Being a proud Atheist, and a freedom loving INFIDEL AKA "KUFFAR", WE are threatened by the primitive pidgeon chested jihad boys in the medieval east.
FRACK YOU!! SAY US ALL!! Don't annoy the Pagans and Bikers,, it's a islam FREE ZONE!!! LAN ASTASLEM!!!!
“It was German political correctness and the unwillingness to deport the Tunisian Muslim, Anis Amri, whose asylum request was denied due to his terrorists ties, that paved the way for him to carry out the terror attack in Berlin, said Dr. James Mitchell.
FOX News (h/t Flowers F)
Mitchell said that he and Mohammed, commonly known as KSM, had
discussed the damaging potential of smaller, “lone-wolf”-style attacks
more than a decade ago. Mitchell noted that Mohammed had been
particularly struck by the terror caused by the 2002 D.C. sniper
“For him, what surprised him was how
much paralysis it caused given how few deaths were involved, few from
his perspective,” Mitchell said. “And what he said to me was our
civil liberties and our openness and our willingness to be responsive
to other peoples’ cultures … were weaknesses and flaws that his God,
Allah, had put into the American culture so that we could be defeated.”
Mitchell added that Mohammed believed that the easiest way to win what he called “the long battle to take over the world with Sharia law” was through “through immigration and by outbreeding non-Muslims.”
They would wrap themselves in our
civil liberties for protection,” Mitchell said, “they would support
themselves in our welfare systems while they spread their jihadi
message, and then, when the time was right, they would rise up and
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its Role in Enforcing Islamic Law
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The gravity of the existential threat we face from Islamic Jihad is truly of epic proportions. It is essentially a battle pitting free-civilized man against a totalitarian barbarian. What is at stake is the struggle for our very soul - namely who we are and what we represent. The lives that were sacrificed for individual rights and freedoms that we've come to cherish are being chiseled away from right under our noses by the stealth jihadists. And many of us are in denial and totally clueless.
The left's appeasement and pandering to evil is nothing new. What makes their utopian delusions so infuriating and unpardonable is that it is not only they who will have to pay the consequences, and deservedly, so, they are thwarting and undermining our best efforts at resistance and are thus dragging us down in the process as well.
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