New Axis of Evil (or Comedy): CAIR, JVP and the Huffington Post
by Steven Emerson
IPT News
December 29, 2016
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The Council on
American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has finally found a Jewish group it
At its annual banquet on Dec. 17, CAIR gave its new "Defender of Liberty" award
to Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP).
The Huffington Post ran the original story about this award, continuing its
long tradition of running apologias for radical Islamist and Muslim
Brotherhood front groups all over the United States as well as
promoting virulent anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
In 2012, the Huffington Post UK even hired Mehdi Hasan, a radical
Islamist who has also proposed a one-state solution to the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict – one which would lead to the slaughter of the
new Jewish minority. He also was once caught on video calling non-Muslims
"animals:" Hasan
called on Muslims to keep "the moral high ground," adding:
"Once we lose the moral high ground we are no different from the rest,
of the non-Muslims, from the rest of those human beings who live their
lives as animals, bending any rule to fulfill any desire." And
he nefariously blamed Israeli influence for the war in Iraq. David
Duke would be proud of the Huffington Post.
CAIR's decision to honor a Jewish group may seem odd to those familiar
with its anti-Semitism. Hussam Ayloush, the director of CAIR's Southern
California chapter, has used the term "zionazi" to describe
Israeli Jews. CAIR officials have repeatedly claimed that Jews control U.S.
policy. CAIR has even invited a neo-Nazi, William Baker, to speak at several conferences, and attacked those who
pointed out Baker's history. CAIR has repeatedly defended the virulently
anti-Semitic Muslim Brotherhood cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who has said: "On the hour of judgment, Muslims will
fight the Jews and kill them."
Qaradawi has defended suicide bombings and is hostile to Jews, saying: "There should be no dialogue with these
people [Israelis] except with swords."
CAIR is vehemently opposed to both the Israeli-Palestinian peace process
and to the normalization of relations between Israel and the Palestinians.
Despite claims to the contrary, CAIR officials have rejected a two-state
solution and justified violence as a means to a legitimate end. "Our
preference is peaceful negotiation...but if the peace process is flawed,
then resistance is necessary," CAIR co-founder and executive director
Nihad Awad said in 2001. Awad addressed a rally outside the
Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. in October 2000, at which rallygoers chanted, "Khaibar, Khaibar, Ya
Yahud, Jaysh Muhammed Safayood" ("Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews, the
Army of Mohammed is coming for you"), as well as the Hamas slogans,
"With our blood and soul we will liberate Palestine," and
"with our blood and soul we will sacrifice our life on your behalf,
Given CAIR's vehemently anti-Semitic background, it is hard to imagine
any Jewish group that would be palatable to this "civil rights"
organization, but in Jewish Voice for Peace, it found its perfect match: a
Jewish group that is adamantly opposed to Israel and eager to retail
Palestinian revisionist history and grievance propaganda against Israel. JVP supports Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)
actions against Israel, targeting numerous companies for boycotts because
they do business with Israel. It also has supported divestment campaigns on
college campuses, succeeding in getting divestment resolutions passed at
Hampshire College and Evergreen State College, and engaging in failed
divestment campaigns at the University of California Berkeley and the
University of California San Diego.
JVP's mission statement calls for
"an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and
East Jerusalem." Echoing CAIR's criticism of the U.S. alliance with
Israel, JVP calls on the U.S. government to "stop
supporting repressive policies in Israel and elsewhere." It even applauded former U.S. President Jimmy Carter for
meeting with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, and called on Israeli officials
to meet with Meshaal as well.
Marking its 28th anniversary, Meshaal's organization vowed "to remain faithful to the liberation of
Palestine and to keep its weapon directed at the Israeli occupation
Meshaal also rejected peace efforts and wondered how "can anyone possibly have an excuse
to abandon the path of jihad?"
"The Palestinians have reached the realization that negotiations
with the (Israelis) are useless...the so-called peace process is futile.
There is no peace. Only the path of Jihad, sacrifice, and blood (will bear
So the first Jewish group that CAIR honors is a venomously anti-Israel
one that retails propaganda against the Jewish state and ignores the
genocidal anti-Semitism of its foes.
The name of the award that CAIR gave to JVP is noteworthy. Neither JVP
nor CAIR are interested in defending the liberty of Israelis who build
homes on land deemed to be "illegal settlements," or the liberty
of Israelis to live in and govern a Jewish state at all. So in what way
does CAIR think of JVP as a "Defender of Liberty?" Did it honor
JVP for defending the liberty of suicide bombers to murder Israeli
civilians? Did it hail JVP for defending the liberty of Palestinians who
have passed out candy to celebrate the murders of those civilians? Did it
give its new award to JVP for defending the liberty of superannuated and
anti-Semitic former Presidents to meet with terror masterminds?
The "Defender of Liberty" award that CAIR gave to Jewish Voice
for Peace ought to be regarded as a mark of shame for an organization which
claims to represent Jews and work within the Jewish tradition while
advocating for policies that would expose the Jews of Israel to greater
danger, greater poverty, and greater international opprobrium.
CAIR, JVP, and the Huffington Post, all such staunch promoters of Islamist
terrorist front groups, deserve one other.
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