Saturday, February 7, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

Afternoon Roundup - Obama's Bus Spins its Wheels, Elections in Israel and
Eric Alterman of J Street Backs Hamas

06 Feb 2009 01:57 PM PST

The massive spending bill disguised as a stimulus package was Obama's first
opening gambit, and now it's in deep trouble. While Obama desperately pitches
it by terrifying people with the latest unemployment numbers, the polls aren't
going his way.

With the latest numbers showing that barely half the country supports the
massively inflated spending bill, and that barely a fifth think it will even
achieve anything, Obama has already flubbed his first big challenge.
After getting sidelined by the Congressional Democrats who quickly took
control of the spending bill, Obama came off looking inept, and Rep.
Cooper's comments portrayed Obama as attempting to pit
Congressional Democrats against each other. Just as with the Rush Limbaugh
fiasco, Obama came off looking weak and inexperienced. Meanwhile the
slate of fluff pieces on Obama and his family constantly being run by
the media have the poorly timed effect of making him look even
more of a lightweight than usual.

The giant spending bill will no doubt be passed, but not without a great deal of
controversy. The public has no faith in the bill, which means they have no faith
in Obama's ability to fix the economy. Appropriate enough for a lightweight.
Obama is still being propped up by his initial poll numbers, but he's
demonstrated that beyond TV speeches he lacks the FDR-like ability to either
move politicians along, or convince people of his plans. The public may like
Obama, but as it turns out they don't have a lot of faith in him.

Coming after the first snags in Obama's nominations cost a job for Daschle, also
due to liberal infighting with the New York Times and The Nation both going
after Daschle, and Jake Tapper openly challenging Gibbs on nominee transparency,
the entire process looks set to get complicated. Obama may have smuggled through
Clinton and Holder, not to mention tax cheat Geithner, in his Hope and Change clown
cars, but the free ride is over.

What it all means is that the wheels on the Obama bus are coming off
ahead of schedule. Obama's attempted outreach to Republicans as a means of
undermining Congressional Democrats, backfired badly when he went after Rush Limbaugh.
The zero Republican congressional votes tell the story well enough. Now Obama is struggling with both Congressional Democratic leaders and Republicans, leaving
him the odd man out.

The bill isn't his anymore, and unless he can get some control
back, he's set to become Nancy Pelosi's puppet.

In 2010 Obama's backers may well get revenge on Pelosi and Congressional
Democrats, via ACORN and the same fraud machine that railroaded Hillary
Clinton, but it's a long way to 2010, and 2 years of failure will bury Obama's
credibility in the minds of most Americans.

Meanwhile in Israel, elections approach, and the real choice is between the
Likud and Ichud Leumi.

The problem is much the same one that conservatives face the world over,
vote for the compromised conservative party that can win, or the one that
is actually true to conservative principles, but can't win, and might
prevent a compromised conservative party from winning.

Obviously above all else the next Prime Minister must be Benjamin
Netanyahu. Despite his many flaws, it's vastly better than anyone in the
Kadima or Labor Troika.
A coalition with Likud, Ichud Leumi and Yisrael Beiteinu, despite Lieberman
being a hypocrite and a fraud, might be ideal. But first Netanyahu has
to win.

Ichud Leumi is the most serious authentically Zionist party that has a shot at
a serious Knesset presence in a long time. But if the lead narrows, and if Kadima
can drive enough Arab votes to the polls, we'll be right back to the same misrule
under Kadima-Labor that we do now. As flawed as Netanyahu may be, the
alternative may be the destruction of Israel.

Meanwhile phony right wing parties such as Lieberman's Yisrael Beiteinu,
Bayit Yehudi (Mafdal) and Shas will be happy to play on the gullibility of voters
who confuse strong rhetoric with a strong approach. Lieberman is naturally the
worst offender in this regard, with Shas a close second. Unfortunately it would
appear that Ovada Yosef would have to be caught setting fire to an orphanage,
before Shas voters would leave him and his gluttonous abomination of a party.

And that's how it is now.

In the blogsphere roundup, Atlas Shrugs
has the shocking email from J Street
figure Eric Alterman telling a Jewish reader that he hopes Hamas finds his house.
J Street is of course the Soros backed phony Israel lobbying group, whose
actual mission is Anti-Israel lobbying. They worked to break up the rally
protesting Ahmadinejad at the UN, and they're close to this current
leadership in the White House.

--- On Thu, 2/5/09, Eric Alterman ;;

From: Eric Alterman ;;
RE: J Street Declares Neutrality
To: wolfgangvonhelsing
Thursday, February 5, 2009, 3:43 PM

I sure hope Hamas finds your house. I'll pass along your email to them.

J Street has never set its agenda any clearer than this as Pro-Hamas and viciously

and hatefully Anti-Jewish. It is a front group funded by Nazi collaborator
George Soros, and aimed at the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews.

Boker Tov Boulder points out more of Obama's Global Warming hypocrisy

The Husband tells me that Obama took a 747 yesterday
from Andrews AFB to Newport News... 163 miles. Surely a
helicopter would have sufficed.
(And we can't drive our SUV's?)

But the Obama motto of course is that of all environmentalist head
honchos, pollution for me but not for thee. Or as Marie Antoinette
said, "Let em fly their own 747's."

Lemon Lime Moon has more on
Liberation theology comes from Africa and Central America where Marxists saw
that they could not uproot the church Its proponents began to systematically
weaken the church by offering up worship and aggrandizement of big
government, collectivist ideals and the idea that the STATE is central to society
not the people.

Big daddy government would replace God and take care of people cradle to
grave. They need only pay and obey. Liberation theology is meant to weaken the military, individualism and the ability to create and move nations forward.
Liberation theology was pushed by certain Jesuits as well. Black liberation
theology simply adds a great amount of racism to the mix.
And finally, Communists use class and race to divide and conquer.
Put this in one mix and you have Black Liberation Theology.

Which of course is appropriate as Black Liberation Theology has spit
out a socialist deity in the form of Barack Hussein Obama.

Europe News
has information on a campaign in Germany
for Holocaust memorial day that alerts people to the new Nazism of Islam
In the German cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Dusseldorf,
Heidelberg, Konstanz, Unna, Brunswick and Bielefeld banners with the
slogan „Islam or Freedom “ were hung from Autobahn bridges " .
The objective of this campaign was to raise awareness of the threat which
militant islam poses to Western societies. By quoting the Quran and other
islamic sources the campaign exposes Islam as not a religion, but a
totalitarian political ideology which contradicts the values of enlightenment
and human rights.

" Germans should have learnt from their history that the enemies of
tolerance may not be tolerated“, says a spokesperson of the group
responsible for the campaign.

" They could not believe that Hitler would really do all the terrible things
he had announced in his book. We shall not make this mistake again, but
read the Quran carefully, take it serious and help people from Islamic
cultures to free themselves of the totalitarian aspects of Islam.“

Many people in Western societies have never read the Quran. They
cannot imagine that a „Holy Book“ in unmistaken terms and in
numerous places calls its readers to kill Jews, Christians and
other „unbelievers“ until “all worship is for Allah alone“.

But it is a fact that Islamic terror groups like Hamas, Hezbollah
or Al-Quaida justify their inhuman activities by the Quran‘s
mission to spread Islam by all means, including war and

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