Tuesday, March 31, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

Islam at the UN: Leveraging International Law to Promote Islamic

Posted: 30 Mar 2009 06:49 PM PDT

In its early years the United Nations reflected the essential mindset and
agenda of its Western creators, one that included support for Taiwan over
Communist China, and South Korea over the DPK. It didn't take long
however before the USSR swung the UN their way using Third World
nations as the leverage. While the Third World could not control the
Security Council, which mostly remained in the hands of key First World
nations, the UN's agenda became a boondoggle of corruption, left wing
politics and winks and nods to totalitarian regimes.

The USSR is gone now, but Islam as the new Communism is leveraging its
power through the UN. While for many years the OIC, the Organization
of the Islamic Conference, member states mainly focused on rejecting any
human rights action against Muslim states, while pushing resolution
after resolution condemning Israel. But increasingly the Muslim member
states of the UN have begun feeling their oats, and the OIC co-founded by
the two most radical Islamofascist Sunni states in the world, Saudi Arabia
and Pakistan, are demonstrating that they have bigger plans.

Directly implementing Sharia law in Western nations was once a pipe dream.
While it has become more realistic in certain European nations, leveraging a
Sharia agenda in the US as well as many other nations is a far trickier
matter. Muslims remain a tiny minority in the United States and even
aggressive Muslim immigration from Africa and the Middle East would
be unable to outpace the larger tide of Hispanic and Asian immigrants
coming to America. Meanwhile many European nations are having second
thoughts about sacrificing their identity as secular republics on the human
rights of their citizens, on the altar of appeasing Islam.

However directly implementing Sharia law is not the only option. The
same Western liberals in Europe and America whose political ancestors
worked to create the UN, have nurtured the dream of world government
through the UN. In a template borrowed from H.G Wells' "Open
Conspiracy", world government would evolve as a growing legal and
political infrastructure before everyone's eyes. The irony however
is that it may well evolve in a direction that Wells would have never
accepted or expected. Toward Mecca.

The UN Human Rights Council, long ago hijacked and held hostage to a
Muslim agenda, ignoring massacres and outright genocide perpetrated
by Muslim member states such as Sudan, at the end of March
passed a resolution calling on nations to control criticism of Islam. This
continues the OIC agenda of equating Islamic law with human
rights-- even when that law actually undermines human rights.

Like a virus that disguises itself by taking on the identity of the host's own
Islamofascism has learned to piggyback Islamic ideas on Western
concepts. This 1984ish transposition of freedom and slavery, thus treats
suppression of freedom as a "human right". It also neatly jibes with the
willingness of Western liberals to treat some speech as illegal, marking it
as incitement to violence. This paves the way for the very same people
who tried to kill Salman Rushdie to redefine him as an "extremist",
while they are his victims. By the UN's own rules.

And naturally the OIC, whose founding members are accountable for
75 percent of the world's terrorism, and whose parliamentary host
nation Iran, is accountable for another 20 percent,
have their own definition of "Terrorism". Islamophobia, they
declared, is the worst form of terrorism.
Naturally. Peace is war. War is peace. Criticizing the human rights
abusers, is a violation of human rights. Criticizing the terrorists, is
the worst form of terrorism.

This sort of Orwellian perversity is almost absurd, except for the
fact that it undeniably works. It has worked against Israel, transforming
every act of self-defense against the terrorism they funded into a war
crime. It is at work on the West now, eroding and rewriting the definition
of human rights in a hooked Arabic script.

The OIC forms nearly a quarter of the UN's member states. And as
Muslim nations fuel terrorist attacks and campaigns against non-Muslim
states in the Middle East, Africa and Asia with the intent of forcibly making
them Islamic-- that number will only keep rising. The Kosovar Jihad alone
is set to bear fruit with yet one more addition to OIC gang. Nigeria, Kenya,
Palestine, the Philippines, Thailand and many other states are on the
chopping block as well. And where simple force will not yet work,
UN diktat can and will.

That is because through the UN, Muslim states can do what they
otherwise could not.

Bring Islamic law into the hearth and homes, the courts and
legislatures of civilized nations. They will come wrapped in more
pleasing forms, written in language that will emphasize such
buzzwords as "human rights", "harmony", "multiculturalism"
and "co-existance". And they will mean them in the same way that
in Oceania, peace really meant peace, rather than war.

Using the UN to change American and European laws will be a case
of the tail wagging the dog. But as the USSR demonstrated, the fallacy
of the UN is that it a democratic representation of undemocratic and
outright antidemocratic states. The OIC does not have right or law on
its side, but it does have numbers. And the dreaming socialists who
thought once that the UN would bring about a united world
government may be right, but it will not be one of men in business
suits playing with a global version of the EU. The numbers game alone
says otherwise. One religion has a sizable unified majority in the UN and
is driven to force that religion on all the rest of us. And so long as we bow
to the UN, we may one day find ourselves bowing to Mecca instead.

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