Sunday, March 29, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

The Life and Death of a Civilization

Posted: 28 Mar 2009 07:30 PM PDT

The life and death of a civilization is a good deal like the life and death
of an individual organism.

Between birth and death, the lifecycle moves steadily toward
degeneration and death. the length of that lifecycle however is
determined by the behavior of the organism. The organism can
behave in ways that extends its lifespan or in ways that cut it short.
And so can a civilization.

There are of course catastrophic forms of death for both a living
organism and a civilization. But setting those aside, the lifecycles of
both move from a vigorous youth, toward an increasingly ambivalent
middle age, followed by degeneration and death. For a living organism,
degeneration follows as the body becomes increasingly incapable of
flushing the toxins that are byproducts of its normal functioning...
and from copying errors in its DNA.

A living system is one whose parts organically replace themselves
when they wear out. The human body replaces its cells over and over
again throughout a person's lifetime. Every seven years the human
body has replenished itself anew. We can think of this as akin to a
generation in a civilization. By that measurement, the United
States of America as an independent nation is in its late eighties.
Almost a century if you count colonial times. Most of Europe is a
good deal older. Israel is a confused 13 year old. Australia is a late
twenty something, looking toward its thirties.

But all of these countries are suffering from fairly similar maladies,
call it a virus, the black death, the Influenza pandemic that swept a
bloody scythe in the 1920's. And their prognosis' are looking fairly

The first problem is fairly obvious, flushing the toxins. Toxins build
up naturally in the human body. As the body grows older, it becomes
less capable of flushing those toxins out of its system. Crime is one
such obvious toxin. So is illegal immigration. Political corruption, just
to name a third. Each is a normal byproduct of a civilization's
functioning. In a health civilization, they can be controlled and
flushed out when they become dangerous. In a weakened
however, they poison and sicken the body politic, and can even
contribute to killing it.

Secondly there is the DNA copying problem. To reproduce its
sub-parts a living organism needs to make accurate copies of them.
In a civilization that means passing down core laws, beliefs and
practices from generation to generation. In a living organism,
multiple copies produce increasingly error prone copies, much like
a game of broken telephone does. The bad copies can then result in
mutated cells, cancers and failures. In a civilization, bad copies of
its values and principles can mean a generation raised on mutated
beliefs, that allows cancers to thrive within the body politic.

We might look at the United States Constitution as an example of
the nation's core DNA. The information that each generation needs
to successfully replicate the United States of America. From
generation to generation, what we've been doing is making copies of
the Constitution. You might protest that we have the original
copies on display in their specific wording. However that really
doesn't matter, because every generation has "interpreted" the
Constitution in ways relevant to its own agendas and understanding.
This has led to copying errors in our national DNA. Each succeeding
re-interpretation of the Constitution has been an increasingly
mutated one, resulting in an increasingly mutate understanding
of American law and government.

Of course no civilization, like no living organism, can exist forever.
But the lives of our civilizations are imperiled through a combination
of factors.

First of all, we have become increasingly incapable of flushing our toxins.
The resulting toxic buildup is doing severe damage to our basic systems,
and each toxin is not an isolated problem, but are intertwined. Immigration
continues to drive crime. Political corruption drives immigration. Islamic
terrorism depends on all three.
Secondly, copying errors have led to the loss of our ideals. We are living
in a system in which cancerous cells thrive, and healthy ones are attacked by
a dysfunctional immune system which has been hijacked to function in a
diseased organism. The loss of meaning has corrupted and inverted our
political system, making it cancerous. And our political immune systems,
the press, law enforcement and academia, are working to fight healthy cells,
while letting diseased cells through, and generating even more extreme
copying errors.

Third of all, we are under attack by a virus known as Islam. This has
occurred even while we are already succumbing to the virus of
socialism, one we have been fighting for well over a century, 28
years in human cellular generations. This virus has corrupted our
DNA quite badly, resulting in a dysfunctional immune system and
a body at war with itself.

If our civilizations were healthy, the Islamic virus would pose no
threat. But in our current weakened state, the effect is similar to that
of a man with a damaged immune system coming down with the flu.
What might be a mild problem to a healthy organism, is fatal to a
weakened organism.
This trinity of problems highlight what we are suffering now, as well
as the solution. To survive we must restore our DNA to a clean, or at
least a cleaner copy. We must rebuild our immune systems to begin
fighting the diseased cells and to repel the external viruses.

That means rebooting our national ideals, laws and government to a
clean state in order to compensate for the copying errors. With that as
the bellwether, we can then clearly divide cells into healthy and diseased
ones, and begin treating any part of the immune system that attacks
healthy cells, as rogue and cancerous... and destroy it.

No civilization lives forever, but what we are undergoing now is not
natural, instead a particular political species, one that has shown a great
ability to cultivate knowledge, be technologically and creatively productive,
is under attack from without and within. And should it perish, ultimately
the diseased cells will die with the healthy. For like the virus that kills
its host, only to die in turn, the destructive force means death even to
While the living organism represents the future of the world.

Friday Afternoon Roundup - Obama Sells Out Afghanistan to the Taliban

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 03:44 PM PDT

Barry Hussein has unveiled his "brand new plan" for winning the
war in Afghanistan, to wide praise from the very same media
corps that not so long ago was castigating the war at every
opportunity and repeating Noam Chomsky's talking points.

Key features of the bright shiny new plan. Karzai is gone. Obama
blasted the Afghan government and it's clear that a stable Afghani
government is no longer part of the package. Oddly enough the
liberal media is busy heaping praise on Obama for essentially
sacrificing the lives and rights of millions of women to the
and throwing out the hard work and sacrifices of tens
of thousands of American and international soldiers.

Make no mistake about it, for all the bravado, Obama's plan is
just a prelude to the helicopters over the embassy, and the
screaming refugees begging to be let in beyond the gates.

Obama has already made it part of his initiative to
out to the "moderate" Taliban
. Biden has announced that
only 5 percent of the Taliban are incorrigble. The other 95
percent we can work with.

In his brand new plan, Obama offered Pakistan, which funded
and set up
the Taliban, a velvet glove, and Karzai's government,
the iron fist. The message is fairly clear, Karzai is out, and the
Taliban are in. So long as they promise to go back to their
Clinton era arrangements on drugs and terrorism-- the same
arrangements they didn't keep last time around, Obama and his
corrupt band of criminals, will let them take over Afghanistan again.

It's bad a plan, but it's exactly what we can expect from the likes of
Sandy Berger and James L. Jones. And it shows that Chas Freeman's
contempt for human rights made him perfectly suited for the job,
rather than some sort of aberration.
For now the plans calls for lots of aid money and lots more diplobrats in
450 more of them, all to work with Afghanis, who no longer
have any reason to work with us. With Obama's new plan, Afghanistan is
now divided into a former US backed government we just sold out, whose
leaders will be either prepearing for a long solitary campaign as a renewed
Northern Alliance, and the Taliban, which will continue hitting US
troops while conducting backchannel negotiations with the
urging us to leave sooner.

This even as Obama is working on releasing the Gitmo terrorists into
the US, while giving them welfare.

All the ingredients are in place for a terrorist attack far worse than
9/11. Obama's plan shamelessly praised by the media will deliver some
kills, followed by a withdrawal. Obama will hang his own Mission
Accomplished banner, even as Taliban thugs are beating and killing
girls again.

Substitute Iran for the Taliban, and that is his plan for Iraq. Substitute
Hamas for both, and that's his plan for Israel.
Obama is bringing back the Clinton era politics of appeasement, this time
with an emphasis on pandering to Muslim terrorists. And it's gonna be
bad, folks. It's gonna be real bad.

Meanwhile the Democrat attack machine is targeting
Chief Justice Roberts, his willingness to listen to questions about
Obama's legitimacy to hold office can't be helping.

In the blog roundup,
Barcepundit has some interesting facts
on the Cost of Green, and what Obama's green centered plans will
really do for job creation.

Subsidizing renewable energy in the U.S. may destroy two jobs for
every one created if Spain’s experience with windmills and solar
farms is any guide.

For every new position that depends on energy price supports, at
least 2.2 jobs in other industries will disappear, according to a study
from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid.

And the numbers in the US will probably be worse.

Ted Belman at Israpundit has another look at how terrorists control
the ground level UNRWA functioning, at the UNRWA union elections.
Significantly, Islamist candidates won all 11 seats reserved for teachers.

In the elections for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency
(UNRWA) union in Gaza, held Wednesday, the Hamas-controlled
Islamist bloc won 17 out of 27 seats.

PLO-affiliated factions won nine seats, with the last seat going to an
independent candidate.
Go read more for a detailed commentary and context, but the bottom
line is the UNRWA is really a Hamas\Fatah operation on the ground,
with a handful of foreigners pretending they're in charge for the

Seeing Right
has Rush Limbaugh's take on 1984 and Obama.

…Big Brother was everywhere, no matter where you went.
Big Brother was on television, on the radio. It didn’t matter where
you went. I have a simple question. When do all television sets
just eventually default to the Obama channel? There has to be
an Obama channel now, and at some point the government,
the FCC, is gonna encode broadcast signals so that your TV
or your receiver defaults to the Obama channel all the time. It’s
the same thing with your computer defaulting to the Obama page.

Except of course now every channel is the Obama channel, and
every magazine is the Obama magazine. Thus insuring that you
can't turn it off, because wherever you go, the propaganda is
already there.

Seeing Right also has some additional commentary on yesterday's
post from here.

Ms Placed Democrat
takes a look at Russia's military buildup
Apparently Hillary’s “overcharge button” didn’t really signal any
change between Bambi’s administration and Russia, nor impress
Russia much. With Bambi’s talk becoming increasingly weaker
with phrases like “man made disasters” instead of terrorist
attacks, removing “war on terror” from the vernacular and
ridding the current dictionary of the term “enemy combatant”,
Russia is showing us their might.

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