Monday, February 9, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

An Election Countdown in Israel - Analysis

Posted: 08 Feb 2009 06:31 PM PST

As rockets fall on Ashkelon and the children of Sderot run for
their shelters, the
Kadima-Labor cabinet approved a new 650 million
NIS Prime Minister's residence for Ehud Olmert to entertain his foreign
backers in.

Still Kadima's margin with Likud is narrowing, despite the
failed war in Gaza. And while
the violins play, Livni is quietly
negotiating a deal with Hamas that is meant to bring
Gilad Shalit home for a very public boost to her image, while
undermining what little
Israel had gained from the military campaign.

Kadima's incredible corruption and legacy of failure has not prevented it
from polling as the number 2 party. Not even the 650 Million House that Olmert
Built appears to be
stopping Kadima.

The current polls, as flawed as they may be, suggest that too few Israelis have
learned anything from the past election. Kadima, whose sole accomplishment
was the ethnic cleansing of the Jews of Gaza, followed by Hamas' victory,
remains a viable party. Even
though Kadima MK's openly mocked the idea that
Hamas would begin firing rockets into Israel, there are apparently no shortage of
voters willing to cast their ballots for them, some without financial incentives.
The obvious Kadima base remains the Arab sector, and the left wing, which has all
abandoned traditional progressive parties such as Meretz, because Kadima can
the kind of self-destructive policies that Meretz and the Arab parties

The Likud under Netanyahu is still likely to win, but Netanyahu continues his
trend of rubbing everyone the wrong way, and taking refuge from taking a stand
against anything, except giving up the Golan and Olmert's mansion. As
usual Netanyahu's only real draw is that he's the only non-left wing candidate
who can become Prime Minister. And as usual that isn't really enough.

The genuinely sad part is that Netanyahu has stood for Likud in election after
election because there just isn't anyone better. Netanyahu is a capable
candidate, but the eloquence that English speaking viewers associate
with him, never quite works in Hebrew. He's always running for
President in a country that's used to Prime Minister, and suspicious
of the arrogance and elitism he can't help projecting.

Lacking either the
gregariousness of the
labor socialists, or the
natural humility of a Begin,
Netanyahu finds himself
out of step with Israeli
culture, and unwilling to
distinguish himself by
taking a genuinely
controversial stand
that he can't immediately
take back.
Netanyahu might be the best thing for Israel, if only his spine was half
as good as his brain. But time and time again, he has failed to connect
at a gut level with Israelis, instead following foreign political consultants,
and trying to hold an imaginary center.
That has been his undoing before, and it may well be his undoing this
time around
as well.

Yisrael Beiteinu meanwhile is set to win big, passing Labor, for as much as 18
Knesset seats. There's no doubt that much of this boost has come because
Avigdor Lieberman talks a good game on terrorism with lots of aggressive
rhetoric. Unfortunately talk is all he's good for. Lieberman continues to
support carving up Israel to make way for a Palestinian Arab state.

Yisrael Beiteinu was part of a coalition government that was responsible for
this mess. There is no doubt that if Kadima win, Lieberman and Yisrael
Beiteinu will be right back in a coalition government dedicated to perpetuating
the very same disasters of the last few years.

Shas, despite everything, is only set to lose one seat. Clearly
Shas' voters a
re not prepared to abandon Ovadya's rotting raft,
no matter what he or his degraded party does, under the impression
that the filthy mouthed troll who runs it can somehow get them into
heaven, as if he could get himself into heaven with a battering ram and
a quarter ton of dynamite.

Particularly obscene are both Shas and Yisrael Beiteinu's attempts at
playing for the Religious Zionist vote, with an Anti-Zionist vs an
Anti-Religious party, both abiding by no principle except
boundless greed, competing to see who they can fool into
voting for them this time around.

As immigrant parties devoid of any principle but
the basest greed,
while pandering to their own captive audiences
with "We're Standing up to the Man" rhetoric, Shas and Yisrael Beiteinu
are grim reflections of each other. Avigdor Lieberman and Ovadya Yosef too
are ugly mirror images, their outraged rhetoric concealing an open
contempt for their gullible followers.

With them plus Bayit Yehudi, Kadima can let the Israeli public
vent its frustrations by casting putatively right wing votes,
only to find that the parties they wasted their votes on will
still be part of a Kadima led coalition.

If Lieberman and Ovadya and Bayit Yehudi can pull enough
votes away from Likud, Olmert and Livni are back in
business and running Israel again. That is the nightmare

With Ichud Leumi polling too low to make any serious
difference in the Knesset, there really is no choice
to hold your nose and vote Likud again, and hope
enough to stop both the left wing and the phony
wing parties.

Shas' notorious
willingness to
prostitute itself,
so long as the
money keeps
coming in, means
that it can be a
player in virtually
any government
put together by

any of the major parties. Much the same goes for
Yisrael Beiteinu, as well as any of the non-Zionist religious parties.
Labor is set to achieve a new low by becoming a fourth ranked party
behind Yisrael Beiteinu.

While this demonstrates the growing power of Russian immigrants,
it also highlights the growing control Russia wields over Israel's
domestic policy, as well as the tension between religious
secular voters that makes any broad right wing coalition
that m
uch harder to maintain.

The Likud continues to be crippled by an inability to reinvent itself,
which Netanyahu's eternal candidacies make all too obvious.
shinier logo and a website design borrowed from Obama will
achieve that goal. Likud's real problem is that it doesn't
stand for
much of anything, except a middle of the road
something that impresses Americans more than it does
or anyone in the Middle East.

Ever since Rabin ate a bullet while ambling toward his limo, or at some
uncertain time on the ride there, the Likud lost what was left
of its guts,
and has worked hard to assure everyone that it isn't extremist
at all.

Briefly Sharon turned that around, vigorously smacking
around Y
asir Arafat, only to fall prey to his own moral corruption
medical problems, but not before trashing both Likud and

Since then Likud has been playing Banquo, emerging as the
at the Feast, to haunt everyone by reminding them of
achievements in overthrowing socialist rule, and driving
toward a free market economy and an aggressive posture
terrorism. Unfortunately Israelis have no historical memory
no one is paying attention to the Likud anymore.

Talking to teenagers who know their hip hop a lot better than they do
their Trumpledor about the ideas behind the Likud is a virtual dead
end, and isn't being done anyway. While the right wing squabbles
among itself, the left wing headed by Olmert have been gorging
themselves on Israel's carcass. The rest of the party system is
more splintered than ever, with many players all too willing to
play on ethnic and gender dissatisfactions, without actually
delivering anything. The pot simmers and boils, and despite
the terrible danger Israel is in, Kadima is within sight of
another victory.

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