Friday, April 24, 2009

Statistical Islam

The most unique aspect of Islamic doctrine is dualism. The Koran, Sira (Mohammed's
biography) and Hadith (his traditions) hold contradictory positions on many
points of doctrine that confuse kafirs. Much ink is wasted on questioning which
side of the contradiction is right and which is wrong. However, Islamic dualism
allows both sides of a contradiction to be true at the same time. The only way
to determine truth in any multi-state system is to use statistics. Here in a Frontpage
Magazine interview
, a colleague of mine, Moorthy Muthuswamy, shows how simple
statistical reasoning allows us to see the total truth of Islam.

The Statistical Analysis of Islamic Doctrines

By Jamie Glazov 4/22/2009

Frontpage Interview's guest today is Moorthy Muthuswamy, an expert on terrorism
in India. He grew up in India, where he had firsthand experience with political
Islam and jihad. He moved to America in 1984 to pursue graduate studies. In
1992, he received a doctorate in nuclear physics from Stony Brook University,
New York. Since 1999 he has extensively published ideas on neutralizing political
Islam's terror war as it is imposed on unbelievers. His new book is Defeating
Political Islam: The New Cold War

FP: Moorthy Muthuswamy, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Muthuswamy: Thank you for the opportunity, Jamie.

FP: We're here today to talk about statistical Islam.

First, introduce for us the context of statistics in a scientific analysis.

Muthuswamy: Statistics is a tool of science. In doing a scientific analysis
of a large pool of data, statistical analysis is by and far the most effective
way of interpreting or extracting useful information. Especially in the social
context, data may often represent views or outlook in varying or even in opposing
directions. The statistical synthesis consists of representation of data in
certain percentages that clearly bring out the overall thrust of what should
otherwise be a confusing set of information.

Statistics is especially powerful in exposing the intent of an entity that may
cleverly camouflage itself. For instance, a mafia don's ten percent of the activities
may be geared toward charity, but an overwhelming seventy percent may involve
illegal or criminal activities geared toward enriching himself and his cronies.
The percentages reveal the don as a thug who invokes charity in order to camouflage
his violent lawbreaking track record.

FP: Ok, so why statistical Islam?

Muthuswamy: Islam is a social phenomenon - and a complex one at that.

Let us start with Islamic scriptures. Portions of Islamic scriptures speak ill
of unbelievers or their violent conquest, but also show benevolence toward humanity.
There are Muslims who are violent terrorists and there are those who are genuine
moderates. It must be clear that we have to invoke statistical tools to understand
the nature and thrust of Islam and Muslims. Some very exciting new research
has been conducted within the past few years on topics ranging from the Islamic
doctrines to Muslim outlook.

I would like to address the often-overlooked but the central question in the
war on terror: is the Muslim outlook vis-à-vis terror sponsorship driven
by Islamic doctrines?

FP: Summarize for us statistical analysis of Islamic doctrines.

Muthuswamy: More than most religions or ancient ideologies, Islam's foundational
texts may be well-placed for a statistical analysis. These texts form Islam's
trilogy - the Koran, the Hadiths and the Sira. The Koran plays a unique and
commanding role in the trilogy as it is seen to represent "revelations"
from God, given through its messenger prophet Muhammed. The Hadiths represent
sayings of Muhammed and the Sira is a biography of him. By most accounts, Muslims
attach great deal of importance to the trilogy in guiding their life. Importantly,
these texts, in particular the Koran, appear to have remained in just one form
over a thousand years. Hence, these texts can be seen as a reliable and critical
"data" upon which a useful statistical analysis can be carried out.

Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam has pioneered the
statistical analysis of Islamic doctrines and has come up with some of the most
incisive and groundbreaking results. Extensive discussion of his work is given
in my book. But let me refer to a synthesis that stands out, and conclusively
defines what we are up against: 61 percent of the Koran talks ills of unbelievers
or calls for their violent conquest and subjugation, but only 2.6 percent of
it talks about the overall good of humanity.

The above statistical analysis forms the basis not just for contesting but even
for comprehensively discrediting the often quoted description of Islam as a
"religion of peace." In fact, an appropriate and statistically acceptable
characterization is that Islamic doctrines overwhelmingly preach dislike, hatred
and conquest of unbelievers and that this material constitutes the majority
of the content in the Koran. Using this statistical basis, one may also interpret
that the token "goodness" toward unbelievers is present in the Koran
in order to camouflage the true intent of subjugating and conquering them. When
this anti-unbeliever-rich Islamic doctrine is preached through mainstream mosques,
one could justifiably claim that neither the mosques nor the people who deliver
the sermons there nor those who listen to them are likely to develop a moderate
outlook toward unbelievers.

FP: So expand on your observations on the Muslim outlook as derived from statistics.

Muthuswamy: It is one thing to have a theology with certain attributes, but
the question is how well it is influencing its adherents and in what way.

During the past sixty years from every Muslim majority region of South Asia
- without exception - upon gaining power Muslims have set about marginalizing
and worse - expelled most non-Muslims to the neighboring non-Muslim majority
areas. This occurred despite the people sharing everything - including ethnicity,
culture, language, but excluding religion. Most of these expulsions occurred
before 1975, when money from Saudi Arabia was starting to flow into the region
to immerse the population with even more Islam. This region of Asia is home
to about to a third of the worldwide population of 1.3 billion Muslims. This
is significant.

Any non-Muslim majority region of the world with a higher local Muslim population
growth rate has to worry about its very existence in the coming years.

There is also a strong correlation between the increased funding for the propagation
of Islam and the worsening of Muslims' uneasy relations with unbelievers - in
the form of insurgencies, terrorism and riots that extend across the world.
This is seen in India, the Philippines, Thailand, America, Russia, Europe, to
name a few.

There is one and only common denominator in all of this: Islam. The statistics
of hatred and conquest present in the Islamic doctrines must be the source of
the conflicts.

We now reach important conclusion: increased exposure to Islamic doctrine is
seen to propel Muslim populations to embrace jihad and sharia (a medieval repressive
Islamic "law") fervently.

FP: How do we let data drive policy in the ongoing war on terror?

Muthuswamy: The above scientific analysis points to a definite connection between
Islamic doctrine and Muslim propensity for violence directed at unbelievers.
Statistical Islam helps us, probably for the first time, comprehensively contest
misinformed notions upon which flawed Western policies vis-à-vis Islam/Muslims
have been based. Without statistics we didn't have a case, only opinions. Policymakers
and the pundits could ignore opinions, but would be hard-pressed to discount
scientific assertions based upon statistics.

Before proceeding further, let me take care to note that misinformed notions
of Islam are prevalent among both Republicans and Democrats and were also true
of former President George W. Bush.

I am now going to single out President Obama as he is the one providing overall
leadership to waging the war on terror:

Data analysis strongly discounts President Obama's assertion given in the first
interview of his presidency to the Saudi Arabian TV network, Al-Hurra: "[w]e
cannot paint with a broad brush a faith [Islam] as a consequence of the violence
that is done in that faith's name."

The analysis - subject to data and statistics - suggests that Muslim populations
strongly driven by Islamic doctrines find "mutual interest and mutual respect"
vis-à-vis Western civilization rather elusive. In this context, President
Barak Obama's declaration in his inauguration is really a ticket to nowhere
- "[t]o the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest
and mutual respect."

But we ought to read back to Mr. Obama the assertion he has made that data should
drive policy - and take him and his administration to task.

FP: Moorthy Muthuswamy, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.

Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with
a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of
Canadian Policy Toward Khrushchev's Soviet Union and is the co-editor (with
David Horowitz) of The Hate America Left. He edited and wrote the introduction
to David Horowitz's Left Illusions. His new book is United in Hate: The Left's
Romance with Tyranny and Terror. To see his previous symposiums, interviews
and articles Click Here. Email him at

Bill Warner


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