Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center


Mumbai Style Terror Attack in Kabul - 26 Dead Scores Injured

Posted: 11 Feb 2009 11:11 PM PST

Three closely coordinated attacks left 20 people dead and at least 54 wounded

in the Afghan capital yesterday morning, after separate teams of gunmen and

bombers targeted two downtown government ministries and a suburban

corrections facility. The attacks created panic in the crowded city center

until security forces were able to restore control after a four-hour battle.

All eight attackers were also killed.

A spokesman for the Islamic Taliban insurgency claimed responsibility for

the attacks, telling the Associated Press they were in response to the poor

treatment of prisoners in Afghan custody. But analysts said the audacious

assaults seemed timed to test the resolve of Afghan and US officials as the

Obama administration is debating a new strategy for Afghanistan, and
days before the arrival of the new US special envoy, Richard C. Holbrooke.

The most dramatic scenes unfolded at the Ministry of Justice. Employees

cowered in their locked offices as gunfire erupted, and crowds fled in the

surrounding, traffic-clogged streets.

Officials said five men armed with guns and suicide vests killed one guard

at the entrance, then entered and began firing on guards and employees

throughout the four-story building. Witnesses said some people jumped

from the second and even third floors to escape.

Although the death toll was much lower, many people here immediately

compared the attack to the terrorist siege in the Indian city of Mumbai

in November, when a highly trained squad entered the port city by

boat and wreaked havoc for three days, attacking luxury hotels and

other buildings and killing more than 170 people.

Yesterday’s attack was the worst in Kabul since July, when a
bomber destroyed the Indian Embassy, killing more than 60 people.

The Afghan capital has been increasingly targeted by Islamic insurgents,

who have been waging war against the government in the Afghan countryside

since 2006.

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Report: Dirty Bomb Materials Found In Slain Mans Home

Posted: 11 Feb 2009 10:56 PM PST

James G. Cummings, who police say was shot to death by his wife two months ago,

allegedly had a cache of radioactive materials in his home suitable for building a “dirty

According to an FBI field intelligence report from the Washington Regional

Threat and Analysis Center posted online by WikiLeaks, an organization that

posts leaked documents, an investigation into the case revealed that

radioactive materials were removed from Cummings’ home after his

shooting death on Dec. 9.

The report posted on the WikiLeaks Web site states that “On 9
December 2008,
radiological dispersal device components and literature,

and radioactive materials, were discovered at the Maine residence of

an identified deceased [person] James Cummings.”

The section referring to Cummings can be read here.

It says that four 1-gallon containers of 35 percent hydrogen peroxide,

uranium, thorium, lithium metal, thermite, aluminum powder, beryllium,

boron, black iron oxide and magnesium ribbon were found in the home.

Also found was literature on how to build “dirty bombs” and information about

cesium-137, strontium-90 and cobalt-60, radioactive materials. The FBI report

also stated there was evidence linking James Cummings to white supremacist

groups. This would seem to confirm observations by local tradesmen who

worked at the Cummings home that he was an ardent admirer of Adolf Hitler

and had a collection of Nazi memorabilia around the house, including a

prominently displayed flag with swastika. Cummings claimed to have

pieces of Hitler’s personal silverware and place settings, painter Mike

Robbins said a few days after the shooting.

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