Thursday, December 21, 2017

WATCH: Shifty Trudeau Totally Flubs Question On Aga Khan “Friendship”

WATCH: Shifty Trudeau Totally Flubs Question On Aga Khan “Friendship”

During a press conference responding to the Ethics Commissioner ruling that he violated the Conflict of Interest Act, Justin Trudeau stumbled badly trying to answer a simple question.

If anything remained of Justin Trudeau’s “defender of the middle class” image, recent events have shattered it.
The Ethics Commissioner ruled that Justin Trudeau violated four sections of the Conflict of Interest Act by accepting gifts of hospitality from the Aga Khan.
Pathetically, Trudeau tried to pass it off as a visit to his “friend,” and attempted to make it seem like a regular family vacation.
Of course, most Canadian families aren’t taking vacations to a private island owned by a billionaire. Not quite the middle class experience.
The fact that Justin Trudeau doesn’t understand that just shows how out of touch he is.

Watch shifty Trudeau badly flub his attempt to “answer” a very simple question:

Many people will watch this and wonder why Trudeau had such a tough time explaining it.
After all, shouldn’t it be easy for him to tell the truth?
Of course, Trudeau’s flub is what happens when an entitled elitist runs up against even a shred of accountability – since he’s so unaccustomed to it.
How can we be expected to take this guy seriously?

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