Saturday, February 7, 2009

Whoohoo Five Feet of Fury!!!

the mentally crippled BACKWARD muslims are whining again,,,

HOOHUMMM, same ol'shit,, from these MORONS!!!




How can I get me some of this 'chastisement' action -- sounds HAWT!

Would sure help book sales!

Lowell Green, I am so jealous of you right now it isn't funny. Just fyi: "baloney" ain't halal, see...?
A veteran open-line radio host in Ottawa contravened Canadian broadcasting standards

when he made “abusive and discriminatory” remarks against Muslims, the national broadcast watchdog ruled Friday. According to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, Lowell Green launched an “uninformed and unfair” attack when he told his CFRA audience in early December that the majority of Muslims are fanatics, and extremist behaviour is symptomatic of the religion, not just a radical minority. Green had been inspired by the story of British schoolteacher Gillian Gibbons, whose elementary class in the Sudanese capital Khartoum named a teddy bear “Muhammad,” causing a storm of outrage across the Muslim world. Gibbons was forced to leave the country after being threatened with imprisonment and death.

Green posed the question to listeners: “Is there something inherent in the Muslim faith that promotes violence and oppression of women?” In response to one Muslim caller who tried to defend Islam, Green responded: “Baloney,” and during another call, told a sympathetic, but apparently non-Muslim, caller that she had “abandoned common sense” and was being “silly.” “Almost every act of terrorism around the world today is carried out in the name of Islam,” responded Green. “Don’t tell me this is the work of a few fanatics.”

The broadcast watchdog, an arm’s-length organization created and funded by private broadcasters to rule on listener and viewer complaints, was especially critical of Green for refusing to listen to pro-Islam callers, especially those who were clearly informed [me: and we know they were "clearly informed" how exactly? Because they parroted socially acceptable, pre-rehearsed "Islam is peace and invented chess and stuff!" talking points?] about the religion.

“The host has mounted a sweeping, abusive and unduly discriminatory criticism of Islam,” it said.

As opposed to the sweeping, abusive and INdiscriminatory lethal physical violence perpetrated daily by actual Muslims.

Worse, said the CBSC report, was the manner in which the broadcaster dismissed those who disagreed with him. “Green did not merely disagree with opposing points of view,” it said. “He mocked, ridiculed and insulted their interlocutors.” Under CBSC rules, stations violating rules must broadcast the decision, but there is no other punishment.

*** "Silly Baloney" -- great name for an improv group, btw.

So I'm duly reprinting Lowell Green's comments here, just like the newspaper did.
Come and get me, you fairies!

Of course, the newspaper will not get into trouble for reprinting these supposedly toxic, dangerous, thought crime remarks, however, even though more people will read them via than first heard them on the radio show.

Dear me...

How all this "words can rape, maim and leave you for dead in a ditch!!" alchemy operates is an awful big mystery to poor stupid right winger me...

# Kathy Shaidle : 2009-02-07 10:52:04 EST

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