Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

The Latest from National Terror
Alert Response Center

Link to Homeland Security News

US Warns - North Korea Test-fire of Missile Would Be Provocative

Posted: 03 Feb 2009 09:27 PM PST

The U.S. warned North Korea that test-firing a missile
would be viewed as “provocative” after reports the

communist state was preparing a rocket launch days

after declaring the Korean peninsula was on the

brink of war.

“North Korea’s missile activities and, you know, its
missile programs are of concern to the region,” State

Department spokesman Robert Wood told reporters

in Washington yesterday. “A ballistic missile launch by

North Korea would be unhelpful and, frankly,


U.S. and South Korean intelligence agencies believe

North Korea may be preparing to test an intercontinental

ballistic missile, Yonhap News said yesterday, citing an

unidentified South Korean security official.

Kim Jong Il’s regime announced Jan. 30 it was scrapping

all military and political agreements with South Korea,

accusing the government in Seoul of pursuing

confrontational policies that were pushing the nations

toward conflict.

Analysts said North Korea’s rhetoric may have been

aimed at drawing the attention of the new Obama

administration in Washington.

North Korea, which tested a nuclear weapon in 2006,
rejected international demands that inspectors be

allowed to remove samples from its Yongbyon reactor,

the source of the regime’s weapons-grade plutonium.

The refusal has stalled six- nation disarmament talks

that also involve the U.S., China, South Korea,
Japan and Russia.

Taepodong-2 Missile U.S. and South Korean intelligence

agencies recently observed a train carrying a long

cylinder-shaped object believed to be a Taepodong-2

missile, Seoul-based Yonhap reported. The launch

preparations are likely to be completed in a month

or two, the news agency cited the intelligence official

as saying.

via Japan.

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This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert.

National Terror
Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security

news and information.

Uncovers Worldwide ATM Card Scam - $9 Million Stolen In Single Day

Posted: 03 Feb 2009 01:37 PM PST

Hackers orchestrated a highly coordinated, global attack
on ATM cards involving the theft of a staggering $9 million from

bank customers — and they could strike again.

Customers’ personal information might also have been

compromised in what federal agents are calling one of the

most well-coordinated such schemes they’ve seen.

The FBI said it uncovered the plot and is investigating.
The alleged hackers are still at large and could orchestrate

another attack.

In a matter of hours, thieves struck ATMs from 49

different cities — including New York, Atlanta,

Chicago, Moscow and Montreal — just after 8 p.m.

EST on Nov. 8, according to the FBI.

Part of the heist was caught on security camera

images obtained by the TV station. The photos

show people the FBI calls “cashers” — low-level

participants in the plot who allegedly used bogus

ATM cards with stolen information —

at the machines.

The scheme worked as follows: Plotters hacked into a

computer system for a company called RBS WorldPay,

which allows employers to transfer workers’ pay directly

to a payroll card.

The scam artists were then able to infiltrate the
and steal personal data needed to make duplicate

ATM cards.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert.

National Terror
Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security

news and information.

Arrested In Suspicious Powder Mailings

Posted: 03 Feb 2009 01:28 PM PST

A man apparently upset about losing more than
when the government took over a failed

bank has been arrested on charges alleging he

mailed threatening letters containing
suspicious powder to banks and federal offices,

authorities said Tuesday.

Richard Leon Goyette, who also goes by the name
Michael J
urek, was arrested Monday at the

Albuquerque airport and is scheduled to
make a preliminary court appearance later

today. He is charged with a single count of

knowingly and intentionally conveying false

and misleading information.

The letters, mailed to Chase Bank branches,

FDIC offices and the Office of Thrift

Supervision, contained white powder
threats warning that whoever opened the

letters would die within 10 days, reports CBS

News correspondent Bob Orr. Field tests on

the letters proved the powder to be non-


“Mr. Goyette’s alleged criminal actions caused
responders and hazardous response

teams immense unnecessary labor and expense,

diverted personnel from actual emergencies,

completely disrupted business at these financial

institutions, and caused untold emotional distress

to those who received

said James T. Jacks, acting U.S. Attorney for the Northern
of Texas.

Goyette is accused of mailing 65 threatening letters in

October to financial institutions and federal regulatory

offices in 12 states.

Sixty-four of the letters contained an unidentified white

Officials said Tuesday that the powder was calcium carbonate,
major component of blackboard chalk.


This story comes to
us via
Homeland Security
- National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security

news and information.

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