Friday, December 22, 2017

With Friends Like This Who Needs Enemies? Betrayal In UN Vote Against United States

With Friends Like This Who Needs Enemies? Betrayal In UN Vote Against United States

UN votes against the US and Israel are common but now score will be kept by the US and there will be consequences. These nations made that mistake and may face cuts in aid
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un vote against us
The recent symbolic vote in the UN in which they pretended member nations pretended to have some non-existent power to dictate to the United States where we would or would not locate our embassy forced the international parasites who feed upon their American host out into the spotlight.

They had the option of voting against the measure or of abstaining. The nations listed below all voted against the United States and in favor of allowing the Palestinians and the UN globalists to dictate where the US places its Israeli embassy.

Ambassador Haley warned the UN General Assembly that there would be consequences for a vote against the United States. Apparently these nations either felt very strongly about their symbolic, otherwise meaningless vote or they haven’t yet figured out that President Donald Trump is doesn’t kiss the back ends of any terrorists or their sympathizers and enablers.

President Trump meant what he said when Ambassador Haley addressed the General Assembly and warned them on his behalf of interruptions in the money flow from their 310 million American sugar daddies in addition to the loss or curtailment of UN funding.

The offenders included Afghanistan, at five billion dollars of aid money, one of the most high stakes of moves. Others were inexplicable, such as the Austrian no vote, given the nationalistic posture of their new government and their opposition to the EU mandated Islamic invasion. 

Those who were willing to risk financial and political repercussions for spitting in the eye of the United States included the following nations, with their associated aid totals.

Afghanistan: $5,060,306,050
Albania: $27,479,989
Algeria: $17,807,222
Angola: $64,489,547
Armenia: $22,239,896
Austria: $310,536
Azerbaijan: $15,312,389
Bahrain: $6,573,352
Bangladesh: $263,396,621 – They may now be solvent and self-sufficient enough to handle their own hurricane and flood relief in the future. Let’s save that quarter of a billion dollars for problems at home.
Belgium: $3,101,636 – of course the home of the Islamic Invasion-orchestrating EU is going to vote in line with their Palestinian comrades and against national sovereignty, the antithesis of their European “governance.”
Belize: $8,613,838
Bolivia: $1,378,654
Botswana: $57,252,922
Brazil: $14,899,949
Brunei: $354,829
Bulgaria: $20,066,715
Burkina Faso: $74,469,144
Burundi: $70,507,528
Cabo Verde: $5,044,716
Cambodia: $103,194,295
Chad: $117,425,683
Chile: $2,266,071
China: $42,263,025 – President Trump’s good buddy Xi voted against us on the Security Council as well. Why are we sending any money to China, our largest trading competitor, currency manipulator and intellectual property thieves?
Comoros: $1,057,063
Congo: $8,439,457
Costa Rica: $14,650,552
Cote D’Ivoire: $161,860,737
Cuba: $15,776,924 – Did Raul need to finance his library?
Denmark: $3,455
Djibouti: $24,299,878
Dominica: $616,000
Ecuador: $26,014,579
Egypt: $1,239,291,240 – General el-Sisi has a problem with Islamic terrorism. He’ll take our money but the cooperation ends there.
Ethiopia: $1,111,152,703 – maybe they should feed themselves.
Finland: $33,492
France: $4,660,356
Gabon: $31,442,404
Gambia: $3,197,858
Germany: $5,484,317
Ghana: $724,133,065
Greece: $8,508,639
Grenada: $690,300 – Their appreciation for our intervention saving them from revolution seems to have run out.
Guinea: $87,630,410
Guyana: $9,691,030
India: $179,688,851 – Another competitor on the global stage. We’re sending them our borrowed money, they send us their cheap labor to pirate our domestic American job opportunities.
Indonesia: $222,431,738 – They gave us Hussein Obama; if ever there was a case for restitution this is it, yet the cash is flowing the wrong way.
Iran: $3,350,327 – The $150 billion, military expansion green light, hostage ransom and letting Hezbollah follow in the ISIS footsteps by calling off the DEA wasn’t enough. They can always use more “death to America” seed money.
Iraq: $5,280,379,380
Italy: $454,613
Japan: $20,804,795
Jordan: $1,214,093,785 – Our supposed friend in the Middle East, you can’t buy true friendship
Kazakhstan: $80,418,203
Kuwait: $112,000
Kyrgyzstan: $41,262,984
Lebanon: $416,553,311
Liberia: $473,677,614
Libya: $26,612,087
Lithuania: $15,709,304
Macedonia: $31,755,240
Madagascar: $102,823,791 – Don’t ask us for any help with the plague, boys, your vote tells us you and the UN can handle it on your own.
Malaysia: $10,439,368
Maldives: $1,511,931
Mali: $257,152,020 – We just lost four service men trying to protect them from ISIS forming another caliphate in their nation – don’t mention it, ingrates.
Malta: $137,945
Mauritania: $12,743,363
Mauritius: $791,133
Montenegro: $2,118,108
Morocco: $82,023,514
Mozambique: $514,007,619
Namibia: $53,691,093
Nepal: $194,286,218
Nicaragua: $31,318,397
Niger: $144,122,239
Nigeria: $718,236,917
Norway: $100,000
Oman: $5,753,829
Pakistan: $777,504,870 – Why put the fund in fundamentalist?
Papua New Guinea: $14,836,598
Peru: $95,803,112
Portugal: $207,600
Qatar: $95,097
Russia: $17,195,004
Saint Vincent: $612,000
Saudi Arabia: $732,875 – Our good friends who’ve raped us over the past thirty years, in league with their globalist partners, and who played a still un-admitted role in the 9/11 attacks. With Iran launching rockets from Yemen at their palaces, maybe they should have thought that vote through.
Senegal: $99,599,642
Serbia: $33,062,589
Seychelles: $223,002
Singapore: $468,118
Slovakia: $2,585,685
Slovenia: $715,716
Somalia: $274,784,535 – Cut off the “refugee” flow and all visas as well as the aid money.
South Africa: $597,218,298
South Korea: $3,032,086 – We’ve got thirty thousand troops in harm’s way and an armada off their coast defending them from the threat to the north and they have the nerve to do this?
Spain: $81,231
Sri Lanka: $27,192,841
Sudan: $137,878,835
Suriname: $232,672
Sweden: $1,269
Switzerland: $1,168,960
Syria: $916,426,147
Tajikistan: $47,789,686
Tanzania: $628,785,614
Thailand: $68,182,970
Tunisia: $117,490,639
Turkey: $154,594,512
United Arab Emirates: $1,140,659 – Why are we sending aid to any oil rich Arabs?
United Kingdom: $3,877,820 – Thank you, Theresa May, for giving in to pressure from your Islamic invader presence, including the Islamist mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.
Uruguay: $836,850
Uzbekistan: $20,067,933
Venezuela: $9,178,148
Vietnam: $157,611,276 – It’s time to rethink their immigration policy as well as the aid.
Yemen: $305,054,784
Zimbabwe: $261,181,770 

Foreign aid figures compiled by Alex Van Ness

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