Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Atlas reports the carnage in Iran,,


11:52: LIVE FEED HERE: Iranians are reporting massacres, people being thrown off bridges. In one place they say there are 150 dead ................

Tweet: they pull away the dead into trucks - like factory - no human can do this - we beg Allah for save us

Nothing on FOX news. WTF is wrong with everyone?

11:22 am: Different tweets all describing unspeakable horror: in Baharestan we saw militia with axe chopping ppl like meat - blood everywhere - like butcher

HOPE! CHANGE! What a stunning indictment of the Obama presidency. He will never outrun this. It's a slaughterhouse. I fear we will lose our best source of information --
rumour they are tracking high use of phone lines to find internet users - must move from here now phone line was cut and we lost internet -getting more difficult to log into net

Iranian Snipers take out UNARMED PROTESTORS!!



The death worshipping '12vers,, care not how many they kill,, it's all for the mahdi,
these people doing this, are demented,, they believe a 12 year old kid is living in
a well, for 1,100 YEARS!!!! Anyone who would believe this,, is INSANE!!!

There is absolutely no reasoning with the 12'vers,, they believe their "god",
want's islam to RULE the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!

They believe this child,, the "so-called 12th Imam", will come out of occultation,
(livin' in the well for 1,100 years, hidden)

WHEN,, millions of non-believers (that is us,, the Kuffars, the Infidels),, are
killed in a catastrophy.

what will it take to wake up the sheeple Infidels???

The young people of Iran,, do not believe this crap either
and I bet they are FREAKING OUT, that their insane
fearless leaders are building NUKES to destroy 4/5's
of the world's people.

Funny us WICCANS,, warned as many as we could in
the WEST,, 30 years ago,, that this was going to happen.

No one listened to us.

Now,, us Gardnerian Tradition Wiccans,, are seeing all
we predicted coming true,, and it's a FRACKING NIGHTMARE!!!

pissed off witch

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