Thursday, February 12, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals
The Stories Behind the News

Link to Sultan Knish

Obama Practices Oprah Style Politics

Posted: 11 Feb 2009 07:21 PM PST

Appear on a lot of magazine covers, get your own Prime Time
special, and when things aren't going your way find a

homeless woman somewhere, prep her to say "I love you,

please give me a house" and make sure everyone sees the clip.

Oprah or Obama? Actually it's both of them. Obama has picked up
the Oprah
style of publicity manipulation, and taken it all the way to
the top with
constant media appearances and a perpetual "listening"
campaign that consists of Obama going to places he would never normally
set foot in, and taking some pre-screened questions from ordinary people,
while promising to give them lots of stuff out of the goodness of his heart.

It's as phony as a three dollar bill, or that birth certificate our Kenyan
friend just can't seem to find. In Oprah's case it conceals a ruthless
controlling woman whose real personality is a 180 degrees away
the one she shows on TV. In Obama's case it likely conceals the
same thing.

Obama has modeled the cynical tactics of celebrity, feeding out trivia
about what food he likes and his family life, to give the
public the illusion
that they know the real him. And even inside the
White House, he has kept up the same charade, campaigning instead
of doing, promoting himself while quietly reversing himself.

Naturally Obama's public rise began with a book, metastasized with
endless TV and magazine appearances, and was based on
the mass worship of gullible people, many of whom expected
to give everything away to them. Behind the scenes of course is
seething mass of corruption, and a man who does his best to
the access of reporters to avoid denting his public image,
elevates partisan hacks such as the Huffington Post's Sam
preferring "court jesters" to questions from the professional

That's the way the country is run now. A shallow glowing
film of
celebrity draped over an empire of greed. While promoting
trillion dollar money grab that Obama can't defend, he
aims right for the shallow center with staged stunts such as
Henrietta Hughes scene. Don't ask questions about all the
we're stealing from you, is the message. Here watch the
heal the sick and give away houses, right after this
for I Can't Believe It's Not the President.

If all else fails, trot out a doomsday scenario, and pretending you're
doing this all for "the little people". You know the ones you moved to
D.C. and put your kids in private school, so you would never
have to
deal with, except at carefully staged events. There's phony
talk about
bipartisanship in the front, and 60 Seconds of Hate on TV and the
Radio, paid for by the very people giving you the kickbacks you
want to ram through.

For all the grandiose rhetoric, the stolen poetry and lines borrowed

from his megapreacher of hate, Jeremiah Wright, what Obama
back on are Oprah style politics... shallow, hollow and a
shell with an ugly interior inside. Like Oprah, Obama's
vapidity conceals a great deal of manipulative cynicism by a
who seeks power that he isn't fit to wield.

The danger of Oprah style
politics is that it subverts
democracy, and shifts the
discussion away from the
issues. When the public
no longer has access to
a debate on the issues,
only a media blitz consisting
of fluff pieces eagerly
promoting one
politician, there is no democracy.
Only an Oprahocracy.

Obama and his backers have subverted American democracy, and
have done their best to replace it with book clubs, magazine covers,
and stories claiming that Michelle Obama shops just where
ordinary "little people" like you do.

And now trying to raid the bank accounts of a country already over

10 trillion in debt, to the tune of another trillion dollars, in order to

reward the green corporate donors, political hacks and union

goons who supported him-- Obama is robbing America blind,

while the coverage continues to be about what cookies

Michelle Obama supposedly likes to bake.

Suppressing debate over a trillion dollar theft with a smiley

face and a featured clip of Obama at a few staged events

threatens both American democracy and economy. It's

time to demand more. It's time to speak up and turn

the TV off.

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