Wednesday, February 4, 2009

FSM Security Update: 2-04-09 *All the President's Tax Cheats*

February 4th
Bush hatred /Obama euphoria - 2 sides of same coin. BHO promise of transparency is oddly opaque. Michael Barone: No permanent majorities in America. Robbins at NRO reviews Afghanistan challenges. . . and "where O'Reilly is going wrong!"


Exclusive: Goodbye, Mr. Olmert - Israel needs a modern-day Levi Eshkol

Joel Himelfarb

According to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Israel's just-concluded military operation in Gaza was a tremendous success, because it re-established the Jewish's state's formidable military deterrent. Who is he kidding?

Liberals Propose Fast-Tracking Treaties

Cliff Kincaid

How do you get unpopular treaties that undermine U.S. sovereignty - before Americans get wind of them - ratified by the Senate? By changing the rules.

Phares: Iran's Fear of a Velvet Revolution

Maj. W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Ongoing conversations with Islamist-terrorism expert Dr. Walid Phares.


Frank Gaffney, Jr.

The kind of "respect" that Obama is exhibiting toward Shariah-adherent Muslims will surely be seen by them as submission.

Open Letter to President Barack Obama: Comprehensive Immigration Enforcement

Jeff Lewis, National Director, FIRE Coalition

Will the United States become a Third World country under your leadership, or the envy of the world because you've restored our Constitutional Republic, and everything for which it stands?

Today's Blog Topics

New Senator Gillibrand cheerfully retracts her stand on issues.....after meeting with "community activists" (Video)
Obama May Become A Disaster
SC Gov. Mark Sanford discusses stimulus - possible 2012 Presidential Contender? (Video)
Now, It's Palin's Party
Walters Admits ‘View' Was Too Sweet On Obama During Interview With ‘Media Malpractice' Documentarian Ziegler (Audio)
The list of lobbyists in the Obama administration
Milwaukee Public Schools may be in line for millions in stimulus package

Exclusive: Does Africa Beckon? Should It?

William R. Hawkins

Will continued conflicts on the African continent draw in U.S. forces for a surge of "muscular humanitarianism?"

All the President's Tax Cheats

Michelle Malkin

Despite the Obama administration's much-touted wealth of bright minds and high bars, there have already been some clumsy missteps and false starts.

Obama, the Middle East and Islam - An Initial Assessment

Daniel Pipes

Obama's apologetic tone suggesting that America has "dictated" policy in the Middle East is worrying some foreign policy analysts.

Exclusive: Feds Release National Gang Threat Assessment

Jim Kouri, CPP

With criminally active gangs numbering in the tens of thousands, what threat do they pose to law-abiding Americans?

Caption Contest: Top Entries - February 4

And the winner is...

Today's Hot Topics: 2-4

We choose, you peruse.

•1. Democratic dawn in Iraq:Polling was peaceful, the results encouraging

•2. Stimulus Bill's Price Tag Approaches $900B as Obama Stands by Feb. 16 Deadline

•3. Iran's Sputnik?

•4. U.S. Officials: Al-Qaida Leadership Cadre 'Decimated'

•5. Daschle crash: A taxing time for Obama

•6. India warns Obama over Kashmir

•7. Hoyer 'Concerned' U.S. Must Borrow Money from China to Pay for Stimulus; Frank Sees 'No Problem'

•8. Republican leader (Michael Steele) vows to mix it up with Obama

•9. Buying fighters will do more for the economy than buying bee insurance.

•10. Border-Fence Project Hits a Snag

•11. Obama's Dangerous Bank Bailout

•12. The Stimulus Package Is More Debt We Don't Need

•13. Hope He Can Change - By Victor Davis Hanson

•14. Obama and Iraq's Emerging Victory

•15. Investing in Jihad

•16. Majority Oppose Obama's Decisions on Gitmo

•17. Counterproductive Counterterrorism

•18. Sunnis I-Rock the Vote

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