Thursday, July 23, 2009

FSM Security Update: 7-23-09 *Look Here to See What’s in the Health Care Bill: CHILLING!*


Socialized Healthcare: Who Suffers?

Who do you think will be affected the most when health care is rationed under socialized healthcare?

July 23rd
"The Little Scandal That Could!" Obama's growing credibility gap. Is he fabricating the numbers? His ME policy sounds good, but is doomed to fail. Selwyn Duke: Can Obama spell F-A-I-L-U-R-E? Is BHO America's Ahmadinejad? American Thinker: Enough is enough!


Look Here to See What's in the Health Care Bill: CHILLING!

Larry Schweikart

The proposed "Health" "Care" Plan is a calamitous danger to your family's health, a menace to civil society and worse than you can ever possibly imagine. It is time for all of us to get very, very mad.

Exclusive: Is Socialized Healthcare The Cure for What Ails America?

The Editors

Only to those mired in the fantasyland of Washington D.C. could something like this even begin to make sense.

Library Association Buckles Under Pressure by CAIR; Censors Critic of Islamism

Steve Emerson

What's the point of having principles if they are so easily tossed aside in the name of political correctness?

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Bill O'Reilly, Dick Morris on Obama's Health Care Press Conference
Video: DeMint Hits Nerve with "Waterloo"
Video: Dem Senator's Town Hall Meeting On Health Care Gets Angry
Video: Cavuto: "You're going to destroy my presidency:" Barack Obama on His Health Care Proposal
Video: GOP Leader Mocks White House Claim That They ‘Rescued the Economy'
Dude, Where's My Global Warming?
Personal Smears Against Rush
The natives are getting restless..........VERY restless!
Washington drops hammer on state gun plan. Is this constitutional?

Anguish Across the Globe as Obama Rolls Back American Influence

Ben Shapiro

Oppression is on the march across the world. If recent events are any indication, President Obama won't be doing much about it.

The Original Tea Party and Ours: Where the Parallels Stop

Edward Cline

Too many Americans today have forgotten that no government had a right to dispose of or expropriate one's property, and, by implication, one's life.

Exclusive: Glad to be Back - Canada's Not Exactly ‘All That'

Tom McLaughlin

Maybe the Canadian guards noticed the small, circular sticker on the back window of my truck cap saying "I'm a bitter gun owner and I vote." My wife believes that's why they searched me.

Ahmadinejad Hoping for a Lifeline from Obama

Amir Taheri

Obama could give Ahmadinejad a respite from his declining support by welcoming him as a legitimate negotiating partner at the September UN meeting. Would that be a good idea?

From Farragut's Raiders to the First Man on the Moon

Military History

Military Milestones from Farragut's Raiders to the First Man on the Moon.

Fox News Lies About Cronkite

Cliff Kincaid

It seems that not even "conservative" Fox News is willing to set the record straight on Walter Cronkite.

***NEW***Caption Contest July 23 - 28

Will your caption come in at number one?

Today's Hot Topics: 7-23

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Bin Laden Son Reported Killed In Pakistan
  2. Obama Defends 'Rush' for Health Care Reform, Says 'Stars Are Aligned'
  3. Doctors Wage War Against Obama's Health Care Overhaul
  4. Pelosi Says She Has Votes to Pass House Health Plan
  5. ObamaCare in Trouble
  6. GovernmentCare's Assault on Seniors
  7. Iranian women take front and center
  8. Dodd Doesn't Know If ACORN Could Receive Money Earmarked in Health Care Bill
  9. Obama Needs a Move to the Middle
  10. Palin to feds: States' Constitutional rights reasserted in growing resistance to Washington
  11. Queen May Cancel Trip To Bermuda Because Of The "Unacceptable" Decision To Give Sanctuary To Former Inmates Of GITMO.
  12. Who backed the traitor: New York Al Qaeda recruit must have had help betraying America
  13. ACORN files lawsuit on voter registration
  14. Mr. Grassley's Choice
  15. REPORT: Feds have spent $79 billion on global warming policies,research...
  16. Conservative kiosk not allowed at mall (article and video)
  17. Bullying CBO
  18. F-22 Fight Not Over
  19. Veiled Threat - France against the burqa.
  20. California Progress
  21. More Media Follies
  22. Chicago's Islamic Supremacist Conference: A Conversation
  23. Love in the Time of Terror
  24. Terrorists Have Wives, Too
  25. The Secretary Of State Is Now Failing A Life-And-Death Test On Iran's Nuclear Ambitions


Socialized Healthcare: Who Suffers?

Who do you think will be affected the most when health care is rationed under socialized healthcare?

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