Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Europe's "Arab Street" Rises Up

In this mailing:
  • Douglas Murray: Europe's "Arab Street" Rises Up
  • Bruce Bawer: Britain: The "Islamophobia" Industry Strikes Again
  • Lawrence A. Franklin: Rampant Pedophilia in Pakistani Madrassas
  • Alan M. Dershowitz: The Trump's Camp Strategy with Regard to Mueller

Europe's "Arab Street" Rises Up

by Douglas Murray  •  December 20, 2017 at 5:00 am
  • Hamas called for a "Day of Rage" -- as opposed to the days of peace and harmony the terrorist group ordinarily calls for -- but this did not spill out very far.
  • In Stockholm, meanwhile, the new "locals" contented themselves with setting light to the Star of David rather than to real live Jews as their compatriots in Gothenburg had tried to do.
  • The fabled "Arab Street" had been meant to rise up. And it did rise up. But not in the Arab world... instead it lit up in Europe.
Following President Trump's announcement about the status of Jerusalem, the fabled "Arab Street" rose up in Europe. In Germany, crowds of people recently imported into the country burned the Star of David. Pictured: Several thousand, mostly Muslim, protesters in Berlin, on December 8, 2017. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
It is now a fortnight since President Trump made his historic announcement about the status of Jerusalem. The speech which announced that America would drop the pretence that Jerusalem is not the capital of the State of Israel was relayed live around the world. Across the major networks and the world's front pages the response was almost unanimous. They proclaimed this a major foreign policy blunder which would lead to any number of problems including -- many predicted -- an immediate "third intifada."

Britain: The "Islamophobia" Industry Strikes Again

by Bruce Bawer  •  December 20, 2017 at 4:30 am
  • The Runnymede Trust report's solitary reference to the fatwa against Salman Rushdie states: "In Britain... many Muslims felt unsupported in their reaction to Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses and faced a backlash from those who they felt prioritized freedom of speech above respect for minorities." Apparently, Britons who stood up for Rushdie's right not to be slaughtered for writing a novel were guilty of Islamophobia.
  • Much of Runnymede's report is devoted to the high levels of Muslim poverty and unemployment in the U.K. -- but instead of seeking reasons for this problem in Islam itself, it blames this problem primarily on "institutional racism," while avoiding the ticklish question of why Hindus, whom one would also expect to be victims of "institutional racism" in Britain, are economically more successful than any other group in that nation, including ethnic British Christians.
  • The Runnymede report points out that domestic violence and child abuse are also committed by Westerners; the difference, needless to say, is that while FGM and honor violence enjoy widespread approval in Muslim societies and communities, where they are viewed as justifiable (if not compulsory) under Islam, domestic violence and child abuse are universally condemned in Western society and are never defended on cultural or religious grounds.
In the town of Rotherham, England, in accordance with orthodox Islamic attitudes toward "uncovered" or "immodest" infidel females, over 1400 non-Muslim girls are known to have been sexually abused by so-called Muslim "grooming" gangs in recent years. (Photo by Anthony Devlin/Getty Images)
Founded in 1968, the Runnymede Trust describes itself as "the UK's leading independent race equality think tank." Its chair is Clive Jones CBE, a former executive at Britain's ITV; its director is Omar Khan, a Governor of the University of East London and member of a variety of advisory groups involving ethnicity and integration. Runnymede's reports are taken extremely seriously, and its recommendations heeded, at the highest levels of the British government.

Rampant Pedophilia in Pakistani Madrassas

by Lawrence A. Franklin  •  December 20, 2017 at 4:00 am
  • A recent Associated Press probe provided accounts of the rampant pedophilia, allowed to go unchecked due to a combination of factors, among them the fact that most of the victims are from poor and vulnerable families. Those who do try to complain are often bribed or threatened into silence.
  • Islamic judicial officials, and even civil court judges, usually urge those accused of sexual abuse to offer "blood money" to the victim or the family in exchange for withdrawing the complaint and "forgiving" the perpetrator.
  • Well-connected violators reach out to community leaders, particularly in rural areas, and persuade them to pressure parents of victims into keeping silent by accusing them of bringing shame to their villages or warning them that they will be subject to counter-charges of blasphemy.
Students at the Jamia Binoria Madrassa in Karachi. Picture is for illustrative purposes only. (Image source: United States Journalists Exchange/Flickr)
Sexual abuse of young boys and girls in Pakistan's madrassas (Islamic schools) continues to be both pervasive and suppressed, according to the latest "Cruel Numbers" annual report by Sahil, a child-protection NGO operating in four of the country's main provinces.
A recent Associated Press (AP) probe provided accounts of the rampant pedophilia, allowed to go unchecked due to a combination of factors, among them the fact that most of the victims are from poor and vulnerable families. Those who do try to complain are often bribed or threatened into silence. As a result, the head of Sahil said, the 359 cases reported by the media over the past decade are "barely the tip of the iceberg."

The Trump's Camp Strategy with Regard to Mueller

by Alan M. Dershowitz  •  December 20, 2017 at 3:00 am
(Image source: Kit Fox/Medill/Flickr)
The Trump team is probably not going to seek to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. To do so would be to provoke Trump's crucial supporters in Congress. Instead, they seem to be seeking to discredit him and his investigation. This is apparently designed to achieve two possible results: the first is to put pressure on the Special Prosecutor to lean over backwards in order to avoid any accusation of bias against Trump and his team. Mueller cares deeply about his reputation for integrity and will want to emerge from this process with that reputation intact. Accordingly, he may err – consciously or unconsciously – in favor of Trump in close cases so that the public will regard him as unbiased and fair-minded.


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