Saturday, April 18, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

Islam, the West and the Blinded Giant

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 04:05 PM PDT

The current struggle between Western nations and Islam is a primarily one
sided struggle reminiscent of the usual historical pattern of friction between
a declining civilization and the barbarians at the gates.

The West is heir to great technological, industrial and military achievements,
which it has built on. It also heir to great political, intellectual and cultural
achievements, which it has thoroughly degraded and warped. The result
resembles a bodybuilder who builds up a powerful physique only to put it
all at the service of an insecure and undeveloped mind. The West achieved
its practical accomplishment through its intellectual accomplishments. With the
intellectual accomplishments decaying badly, the practical ones will follow too.
For now there is simply a lack of guidance. The infrastructure and technology
exists to do great things, but not the will. The United States which went from nearly unarmed to unchallenged superpower in a handful of years during WW2, could end its dependence on foreign oil, secure its borders, update its infrastructure, and for that matter destroy any combination of enemies, land on the moon again and meet any challenge. But as it stands, the United States can hardly build an airport without spending a decade negotiating with unions, environmentalists, random activists, and coping with endless graft and government regulations. Like Samson Blinded, the
United States is tied down by chains and its eyes have been put out. The giant
staggers and has become a laughingstock for its enemies.

And where the United States is, most of the rest of the West already was. Where
Europe is today, is where the United States will soon be. Physical decay follows
moral decay. The giant in chains soon becomes the midget in chains. Act timid
and afraid long enough, and you can easily go from a giant to a midget.
That is the state of civilization, a staggering blind giant, bedeviled by his own
demons, his legs hacked at by swarming masses of savages, afraid and guilt-ridden
of his own strength until he has convinced himself that he is weak and helpless.

But if the West is a success at everything but faith in itself, the Islamic world is
a failure at everything but believing in itself. Where the West has an Inferiority Complex, Islam has a Superiority Complex. Both are deluded, but where the
delusions of Western Civilization are destroying it, the delusions of Islam are
giving it the power to conquer the West. Thus it is better to be a dwarf who
believes he can kill a giant, then to be a giant who believes he cannot kill a
dwarf. Given time both will be proven right, and the dwarf will be the
one left standing.

Leveraging its sole two assets, oil and the malaise of the West, Islam has made a
great deal of progress across not only the Middle East, Asia and Africa-- but in
Europe, Australia and America as well.
But the true asset of the Islamic world is human.

The low economic level of the average citizen of the Muslim world, combined with
the low status of women, has boosted the birth rate. And the upper classes,
particularly in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Emirates, have funneled the potential
social crisis of a large birth rate into Islamic fanaticism and terrorism.

The Islamic World is not unique in reacting to Western superiority with violence
and hate.

It has however managed to consolidate that violence and hate into a global
movement, a culture of inferiority giving way to massacres, atrocities and
conquest on a large scale.

That is the Jihad being conducted against the Dar Al Harb, the non-Muslim
nations of the world around the globe. It is a relentless campaign backed by
propaganda and the fanatic faith of people who have no sense of cultural or
national worth outside of Islam.

The excess birth rate has served both to lead the conquest of non-Muslim
countries using emigration abroad, and to create a disposable male population
available for all sorts of violence and mischief locally. By contrast the falling
Western birth rate, in line with falling morale and self-worth, opens up
"free space" in the tax rolls and employment rates that can be filled by
Muslims. Conquest is rarely quite so easy except in the dying days of

Westerners question whether they should reproduce, drive a car or drink from
a disposable cup. Muslims have no such questions. While the West plays Hamlet,
Islam plays Richard the III. While the West asks, "To be or not to be", Islam proclaims, "And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover, To entertain these
fair well-spoken days, I am determined to prove a villain. And hate the idle
pleasures of these days."

The Mullahs and Imams scowling and railing against the pleasures of the West
represent one side of the coin. A West that has lost itself in a foul mixture of
decadence and guilt, hedonism and self-despite, is the other side. Like the
hunchback usurper king, the Islamic world both hates and envies the West
for its pleasures, and is keen to see how to use them as weaknesses. And the
West, like the Danish prince, who sees murder around him, but remains too
dissolute and fixed to a stolid code, until the end to stand and fight--
only to have the battle end in mass tragedy, dithers and delays the
inevitable confrontation.

The ending is tragic either way. Islam's victory will only usher in a dark age
and the technologies and medicines of the West that made life so much the
better will soon pass away. And few but the most fanatical clerics will relish
the world that will be made. Meanwhile if the West delays too long, it will have
the choice between willingly donning its own chains, or engaging in a final
confrontation that will leave no survivors standing.

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