Sunday, February 8, 2009

news articles for 2/8 = Operation Rooster

thanks Operation Rooster!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Operation Rooster
To: (0)
Date: Feb 8, 2009 12:30 PM
Subject: news articles for 2/8

Here are the latest articles added to operationrooster. com.

Tip leads ISF, MND-B Soldiers to explosive in Mansour
BAGHDAD – After receiving a tip from a concerned Iraqi citizen about a possible explosive device being emplaced on the road, Iraqi Security Forces and Multi-National Division–Baghdad Soldiers discovered an improvised explosive device Feb. 7 in the Mansour district of western Baghdad.

ISF, MND-B Soldiers capture IED in Saydiyah
BAGHDAD – Iraqi Security Forces partnered with Multi-National Division– Baghdad Soldiers discovered an improvised explosive device Feb. 7 while conducting day-time operations in the Rashid district of southern Baghdad.

Bridge groundbreaking spurs economic development in Basra
BASRA, Iraq – Provincial government officials and Coalition partners laid the first batch of cement for a new bridge crossing the Shatt al Arab River in Basra Feb. 7.

Iraqi Medics Teach Life-Saving Skills
FOB GARRY OWEN — Thirteen of the Iraqi Army’s newest combat medics graduated the Combat Life Saver’s course here, Feb. 4. The 38th Brigade, 10th Iraqi Army Division, with assistance from 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Div. Soldiers, taught the Iraqi troops the same skills most American Soldiers learn while preparing for deployments.

American Doctors Surprise Hospital Staff
TIKRIT — It seemed like a normal Tuesday morning for the Iraqi doctors and nurses of Tikrit Teaching Hospital as they filed into the conference room recently for their weekly senior physician case study presentations.

House and Senate divided over U. S. stimulus bills
The U.S. Senate agreement on a roughly $827 billion economic stimulus bill sets up tough negotiations with the House, primarily over tens of billions of dollars in aid to states and local governments, tax provisions, and education, health and renewable energy programs.

CIA Warns Obama British Terrorists Biggest Threat To US
American spy chiefs have told the President that the CIA has launched a vast spying operation in the UK to prevent a repeat of the 9/11 attacks being launched from Britain.

Russia signals new optimism on ties with U. S.
MUNICH, Germany (Reuters) - Russia on Sunday welcomed a pledge by the United States "to press the reset button" on relations with Moscow, in a sign the former Cold War rivals could repair relations under President Barack Obama.

Ecuador orders U. S. official expelled
QUITO (Reuters) – Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa ordered a U.S. Embassy official expelled on Saturday after accusing him of interfering in the country's affairs, a move that will test ties with Washington.

Saudi suspects seeking to revive al-Qaeda
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — One of the men on the Saudi Arabia's new most-wanted list is married to Osama bin Laden's daughter while another was involved in a plot to kill the U.S. ambassador in Yemen. A third smuggled militants into Iraq from Syria.

United Nations Population Fund Leader Says Family Breakdown is a Triumph for Human Rights
MEXICO CITY, February 3, 2009 (LifeSiteNews. com) - A leader in the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has declared that the breakdown of traditional families, far from being a “crisis,” is actually a triumph for human rights.

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