Friday, February 19, 2016

[10News] "Survey: Migration has negative impact on 'life quality … happiness'" - etc...

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Dear 10News readers
Some hopefully useful words from our latest New Year letter (if you like it, feel welcome to translate and spread):

"Many people in Europe and also some in the rest of the West are preparing themselves for living in more violent societies. In Sweden there is an increase on weapon sales, in Germany pepper spray is sold out, and still more women and men learn self defence. Hopefully many will join their country’s national guard.
One can not go wrong with any of this, as long as it all happens within the frame of democratic law.

But while doing all these outer activities, we should also remember our inner values and development. What we are and what we become inside, will be the future of coming generations.

Countless things can be communicated through books and computers. But transmission of values and outlook on our inner and deepest levels is only possible through a human-to-human connection: From person to person, from parents to children, from one generation to the next.

Therefore we not only have to protect our outer society and culture, our democratic rights and humanistic norms. We also have to protect our inner life, and here anger and fear are great obstacles. A professional policeman and an angry or fearful policeman are two completely different things.

One major problem is that irresponsible politicians and our own laziness and attachment to a comfortable lifestyle is letting things get so much out of hand, that we might feel the need to brutalise ourselves in order to rectify our leader’s historical mistake.

If we come out of this clash of civilisations with more anger in our minds and less respect for human dignity, we will have lost the very basis for what we are fighting for.

Therefor we should not only see ourselves as outer protectors of society. We must also remember that we are carriers of an important human transmission of inner values and outlook on very deep, psychological levels, that has taken centuries to realize and solidify.

It is a psychological fact that our emotions are the strongest driving factor for our actions. In other words: people behave the way they feel. When people behave bad it is a sign of painful inner states or very wrong ideas that will lead them into filling their own lives and mind with suffering.

This does not mean that we should take pity on misbehaved Muslims and remain passive while they try to compensate for low self-esteem, rid themselves of the pain of anger or sexual frustration, or strive for divine reward, by harming others. One should stop their behaviour and hopefully with the maximum amount of pedagogical effect.

But always with the minimum amount of damage, and with as little anger as possible. We can do that by holding on to the wish that they will be happy in the future – possibly far away – and thus one day find surplus and an outlook that will be the basis for more positive actions, that will fill their lives and surroundings others with more love and happiness.

In short: There is an omelet to be made, but it must be made with the least amount of broken eggs and with the continuous wish for long term win-win situations. This leaves no space for unnecessary brutality or feelings of revenge or hate.

Keeping the style in difficult times takes a calm mind, mature and wise compassion, and a very broad view, but while doing what is necessary on the outside, we must never forget to protect our own human development and our ultimate wish for the happiness of all beings. If one should find oneself in a situation where aggression is needed, the best inner support is probably to think that one does it for the benefit of others and to stop one’s opponent from inflicting further harm on others and himself.

There is no other way of protecting our inner, cultural transmission than by cultivating it, being it and showing others by example that it is really possible to remain so, even in troubled times.

So claim and live up to you and your generation’s responsibility. And be that courage, joy and love that you wish future generations to experience and build their life and societies on."

10News Team

African migrant publicly urinates and defecates in Berlin subway train

Not for the faint hearted. Video here.

Survey: Migration has negative impact on “life quality … happiness”

(Above: Statistics from the survey
Via Daily Mail:
“European cities in countries hardest hit by the migrant crisis say the arrival of foreigners has had a negative impact on their communities, according to a new survey.
A wide-ranging study by the European Commission in 83 cities analysed people’s quality of life by asking them to rate factors from education, housing, happiness and the impact of migration.
When asked whether foreigners have been well integrated, less than half of respondents agreed in 33 cities – around 40 per cent of the places surveyed.
The highest levels of discontent were found in Athens (76%), Greater Athens (75%), Malmo (65%), Roma (64%) and Istanbul (64%).”

Sharia in Germany: Gang of Muslim children attacks shop owner for selling alcohol

(Photo above: Gropiusstadt in Berlin)
Translated by
“Three men in a Neukölln Kiosk were attacked by thirty children and youths. The dispute was over the selling of alcohol.
The Gropiusstadt area in Neukölln is a social hot spot in Berlin south. The kurdish owner of a snack bar and kiosk, had to experience that last Sunday evening. Not for the first time, he says.
“Everytime during school vacation, the kids come gather here every evening and commit mischief on the plaza in front of the train station”, the 53 year old said on Monday. The night before, the so called mischief escalated.
“First about 10 to 15 children ages 9 to 12 or maybe 13, popped up. They very specifically were provoking us, and they knocked at the backdoor as well as the front door of my establishment and they tried to block the exit”, the owner says. The children threw stones and did damage to the side of the building.
The 53-year old called the police at about 19:30, but when police arrived, the children were gone already. But not for long.
One hour later, around 20:30, they returned, with reinforcements. “Suddenly in front of us there weren’t only children, but a group of youths ages 14 to 21”, the owner’s son says. The group hurled insults and they attacked, under the pretense that because alcohol was sold here, and therefore “they had to be punished”. According to the Kiosk owner they were all muslim youths.
Blow to the back of the head
The attacks escalated to hands-on fights, in which the son of the owner received quite a few contusions. His friend, trying to help, was hurt above the eye. The owner received a blow to the back of the head and went down. By the time he got back up, the mob had disappeared.”

Germany: School for girls need police protection

This is Europe, not Afghanistan.
Translated from harburg-aktuell:
“Wilhelmsburg – After St. Pauli there is apparently a second location in Hamburg, where multiple young women fall victim to groping and harassment. The target are female students of the vocational school W4 at the Dratelnstraße, where about 2000 mostly female students are trained to become medical, dental or veterinary professionals.
The truth has only become known after the headmistress reported several cases where students were hassled and sexually harassed. Apparently they were sexually solicited on their way to the Train station in Wilhelmsburg by individual men and small groups of men. They were sexually harassed in different ways or prompted to kiss. To put it plainly: The path to the vocational school became a gauntlet for the young women.
The police so far speaks of at least eight cases. But that seems to be only the tip of the iceberg. Inquiries by the responsible police officer for the school has shown that additional numerous similar incidents have taken place, even though only a small part of the students had been surveyed so far.
One student described how she was followed by a group of men all the way to the main train station, where they pushed her up against the wall while other men stood watch and laughed.”Many other such incidents were described”, according to Chief Inspector Andreas Schöpflin. Almost all incidents took place surrounding the school property. The descriptions of the perpetrators are all nearly identical. They speak little to no german at all, apparently originating from the Middle East or North Africa. It is examined if these men come from the nearby Initial Reception Center at Dratelnstrasse. About 1,400 refugees are placed there.
As for the school, because of the harassment and attacks, it is now under police protection. It has been announced that an increased police presence will take place which includes the deployment of riot police.“

Video: German Conservative explains the numbers, “Germany will be different country”

Recently, a German president of university demanded that all German children learn Arab, to prepare for the “transformation proces“. Below a Conservative politician does the math.

Video here (English subs).

Leaked document in Denmark: Terrorist carried Quran during attack

Translated from Berlingske:
“Concealment: Omar el-Hussein carried a Quran
For almost a year, the authorities have failed to disclose that Omar el-Hussien carried a Qur’an on the day of his attack.
Copenhagen: A year after the attack in Copenhagen on 14 and 15 February, it emerge that the 22-year-old Omar el-Hussein had a small Quran in gold letters on him when he was shot and killed by police.
This learns Radio24syv.
Former head of operations in PET (Police Intelligence Service), Hans Jørgen Bonnichsen, is surprised that the authorities have withheld this information so long.
‘I find it difficult to see that this detail could have been withheld to protect the investigations. But it may be because the police did not want to connect Islam and terrorism, and that it would guard against revenge attacks in the days following,’ he says to Radio24syv.
Peter Kofod Poulsen from the Danish Peoples’ Party believes it is “remarkable” that the police have not told “the whole truth.”
‘It is an interesting detail that has not been disclosed. It is impossible to say whether the police deliberately failed to tell it, but we will find out. So I will now ask the Minister of Justice, he says to Radio24syv.
Omar el-Hussein was, according Radio24syvs information at his death, in possession of a small blue Koran in Arabic script. He had left a bookmark Sura 21, entitled: “Profeterne”.
The verses are about the battle between the good and the evil infidels.
According to Professor in Quran research at the faculty of theology at the University of Copenhagen, Thomas Jøhnk Hoffmann, it is speculative to interpret the verses into Omar el-Hussein deeds. But with the caveat he says to Radio24syv:
‘One might imagine that el-Hussein identified himself and his actions with of verses from the Quran speaking of punishment of the wicked people. Especially the verses of Abraham smashing the idols can be interpreted as an allusion to Free Speech event (which el-Hussein attacked) where artists, so to speak, produced idols, he says.”

Cologne: 22,000 crimes by Muslims, often refugees, in just three years

Translated from Welt:
“Almost daily new juvenile offenders from North Africa
In Cologne, more than 22,000 offenses was committed by refugees from Maghreb countries since, 2013. They are often are young, unaccompanied refugees. The police is facing a huge problem.”

Video from Germany: Muslims hunting and beating gays

Video here.

Translated from Gay Stream:
“Only now Tagesspiegel, in a small notice, disclose that two gay men three weeks ago was beaten with leather belts by a furious crowd of Arabic-speaking men. In this harrowing video you can hear how the two scream in panic.
In the last few months pedestrians are being surrounded on Kottbusser Tor in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Wallets, phones, handbags have been stolen. If the attackers fail to get what they want, they sprayed their victims with pepper spray or threatened them with a knife. Some women were groped on the breasts or slapped in the face. Or scenes such as three weeks ago, when a furious crowd of Arabs chased after two gay men with belts while the two men screamed in panic.”

Belgium: Six Iraqis dance and sing during gang rape of unconscious girl

Via Daily Mail:
Belgian police have seized a video which reportedly shows an unconscious girl being gang-raped by a group of Iraqi migrants.
Officers investigating the radicalisation of a 14-year-old boy in Ostend discovered the footage on his mobile phone.
The video is believed to show him and six other attackers laughing, singing and dancing around the victim who has passed out drunk at a party.
The suspects then pull down the 17-year-old’s knickers before groping and raping her.

Ph.D. and human rights activist: Migrants are “like a walking time bomb … every day, many weapons were confiscated”

(Photo above: Martin Herzan)
“It seems that the EU has lost all sound decision-making abilities and, when it comes to accepting migrants, it has given up on all the wise rules, says Martin Herzan, former member of the House Committee on Human Rights.
For Thursday’s ‘Pravo‘ [a publication], he recounted his experiences from Camp Dobov on the Slovenia-Croatia border. According to him, tens of radical Islamists have also entered Europe, without any actions against them by security services.
“From December 2015 till the end of this January, I have spent six weeks among the migrants on a transition immigrant camp Dobova on the Slovenia-Croatia border, through which the Balkan migration wave flows into Europe.
About three thousand migrants passed through the camp daily – even whole families, but mostly just young men, alone.”
“The migrants could have lied about anything – give any names, dates of birth , even nationalities.”
They came not just from the countries afflicted by war – Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq – many strictly economic migrants have been trying to take advantage of the situation, coming from regions where there is no war. Most of them did not have any personal documents – they had intentionally destroyed them, to conceal their true identity and country of origin.
Every Day, many weapons were confiscated
As for the registration centres, which issued new temporary documents to the migrants, for those they can lie and say anything – whatever names, dates of birth and nationalities. The task of these registration centres is to write down the information they are given, not to verify it.
In Greece, the migrants did not even have to lie, because there, they have been, and are, issuing documents in which they put everyone’s date of birth as the first of January, whether the migrants agree with this or not. The most important part of the work with migrants are the personal checks of the migrants and their luggage.
Under these circumstances, this is the easiest way to find out if this is a high-risk individual or even a former fighter of the Islamic State, al-Qaeda or the Taliban. Every day, several kilograms of weapons are confiscated. – mostly stabbing or cutting [weapons], but also tazers, nunchucks,and other dangerous objects.
In those six weeks, I have seen tens of radicals and Islamic fighters discovered among the migrants. On their mobile phones, some had photos and videos of captives, showing them brutally torturing or killing their victims. Others had child pornography or videos showing torture of naked women.
These were handed to the Slovenian criminal police. They [the police] usually just interrogated them, made a report, and to the great surprise of everyone, let them go further into Europe. All the while, under EU rules, persons like these are not allowed to enter Schengen [zone], which, in reality, nobody is supposed to be admitted, if they had presented invalid documents.
Is this about Human Rights, or government subsidies?
All the rules have been abandoned, they are admitting everyone travelling further into Europe, like a walking time bomb.
“At the border, I have also seen true refugees fleeing war, whether they be moderate Muslims, atheists or Christians.”
As a long-standing defender of Human Rights, I am ashamed that behind this curtain of sham humanitarianism – often in order to collect government subsidies – many non profits, even human rights organizations are taking part. Nothing changes the fact that at the border, I have also met real refugees fleeing from war, whether they be moderate Muslims, atheists or Christians.
Victims of tragic circumstances deserve to find safety in Europe. In contrast to the problem-causing, never satisfied economic migrants, or those who view their journey into Europe as an obligation to spread Islam, this minority of war refugees coming into hospitable Europe do intend to value this refuge.
“It is as if the European Union has lost its sound mind, as it recklessly feeds growing risks of terror in its territory.”
They really want to work and share, or, at least, respect, European values. We must not be indifferent to the tragedy faced by these people. But, to mix in these fates, out of some deference to the chimera of some artificial, “directed” multiculturalism, without any differentiation, into this wave of economic migration, together with many of the migrants on a potentially dangerous mission, this seems to me to be the height of irresponsibility and hypocrisy.
It is as if the European Union had lost all sound judgment, as it recklessly feeds growing danger of terror in its territory. New Year’s Eve violence in Cologne on Rhine and other cities. which had so changed the atmosphere in Germany, is just the tip of this problematic iceberg.
Then, when this growing wave of high-risk, illegal migration raises protests, which stress the rights of Europeans to maintain their human rights and freedoms, dignity of women and European culture, these are then labelled as xenophobes.
Paradoxically, [this is done] often by the very defenders of Human Rights. Who seem to be protecting some completely different rights than those that belong to us.”


10News basics:
- Documentary: The Third Jihad
- Documentary: Obsession: Radical Islam's War on the West
- Bill Warner's must-read 40-page book: Sharia Law for the Non Muslim

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