Monday, February 9, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

FBI Releases Pics Of Low-level Suspects in $9m ATM Scam

Posted: 08 Feb 2009 11:34 PM PST

Hackers orchestrated a highly coordinated, global attack on ATM cards involving the theft of a staggering $9 million from bank customers — and they could strike again, according to an investigation by FOX 5 TV in New York.

Customers’ personal information might also have been compromised in what federal agents are calling one of the most well-coordinated such schemes they’ve seen, reported.

The FBI said it uncovered the plot and is investigating. The alleged hackers are

still at large and could orchestrate another attack.

In a matter of hours, thieves struck ATMs from 49 different cities — including New

York, Atlanta, Chicago, Moscow and Montreal — just after 8 p.m. EST on Nov. 8, according to the FBI.

Part of the heist was caught on security camera images obtained by the TV station.

The photos show people the FBI calls “cashers” — low-level participants in the plot

who allegedly used bogus ATM cards with stolen information — at the machines.

The scheme worked as follows: Plotters hacked into a computer system for a

company called RBS WorldPay, which allows employers to transfer workers’

pay directly to a payroll card.

The scam artists were then able to infiltrate the system and steal personal data

needed to make duplicate ATM cards.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Chicago FBI office at (312) 421-6700.

Full Article and Photos

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- National Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted
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homeland security news
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Drug Gangs Threaten Tijuana Cops On Radio, Then Kill Them

Posted: 08 Feb 2009 07:21 PM PST

The situation along the border continues to deteriorate.

Mexican drug gangs are breaking into Tijuana police radio frequencies to issue

chilling death threats to cops which they then carry out, demoralizing security

forces in a worsening drug war.

“You’re next, bastard … We’re going to get you,” an unidentified drug gang

member said over the police radio in the city of Tijuana after naming a


The man also threatened a second cop by name and played foot-stomping

“narcocorrido” music, popular with drug cartels, over the airwaves.

“No one can help them,” an officer named Jorge said of his threatened

colleagues as he heard the threats in his patrol car.

Sure enough, two hours later the dead bodies of the two named policemen

were found dumped on the edge of the city, their hands tied and bullet

wounds in their heads.

Cartels killed some 530 police in Mexico last year, some of them corrupt

officers who were working for rival gangs. Others were killed in shoot-outs

or murdered for working against the gangs or refusing to turn a blind eye

to drug shipments.

Violence has hit shocking levels in Tijuana, over the border from San Diego,

since President Felipe Calderon launched an army crackdown on traffickers

in late 2006, stirring up new wars between rival cartels over smuggling routes.

The drug war is scaring tourists and investors away from northern Mexico,

forcing some businesses to shutter just as the country heads into recession

this year.

Badly-paid Tijuana municipal police, often accused of collaborating with rival

wings of the local Arellano Felix cartel, are badly demoralized, senior officers say.

“These death threats are part of the psychological warfare that organized crime is

using against officers,” said Tijuana police chief Gustavo Huerta.

“Before, the gangs began infiltrating the radio after a police execution, which

was bad enough, but now they are doing it beforehand and the force feels terrorized,”

he said.


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This story comes to us via Homeland
- National Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted
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homeland security news and information.

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Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.

Posted: 08 Feb 2009 04:52 PM PST

On February 11, 2009, at 7:30 pm. The Christian Action Network will premiere a

new documentary, Homegrown Jihad, at the Landmark Theater in Washington,

DC. There is no charge to attend the viewing.

According to the press release, “The American public was never supposed to

know. The 2006 Justice Department document that exposes 35 terrorist

training compounds in the U.S. was marked “Dissemination Restricted to

Law Enforcement.” All the copies of Sheik Muburak Gilani’s terrorist

training video, “Soldiers of Allah,” had been confiscated and sealed, all of

them, that is, except one that Christian Action Network now reveals in the

documentary Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.”

Frontpage Magazine

Ryan Mauro founder of and a national security researcher for the Christian Action Network was recently interviewed by Frontpage Magazine and discussed the documentary.

FP: Ryan Mauro, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Mauro: Thank you Jamie.

FP: We’re here today to discuss “Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around U.S.,”

the new documentary being released by the Christian Action Network. Tell us about it.

Mauro: This documentary is premiering at Washington D.C.’s Landmark

Theater on February 11, at 7:30 PM. It is free to attend and I strongly

encourage everyone in the area to come, and those out of the area to go to and order a copy. The Christian Action Network

(CAN) is a non-profit organization and I personally will not see a penny

from the sales. This documentary is simply too important; the threat too

severe; and the public too unaware for me to not promote this is any way

possible and call myself a patriotic American.

“Homegrown Jihad” documents the networks of Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a terrorist

group run by a radical Muslim leader in Lahore, Pakistan named Sheikh

Mubarak Ali Gilani, an individual who, as I said in my last interview, does

us the favor of not hiding his true colors. While he casts himself as a

peace-loving Muslim, his actions and the actions of his network are anything

but. In the documentary, we show a secret videotape, one which Gilani strictly

instructs his followers to keep hidden, where he personally engages in terrorist

training, from killing guards to hijacking vehicles to setting off explosives. On

this tape, he says that those seeking to “join one of the most advanced training

courses in Islamic military warfare” can contact any of his “Muslims of America”

compounds in the United States, almost all of which still operate today. [...]

Read Full Interview

Christian Action Network Press Release

This story comes to us via Homeland
- National Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted
source for
homeland security news and information.

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