Americans, WATCH OUT, Islamic “Refugees” Will CONTROL Your Streets, If Not Sent Packing! Enslaving. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

FOR heavens sake, PC dictates have become the madness of our time. שִׁגָעוֹן. And it is this irrational and Orwellian insanity which has turned a large swathe of Europe into Allah’s hellhole. Guess what? America has suffered the very same knock-on blows, and with many more on tap. Wanna bet? Well, the following represents a teeny, tiny sampling of what is taking place all over Europe, and more of the same awaits America, if left unchecked. This is an absolute guarantee. Alas, nothing happens in a (political) vacuum without the imprimatur of the leadership, elected or otherwise.
DONKEY’s ass(es)….
- How many know that Sweden is coined the “rape capital of the west”? Here’s why: Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.Significantly, the report does not touch on the background of the rapists. One should, however, keep in mind that in statistics, second-generation immigrants are counted as Swedes.In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists, and have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted to have sex with six, seven or eight men.The internet radio station Granskning Sverige called the mainstream newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen to ask why they had described the perpetrators as “Swedish men” when they actually were Somalis without Swedish citizenship. They were hugely offended when asked if they felt any responsibility to warn Swedish women to stay away from certain men. One journalist asked why that should be their responsibility.
- Moving right along to France, as well as to Britain and other locales, “no-go” zones are ubiquitous, and “infidels” may not enter them, unless willing to confront death threats. Re more proof of the same….
Columbes is a quiet little suburban town about six miles northwest of Paris. It is not Marseille, it is not even one of the 750 notorious Muslim NO GO Zones in France where non-Muslims, for the most part, dare never go. In fact, there isn’t a western European country which isn’t affected, and THAT tells us all we need to know.

BUT if the above isn’t enough to scare the daylights out of non-Muslims in America, well, perhaps Germany’s steep descent into the vise grip of Allah’s Muslim Terrorists will re-calibrate the calculus – or not.
Anis Amri, 24, a Tunisian asylum seeker who arrived in Germany last year, was investigated for “preparing a serious crime endangering national safety”, involving funding the purchase of automatic weapons for use in a terrorist attack.
Amri had been arrested earlier this year and was known to be a supporter of the terrorist group thought to be behind the Sousse terrorist attack in Tunisia, as well as being a suspected disciple of a notorious hate preacher.
He had multiple identity documents with six different aliases under three nationalities, and a criminal record in Italy and Tunisia. He spent four years in an Italian prison before travelling to Germany after an expulsion order expired.
The German authorities, who were on Wednesday facing serious questions about how Amri was still at large, tried to deport him in June, but because he had no valid papers proving his nationality he was allowed to stay.
In a further twist, Germany had asked Tunisia to issue a new passport for him so he could be deported, but the document only arrived on Wednesday – two days after the Christmas market attack that claimed 12 lives. It also emerged that the killer might have received hospital treatment for his injuries before slipping away….
AND this was the parting shot of Islam’s soldier for Allah:

MOST significantly, listen up: just like Amri was taken off the hook by German authorities prior to executing his Christmas carnage, so too Omar Mateen, Orlando’s Pulse gay nightclub jihadi – responsible for the largest body count since 9/11/01 – was gifted special “hands off” treatment by an indoctrinated and infiltrated FBI! Again, as proven in the above link, Mateen could have been stopped, that is, if the FBI conducted its due diligence sans PC “hands-in-the-pocket” politically-driven ‘policing.” Not only that, this is hardly the first time that U.S. security services let an Islamic jihadi slip through their net, akin to Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, San Bernardino’s husband and wife terrorist tag team duo. Coincidence, or are so-called “enforcement” rules against Muslims tipped in their favor? You decide.
RESULTANT, let’s augment the west’s frightening reality – yes, an absolute actuality, as opposed to a so-called possibility – with some updates. Still yet, beforehand, it is imperative to internalize the following: the out-sized dangers are the same from all followers of Sharia law, be they “refugees” aka migrants, native born westerners, or possess any other variation of western citizenship thereof. The point being, Islam, Sharia law, is the common denominator. Equalizer. Simple as that.
MORE specifically, Berlin’s truck jihadi found refuge in Europe, having “escaped” to Italy with other so called “endangered migrants” in 2011!

AS per the referenced updates: let’s segue from what is known as stepped-up infiltration and penetration, Step A, to its “natural” outcome, the overtaking of one neighborhood/city at a time, Step B. And before long, full-on jihad, Step C, Phase 5, is a done deal. Mind you, the alarm bells have been ringing at the highest decibel, still yet, countless are ignoring them. Unfathomable. Which brings us back to the beginning, to Step A, here:

The fast approaching anniversary of the Cologne sex attacks prompted Christian Social Union politician Markus Söder to blame the country’s “deteriorating” security situation on mass migration that is leaving citizens, feeling “unsafe”.
AS to another visual aid, ala Step B….

AND, par for the jihadi course, this site’s well documented stepped-up infiltration and penetration always end up here:
Politicians have even declared war after an unknown assailant ploughed into crowds in Berlin.
Police had arrested a man from Pakistan called Naved B who they claim was approved for asylum after arriving in the country in February, however it has since been claimed he is not thought to have been the driver after DNA tests.
Now in a veiled attack on Chancellor Merkel’s open-door refugee policy, Klaus Bouillon of Mrs Merkel’s CDU party said told Saarland radio: “We must state that we are in a state of war, although some people who want to see only the good can not see.
Bouillon announced intensified security measures amid fears there could be more attacks today.
“We will take it wherever we think it is necessary.
“That means long-range weapons, short weapons, machine guns, even if this sounds martial.”
Chief executive of the populist right wing Alternative for Germany party, which is widely expect to obliterate Mrs Merkel’s party in next year’s elections, say the country is now no longer safe.
AfD chairwoman, Frauke Petry, blamed the federal government for the alleged attack insisting they could have done more.
She said: “The milieu in which such acts can flourish has been negligently and systematically imported over the last one and a half years.
“On such a sad day, the AfD does not attach any importance to “keeping right”.
Our [migration] limits, should be finally controlled.
“Germany is no longer safe.”
Mrs Merkel addressed the public this morning calling for an investigation into how the carnage happened.
Police raided a refugee camp in a disused airport at 4am this morning, where a suspect known as Naved B was known to be living.
But police sources have later said that they have “the wrong man” and that the real culprit is on the run and armed.
According to police the man arrested from Turbat in Pakistan and used numerous aliases including the name David.
German media is reporting that police special forces stormed the hangar at Berlin’s defunct Tempelhof airport, which now houses a refugee accommodation centre.
Four young men were questioned at the police station in the refugee camp on the grounds of the former Tempelhof airport in hangar 6, but there were no arrests, according to Sascha Langenbach, spokesman for the refugee agency.
Police later said that they are investigating all angles but the driver who is believed to have hijacked and killed a Polish man responsible for the truck carrying 25 tonnes of steel is still on the run.
AND not to be a nitpicker – heaven forfend – car/truck jihad is all the rage. Lo and behold, it is a phenomenon in Israel, it has been executed in Nice, France, and, most recently, at Ohio State U alike! Las Vegas was a mirror image too. Jihadi copy cats. Ask yourselves: is it possible that Islam’s followers – world over – just happen to wage jihad via cars/trucks for sport and share no common denominator?

AND speaking of integration, isn’t it glaringly obvious: whatever their age, Allah’s Muslim Terrorists will sow death and destruction, even 12-year-olds! Inestimably, take a peek at the following linked videos for this and that evidentiary material.
STILL yet, due to incredibly discomfiting truths, there are countless who prefer to remain deaf, dumb and blind to what lies in wait. Suit yourselves, but don’t come crying when the Islamic sh-tstorm lands nearby, or claim you weren’t warned!

ON the other hand, there is a highly dangerous (leftist) enabling segment of the American population, and they would be pleased to turn the streets into Europe’s, that is, overrun by Islam’s barbarians, just as long as the nation falls.

RESULTANT, know this: patriots are faced with a two-fold life and death struggle. Firstly, beating back Allah’s Muslim Terrorists (and their incessant boring within) is of primary importance. Secondly, grinding down their enablers – whatever their persuasion may be – must follow. A + B. Thus, regardless of all else, backing down against both symbiotic dangers must never be an option, unless the European “model” is an acceptable outcome.
OMINOUSLY, how many more times does this site have to expose the unvarnished, non-PC truth: “refugees”, Mohammedans, are a clear and present danger to America and the entire west!

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