Tuesday, February 3, 2009

RE: news articles for 2/3 = Operation Rooster

thanks Operation Rooster

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Operation Rooster
Date: Feb 3, 2009 1:47 PM

Here are the latest articles added to operationrooster. com.

MND-B hand Joint Security Station to Iraqi Ministry of Trade
BAGHDAD – As per the recently signed security agreement, Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers handed over responsibility for a Joint Security Station to the Government of Iraq in hopes it will once again serve its intended purpose: shopping.

Basra Polling Was ‘Litmus Test’ for Security Forces, General Says
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 2009 – Iraqi police and soldiers in Basra performed well during the Jan. 31 provincial elections, a senior British officer posted in Iraq said today.

Coalition Troops, Afghan Police Rescue Captive, Detain Kidnappers
KABUL, Afghanistan, Feb. 2, 2009 – Afghan National Police and coalition forces yesterday rescued a man held against his will and detained his captors in Afghanistan’s Khowst province.

New Bridge Brings Hope, Safety to Afghanistan’s Panjshir Valley
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 2009 – More than 100 Afghans and Panjshir Provincial Reconstruction Team members attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new $180,000 Bakshi Khiel Bridge in the Rokha district of Afghanistan’s Panjshir province Jan. 26.

Face of Defense: Physician Assistant Makes Difference in Afghanistan
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Feb. 3, 2009 – What began as a short-notice tasking to Afghanistan has turned into the opportunity of a lifetime for an Air Force physician assistant.

Face of Defense: Weight Loss Paves Airman's Road to Success
KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss., Feb. 2, 2009 – When Steven Childers decided he wanted to join the Air Force to follow in his father’s footsteps, he knew some changes were in order, because he was significantly overweight.

Pakistan militant attack cut US, NATO supply line
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) — Islamist militants blew up a bridge in northwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, cutting a major supply line for Western troops in Afghanistan in the latest in a series of attacks on the Khyber Pass by insurgents seeking to hamper the U.S.-led mission against the Taliban.

CIA Director: Al Qaeda is Job 1 of Top 10 Security Challenges in 2009
Iran, North Korea and Al Qaeda are still in, but Iraq is out of the list of top 10 national security threats the United States is likely to face in the coming year.

The Coming Liberal Welfare State: Public Spending Cradle to Grave
Economists and pundits are beginning to sound alarms that the U.S. economy is perilously close to a “tipping point,” where so many voters will be on the public payroll it will be politically impossible to reign in entitlement programs.

Lobbyists Raise Stimulus Price Tag
WASHINGTON -- Lobbyists for industry and labor are gearing up to add costly proposals Tuesday to the Senate's nearly $890 billion economic stimulus plan.

North Korea to 'Test Missile Capable of Striking U. S.'
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea is preparing to test fire a long range missile capable of striking the United States, according to media reports in South Korea and Japan this morning.

Hamas leader thanks Iran for help in Gaza fight
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Hamas' top political leader thanked Iran Monday for its support during Israel's Gaza offensive, calling his movement's most powerful ally a "partner in victory.

Iran denies secret talks with U. S.
The Iranian government has rejected any suggestion by President Obama that U.S. relations with Iran could improve, unless Washington is willing to make major policy changes, including a reduced military presence in the Middle East and the end of support for Israel.

How world leaders view Iran's space ambitions
The apparently successful launch of an Iranian satellite looks very different from Washington than it does from Tehran. For the Iranian government, it is an important milestone along the road to reclaiming Persia's ancient claim to major power status, which it feels the jealous west is trying to deny it.

Students warned against criticizing university
Student-employees working to raise donations for Brandeis University have been threatened with probation for commenting on school plans to shut down its famous Rose Art Museum, although officials later said the warning was a "mistake.

Student illegal at UCLA wants your money
An admitted illegal alien who has been accepted to UCLA is said to be distraught by her inability to collect state and federal financial aid. The Los Angeles Times glamorized Karina De La Cruz' story in a lengthy article today.

Google and Nasa back new school for futurists
Google and Nasa are throwing their weight behind a new school for futurists in Silicon Valley to prepare scientists for an era when machines become cleverer than people.

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