passed. Islam has infiltrated our cities, our schools, our governments and our institutions, so that now the battle is not one of armies facing each other across a battlefield, but, figuratively, now one of hand-to-hand street fighting, as the walls have been breached.
    Eventually, but probably too late, we will realize that the enemy is not ‘radical Islam’, but Islam itself; that our ideals of religious freedom, tolerance and diversity are defenseless against an ideology that preaches slavery and intolerance.
    When are we going to make the distinction that any ideology that preaches the things that Islam preaches does not qualify as a religion? It must be fought with every tool at our disposal, and the first step is to identify it for what it truly is, a despicable scourge that needs to be vilified, ridiculed, isolated from civilized society, and ultimately eliminated.
    It is totally incompatible with the ideals of enlightened western civilization, and allowing to co-exist amongst us will be the end of us.
  • johninohio1
    The best descriptor for Mohammad is ‘sociopath’ or ‘psychopath’.
  • me_geefb
    Battle of Vienna – 1683 Muslims [Ottoman Turk types] tried to invade Europe and continued their killing ways murdering people in cities that surrendered and prisoners. A lot has changed since then! or maybe nothing but names and places. [Ref. Syria-Iraq and a little turkey]
  • me_geefb
    and the “religion” of piehss ..
  • tagalog
    I think the battle of Tours/Poitiers is undergoing a resurgence among Westerners since 9/11. I’ve read Levering’s book and I think he can be refuted on a half-dozen grounds on the thesis that Europe would have been better off if ruled by the Muslims of Spain.

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