Thursday, June 18, 2009

FSM Security Update: 6-18-09 *Exclusive: ABC News Guzzles White House Kool-Aid – Film At 11*

June 18 th
Jewish organizations ‘Very Concerned' About Obama. Bill Clinton jumps on bandwagon claiming "America no longer a Judeo-Christian nation." Holzer: Sotomayer "only one part of BHO's scheme." Sean Hannity: Obama plays the ‘blame game.'


Exclusive: ABC News Guzzles White House Kool-Aid - Film At 11

Pam Meister

Is the age of a free press in America over?

Exclusive: What About the ‘Jihadi' Nuclear Scientist?

M. Zuhdi Jasser

The fervor of anti-American sentiment from Islamist enemies of America is no more obvious than in the comments of A. Q. Khan. So why are we no longer paying attention to him?

ABC News a/k/a OBC News

Edward Cline

Not even FDR was brazen enough to co-opt a broadcaster to shill for the New Deal.

Iran in Crisis: An Ayatollah Undone

Amir Taheri

Shouts of "Death to the dictator" ringing through the streets of Tehran may signal the end of Ayatollah Khomeini's decades-long totalitarian grip on the Iranian people.

George W. Bush takes swipes at Obama policies - Defends interrogations
Video: Steamrolled: Dems Draw Ire of Republicans After Calling Surprise Vote on Spending Bill
Video: ‘We Have an Open Seat for Him': ‘Fox & Friends' Crew Responds to Obama Slam
Video: Kathleen Sebelius: I'm All For A Single-Payer System...Eventually
Video: Glenn Beck Interview with Inspector General Walpin: Illegally Fired by Obama Administration
Video: Boxer Asks General To Call Her "Senator" And Not "Ma'am"
Under the Radar - Democrats Inexplicably Block Missile Defense
Video: Gripping 4 min. 26 sec. presentation about Iran uprising
Ted Kennedy Wants To Be Your Doctor

The Middle Eastern Cold War

Daniel Pipes

A major confrontation that has been building throughout the Middle East for decades is now escalating. Could the rigged Iranian election light the fuse to a regional explosion?

Exclusive: Should ‘Help Thy Neighbor' Mean Indiscriminately Bail Him Out?

Tom McLaughlin

How did we go from the land of opportunity to the land of entitlement?

Exclusive: Sotomayor: Exposed on Tape; Rulings Come to Light

Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

In the light of her dubious decisions from the bench, why was Ms. Sotomayer chosen as Mr. Obama's first Supreme Court Justice?

U.S. Rep Takes On CAIR and the Tie Between U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas

Douglas Farah

"Given CAIR's ... associations with known terrorist entities and individuals, and its tactics ... their cries of victimization and accusations of religious bigotry appear disingenuous."

From Bunker Hill to the Marianas Turkey Shoot

Military History

Military Milestones from Bunker Hill to the Marianas Turkey Shoot.

Caption Contest June 18 - 23

Will your caption come in at number one?

Today's Hot Topics: 6-19

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