Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Posted by
• 04.20.16 12:24 pm
Tommy Robinson lives in Luton which is about 10 miles from where I was born. Back then, the suburbs of London were all British. Not neccesarily white (Jamaicans invaded in the 1970s) but British. 

Today all of those towns are brown and mostly Muslim. There are smatterings of Indians and Sikhs and Bangladeshis but the Pakistanis and other Muslims have totally taken over the culture. They’re not just pushing for Sharia law there, they’re getting it. There are plenty of Sharia courts already handling family cases. (It’s really just a kangaroo court where a woman can complain about being beaten and then get told to shut her mouth by a guy in a robe.)

Luton is the epicenter of this movement and I wouldn’t be surprised if the next terror attack is planned there. It’s exactly like Brussels or les banlieue outside Paris. Tommy lives there and makes it clear he wishes it was British again. This gets him attacked on a daily basis and jailed regularly. The police and media class hate him because he’s working class and the Muslims hate him because he’s pro-Britain.

What’s really shocking about the way he gets treated is how arrogant the Muslims are about fighting him. They have no hesitation because they know the police are too scared to prosecute them. Britain isn’t being taken over. It’s been taken over.

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